Now, what Lin Wudao lacks most is luck!

There are many places where he needs to use his luck points, but the biggest gold-swallowing behemoth at the moment is the Great Demon God Qingshan. Just to renew its status, he will need one billion luck points next month.

Not to mention, Qingshan Great Demon God’s various magical methods, magical arts, and fused divine power...

These all require a lot of luck!


The appearance of this sun essence has helped him solve his urgent need. At least next month, the throne of the Great Demon God of Qingshan will be secured.

Think of this!

The worries in Lin Wudao's heart were relieved a lot.

[System, renew me the title of Qingshan Great Demon God next month! 】


[Congratulations to the host, you have spent one billion luck points and successfully renewed the throne of Qingshan Great Demon God for one month. Please continue to work hard and create greater glory! 】

As the beep sounded, the billions of luck points that Lin Wudao had just obtained had disappeared before he could even warm himself up.

"This can't go on like this!"

"It's impossible to obtain a large amount of luck points just by relying on the sacrifices of the tribe's people. At least the current situation does not allow me to just sit back and enjoy the gains."

“If you want to reap the rewards, you must invest!”

"It seems it's time to pick up my old profession..."

Lin Wudao whispered to himself.

While talking.

With a thought in his mind, he took out the corpse map and the book of living beings that had not been used for a long time.

These two things are his weapons to strengthen himself!


Since it has not been used for a while, the information on the corpse map is still in its previous state.

[System, can the corpse map show the burial place of the powerful in the mountain world? 】

【Can! 】

[The host consumes a certain amount of luck to upgrade the corpse map, or temporarily add the area of ​​​​the mountain world on the original basis. 】

[Uh, how much luck is needed? 】

[Unlocking the corpse hiding place within Leize requires 10 million luck points; unlocking the corpse hiding place in the Eastern Region of the Mountain Realm requires 100 million luck points...]

The system quoted a series of prices.

Lin Wudao was stunned for a while!

This mountain realm is far more vast than he imagined.

at the moment.

The place he was in was only within the scope of Lei Ze. As for the Eastern Territory beyond Lei Ze, it was even more vast.


Since there is the Eastern Region, there must be other regions.

"As expected of the world, it is indeed extraordinary!"

Lin Wudao sighed secretly.


He spent 10 million luck points and unlocked the corpse hiding place throughout Leize.


I saw a burst of mysterious light suddenly blooming from the corpse map. After a while, the corpse map had undergone great changes.

Lin Wudao clearly saw that a new area was added to the original one...

Surprisingly, it’s Lei Ze!

Razor is huge.

The map that Lin Wudao revealed through the corpse map was as vast as the Jiuzhou territory outside.

at this time!

The corpse map after the upgrade has been marked with many corpse places.

[Character: Tu Shanjie]

[Identity: Ten thousand years ago, the leader of the Tushan clan]

[Cultivation: Divine Illumination Realm Great Perfection]

[Burial location: Tomb of the Sunset]

[Status: dead]

[Unlock: 50 million luck points! 】

[Character: Feng Qingtian]

[Identity: Ten thousand years ago, the leader of the Tianfeng tribe]

[Cultivation: Divine Illumination Realm Great Perfection]

[Burial location: Tomb of the Sunset]

[Status: dead]

[Unlock: 50 million luck points! 】

[Character: Canglong]

[Identity: The elder of the Canglong clan in the ancient times of Shanling Realm]

[Cultivation: Tenth Level True God]

[Burial location: Lingxu]

[Status: dead]

[Unlock: Five billion luck values! 】

A lot of information came into view.

Lin Wudao was dazzled by the sight!

"The Tushan Clan, the Tianfeng Tribe, and the Ancient Canglong, these are all truly powerful people, and their corpses have survived tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, without decaying. Either the places where they hide their corpses are special, or they are carrying heavy burdens. precious."

"Especially that ancient blue dragon, he is definitely a big fat sheep!"

"Just a section of its Azure Dragon Spine is worth ten million luck points after sacrifice. If its corpse is buried, the harvest will be huge."

"It's a pity that unlocking its corpse requires five billion luck points, which is beyond what I can currently bear..."

Lin Wudao sighed.

The corpse picture did not disappoint him!

All the information recorded above is of great value.


He currently lacks luck and dare not waste it casually...

[System, where is the Tomb of the Sunset? 】

[The former eighth ancestral land of the Tushan clan! 】


The eighth ancestral land of the Tushan clan?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao's heart moved.

[System, since the Tomb of the Sunset is the eighth ancestral land of the Tushan clan, does that mean that the Tushan clan has other ancestral lands besides the Tomb of the Sunset? 】

[And, the number is at least seven? 】

【Yes! 】

[Distant years ago, the Tushan clan had an extremely glorious period. At its peak, the Tushan clan was the master of the Shanling Realm. 】

[Inherit the position of the Lord of the Mountain Realm! 】

[During that glorious period, the Tushan clan built a total of ten ancestral sites throughout the Shanling Realm, which contained many sacred objects and treasures for future generations of the Tushan clan. 】

[At the same time, it is also to prevent the decline of the Tushan clan and to revitalize the race for future generations. 】

[In the Shanling Realm, the ten ancestral lands of the Tushan clan are one of the greatest treasures. For endless years, they have attracted countless creatures to go crazy for them. 】

[It’s just that that period of glorious history was forcibly erased for some reason. 】

[Even the Tushan clan 80,000 years ago was less than one billionth of what it was at its peak...]

The system responded.


Is the Tushan clan so powerful?

Lin Wudao was shocked!

This was the first time he heard such a shocking secret. What the system said completely overturned his understanding of the Tushan clan.

[System, is the Great Demon God Qingshan a god worshiped by the Tushan clan 80,000 years ago, or a god worshiped at its peak in the past? 】

[Of course it was 80,000 years ago! 】

[In the past, when the Tushan clan dominated the Shanling Realm, the god they worshiped was not the Great Demon of Qingshan, but the older and more mysterious Great Demon of Tushan. 】

[The origin of the name of the Tushan clan is from the great demon Tushan...]


Is there any relationship between the Tushan clan and the Tushan demon?

Lin Wudao's pupils shrank slightly when he suddenly heard this.

This is the shocking secret!

Others may not know Tushan Demon, but he has definitely learned it personally.


The supreme Taoist talisman on his body was obtained from the golden Taoist talisman of Tushan, which was strengthened ten times...

The golden Taoist talisman is the only identity token second only to the Supreme Taoist talisman in the city of the heavens, and it has an extremely noble identity and status.

It can be seen from this!

Tushan Demon's own strength is so terrifying.

That level is simply not what he can imagine now...

Thinking about this!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The system's words gave him a huge psychological impact.

[System, as far as I know, the Great Demon Tushan is a powerful existence in the city of the heavens, possessing golden talismans. Why is the Tushan clan that he believes in so weak? 】

Suppress the shock in your heart.

Lin Wudao asked the doubts hidden in his heart.

[Oh, does the host think that there is only one Tushan clan? 】

【What's the meaning? 】

[Tushan clan, as a devout believer in Tushan Demon and the most powerful combat force under his command, how could he be weak? 】

[The Tushan clan seen by the host cannot be counted as the Tushan clan at all. The Tushan clan in the Shanling Realm only has the weak blood power of the Tushan clan. 】

[His bloodline level is very low! 】

[They are not considered orthodox Tushan clan members at all...]


Is there more than one Tushan clan?

Lin Wudao was secretly shocked.

[System, you mean, there are other Tushan clans in other places outside the Shanling Realm? Moreover, the strength is more powerful? 】

【certainly! 】

[One day, if you meet the Tushan clan members of the orthodox bloodline, you will know how powerful they are. 】

[Can be called a clan, no one is simple...]

I see!

After listening to the system's explanation, Lin Wudao finally opened his eyes.

at the same time!

He also had a vague understanding of the Tushan clan.


He could feel that there must be a shocking secret about the Tushan clan hidden in this mountain world.

"Perhaps, by finding the ten ancestral lands, we can get a glimpse of the grand scene of the past?"

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

[System, can you directly unlock the Tushan clan’s ancestral land? 】

【Can! 】

[However, with the financial resources of the host, it is impossible to pay...]


As soon as these words came out, Lin Wudao burst into laughter.

He is indeed too poor!

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