[System, since the Tomb of the Setting Sun was the eighth ancestral land of the Tushan clan in the past, where does it exist? 】

[Three hundred and thirty thousand miles west of Leize, on the other side of the River of Forgetfulness! 】

The River of Lethe?

Lin Wudao frowned when he heard this name.

He had seen an introduction to the River of Forgotten River in the "Qingshan Divine Code". It has been passed down from ancient times that the River of Forgotten River is the place where many creatures in Lei Ze belong after death.

Among them, there are many resentful spirits and great horrors!

It can be said.

The River of Forgetfulness is Lei Ze’s forbidden place!

"So, if you want to reach the Tomb of the Sunset, you must cross the River of Forgetfulness?"

Lin Wudao pondered secretly.

This time, it is not so easy to collect the corpse.

[The Tomb of the Sunset is now open? 】

【Yes! 】

[The Tomb of the Setting Sun was opened by the Tushan clan as early as 80,000 years ago. It was with the help of the powerful heritage of the eighth ancestral land that the Tushan clan was able to revitalize. 】

[After this, the Tomb of the Sunset was opened several times in succession, and the treasures in it were almost emptied. 】

[At the beginning, several wars broke out due to the struggle for control of the Tomb of the Sunset. There were corpses of many creatures in it, but most of them had been corroded by dark matter. 】

The system explained.

Dark Matter again?

Lin Wudao's expression became slightly condensed.

Dark matter seems to have eroded the entire Shanling Realm, and there are various signs that this is all done deliberately...


He didn't know what the purpose of the mastermind was.

As long as you don't blame him, everything has nothing to do with him!

Think of this.

Lin Wudao set his sights on the corpse map...

[System, unlock the corpses of Tu Shanjie and Feng Qingtian for me. 】


[Congratulations to the host, you spent 100 million luck points and successfully unlocked the corpse hiding place of Tu Shanjie and Feng Qingtian. For specific information, please check the corpse hiding place. 】

A familiar voice rang through my mind.


As a flash of blue light passed by, the burial locations of Tu Shanjie and Feng Qingtian were immediately clearly displayed on the corpse map.

As long as you arrive at the Tomb of the Sunset, you can find their burial place according to the instructions on the corpse map.

"Next, after finishing the matters at hand, we will go to the Tomb of the Sunset to collect the corpses..."

Lin Wudao was making plans in his mind.


He picked up that page of the Book of Living Beings again, this one also needed to be updated.

[System, how much luck is needed to listen to the needs and wishes of all beings in the mountain world? 】

[Lei Ze, 50 million! 】

[Eastern Great Region, one billion! 】

[Southern Region, one billion! 】

[The Western Region, one billion! 】

[Northern Territory, one billion! 】

[Central Great Region, three billion! 】

A series of prices were presented in the form of text.

After reading.

Lin Wudao sighed repeatedly.

Now the luck value he consumes is easily measured in hundreds of millions...

[Let’s unlock all the living beings in Leize area first. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have spent 50 million luck points and successfully unlocked Leize. You can use the Book of All Living Beings to listen to the needs and wishes of all living beings in the Leize area. 】

[Ding, do you want to spend a certain amount of luck to announce your identity as God’s messenger and your great achievements to all living beings in Lei Ze? Make your presence known to them? 】


Is there such a service?

Lin Wudao was slightly startled when he heard the prompt from the system.

This is so humane!

[How much luck do I need to declare my existence to all living beings in Lei Ze? 】

[Not much, thirty million! 】

[Well, let’s announce it~]

Although there are not many luck points left now, only more than 60 million, Lin Wudao feels that it is still necessary to advertise with 30 million luck points.

after all!

The creatures here don’t know much about Dongfang Bubai’s existence and deeds...

If you want to let them know yourself, you can only use the power of the system.


As Lin Wudao's voice fell, thirty million was instantly deducted from his luck value.


At the same time, a majestic and majestic voice suddenly sounded from the sky and spread throughout Lei Ze in an instant.

[I am the messenger of God, the East is undefeated! 】

[From now on, I will serve all living beings in Leize. If you have any needs or wishes, you can chant my true name. After paying a certain price, your wish will be realized. 】

【Whatever you ask for, you will definitely get it! 】

[The existence of this seat is guaranteed by the rules of heaven and earth in the Shanling Realm. I have helped many living beings survive crises and satisfy their inner needs and wishes. 】

[Strength is guaranteed and trustworthy...]

“The system is awesome!”

After hearing this, Lin Wudao couldn't help but praise him.

This wave of advertising is really high-end!


That majestic and majestic voice also carries a strange magic power. After people listen to it, they can't help but choose to believe it, and it is directly imprinted on the soul.

That would be tantamount to directly tampering with the memories of all sentient beings, making them unconditionally choose to believe in the existence of God's messenger Dongfang Bubai...

"These 30 million luck points are well spent!"

Through this operation of the system, Lin Wudao believed that someone would soon come to ask him for help...

"Messenger of God, Dongfang Invincible? When did such a figure appear in Lei Ze?"

"But if you ask for anything, you will definitely get it. What a big statement!"

"This person can actually let the rules of heaven and earth in the Shanling Realm guarantee him. He is definitely an indescribably great existence."

"I wonder how I can contact Dongfang Bubai?"

Within Lei Ze!

Many creatures were talking about it.

at this time!

They were all guessing who the sudden Dongfang Invincible was.

To this.

Lin Wudao in the temple had a calm and indifferent face. His eyes were quietly staring at the Book of Living Beings in front of him, waiting for someone to ask him for help.


After waiting for about half an hour, the originally silent Book of Living Beings suddenly burst into life with a bright divine light.


A demand message was slowly displayed...

[Feng Changqing, the tombkeeper of the Tianfeng tribe, asks you to help him solve the problem of being unable to practice, so that he can embark on the path of practice and reverse his miserable life and destiny! 】

Tianfeng tribe?


Seeing this message, Lin Wudao suddenly became energetic.

This is a fat sheep!

Since he is a tomb keeper, he must be with the tomb all year round. According to Lin Wudao's guess, Feng Changqing must be guarding the ancestral temple of the Tianfeng tribe.

In this way, wouldn't it be possible to obtain a large number of corpses?

Think of this!

Lin Wudao immediately accepted Feng Changqing's invitation...


As a divine light hit the void, in an instant, a light curtain appeared out of thin air.


A thin young man in ragged clothes caught Lin Wudao's eyes.

at this time!

Behind him, there is a mysterious river exuding strange black energy...

"The River of Lethe?"

The moment he saw the big river, Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

"Isn't this Feng Changqing the tombkeeper of the Tianfeng tribe? How come he appears on the edge of the River of Forgetfulness? It looks like he is carrying a corpse?"

"Is it possible that there are still corpses of strong men in the River of Forgetfulness?"

Lin Wudao's eyes flashed.

Through the light curtain in the void, he saw several wet corpses at Feng Changqing's feet, which were obviously just fished out of the river.

This scene made Lin Wudao feel strange thoughts...

Let’s talk about the realm!

Divine Mansion Realm, Divine Power Realm, Divine Vein Realm, Divine Platform Realm, Divine Wheel Realm, Divine Illumination Realm, Divine Power Realm, Divine Yuan Realm, Divine Mysterious Realm, Divine Ultimate Realm, Demigod, True God...

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