On the banks of the Forgotten River!

Lin Wudao kept examining Feng Changqing through the light curtain in the void; at the same time, Feng Changqing also stared blankly into the void with incredible eyes.

at this time!

In front of him, a mysterious light curtain appeared out of thin air, and within the light curtain, there was a mysterious and mysterious shadow.

The whole body exudes the majestic aura of the highest, like the God of the Nine Heavens, which cannot be peeked or desecrated...

The mere shadow gave him boundless pressure!

Looking at the other party from a distance, Feng Changqing felt that his soul was trembling uncontrollably.


Finally, he couldn't help but kneel on the ground, trembling.

"Is this... the messenger from heaven?"

Feng Changqing looked panicked.

As a member of the Tianfeng Tribe, he has been ruthlessly abandoned by the world since his birth. Although he has unparalleled talent, he cannot gather the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Whenever spiritual energy enters his body, it will automatically drain away like running water...

Regarding Feng Changqing's situation, many powerful men from the Tianfeng tribe also checked, but they came to the conclusion that his body was like a leakage net.

It is impossible to retain spiritual power!


No matter how hard you practice, it won't help.

In this life, I can only be an ordinary mortal...

For more than twenty years, Feng Changqing has longed for, longed for, and even worked hard for the future, but he was disappointed in the end.

No matter how hard he tried, he didn't get any change!


Feng Changqing was already in despair. Unexpectedly, just now he heard the voice from the sky and learned about the existence of Dongfang Bubai.

So, with the mentality of giving it a try, Feng Changqing tried to pray to the sky.

Who knew, it actually succeeded!

He invited God's messenger Dongfang Bubai.

This shocked and surprised him...

"You...are you a messenger from God?"

a long time.

Feng Changqing summoned up the courage and asked carefully.


"Feng Changqing, you sincerely pray that you want me to help you solve your physical problems and embark on the path of cultivation?"

"Yes! Please help me from the Eastern Envoy!"

"As long as I can practice normally, I am willing to pay any price..."

Feng Changqing bowed sincerely.

See it!

Lin Wudao, who was in the temple, had a smile on his lips.

The fish is already hooked~

"Feng Changqing, I provide paid services. If you want to get my help, you must come up with something that makes me excited."

"for this I……"

Hear this.

Feng Changqing fell into silence.

He is just an ordinary mortal, how can he get a divine object or treasure?

"Envoy from the East, I... am willing to use my own lifespan to compensate, is that okay?"

"Your life is worthless!"


As soon as these words came out, Feng Changqing clenched his fists. The light of hope that had just risen in his heart was instantly extinguished at this moment.

He only has his life left now!

If his life was not worth anything, he would have nothing left to take out.

Think of this.

There was a hint of bitterness in Feng Changqing's eyes.


He no longer has any expectations~

Seeing his appearance, Lin Wudao smiled slightly.

"Feng Changqing, although your life is not valuable, and you cannot come up with the divine object or treasure that makes my heart beat, you have other things in your hand that can help me fulfill your wish."


Something else?

Feng Changqing looked around with a confused look on his face.

He had no idea what Lin Wudao was referring to...

"Envoy from the East, I wonder what you are talking about?"


"I like to collect the corpses of powerful people in the world. As long as you can bring out the corpses of three living beings above the Divine Wheel level, I will fulfill your wish and allow you to practice like a normal person."

Disembodied sounds came from the void.


You want a corpse?

Hearing this bizarre request, Feng Changqing couldn't help but froze on the spot.

"Emissary from the East, are you sure... only corpses will be enough?"


"As long as you offer the corpses of three creatures above the Divine Wheel level, I will let you get what you want!"


After confirming that he heard correctly, Feng Changqing suddenly felt an unprecedented surprise and excitement in his heart.

He has nothing but a lot of corpses!

Over the years, he has been guarding the banks of the Wangchuan River, collecting corpses washed out of the river. On the one hand, he wanted to find a glimmer of hope for cultivation from these dead people.

On the other hand, I also want to use this method to accumulate virtue and pray for myself...

Over more than ten years, he has collected the corpses of thousands of creatures.

Among them, there are those in the Divine Wheel Realm!


There are only two!

There is still one body short of the three Shenlun realm corpses requested by Lin Wudao.

Think of this.

Feng Changqing first looked at the River of Forgetfulness in front of him, but then shook his head.

Now, he is just a helpless mortal.

There is great terror hidden in the Forgotten River!

Even if there were countless corpses of strong men inside, it was impossible for him to salvage them...

"Envoy from the East, can this matter wait a few more days?"


"Whenever you collect the corpses of three powerful people above the Divine Wheel Realm, you can just chant my true name. As long as the conditions are met, I will realize your wish."

Say it.

The light curtain in the void suddenly shattered and turned into nothingness.

Feng Changqing was left alone, standing quietly by the Wangchuan River, looking at the strange undulating river surface, contemplating...

"There's only one body left, what should we do?"

"The River of Forgotten River is definitely not allowed to go down, and other than the River of Forgotten River, if you want to find the corpses of creatures above the Shenlun Realm, the only way is to find the ancestral temple of the tribe."

"Inside, the ancestors of the tribe are enshrined and buried, and some of them must have reached the level of the Divine Wheel."

"No! I can't do this!"

"In the ancestral temple, the ancestors of the tribe are buried. If I dug out their bones for my own selfish gain, it would be an extremely unscrupulous act."

"What's wrong with doing this like an animal?"

"But if we don't dig up the ancestral temple, how can we collect the corpses of three powerful people in the Divine Wheel Realm..."

Feng Changqing racked his brains but could not get a satisfactory answer.

"Maybe, this is life!"

After a long time.

He let out a long sigh.

Say it.

Just lift up the body at your feet and prepare to bury it.

call out!

However, just as he turned around, a sharp sound broke through the air suddenly, and finally turned into a simple spirit boat and landed in front of him.

On top of it, stood a majestic man holding a war spear!


Looking at the person coming, Feng Changqing was a little surprised.

This man is clearly his eldest brother.

Feng Yuan!

One of the most outstanding geniuses of the Tianfeng Tribe, he has now reached the middle stage of Shentai Realm. He is also the closest person who has protected him since childhood.

"Brother, aren't you leading the clan soldiers to patrol the border? Why did you come to my bank of Wangchuan River?"

Feng Changqing asked.


He saw a trace of sadness on Feng Yuan's face...

"Chang Qing, come back with me immediately. Something big has happened to the tribe."

"What happened?"

"Ancestor Qingyun failed to attack the realm and is now gone..."

Feng Yuan replied sadly.


Ancestor Qingyun is dead?


Upon hearing this, Feng Changqing's eyes suddenly widened with disbelief on his face.

Ancestor Qingyun, his name is Feng Qingyun!

He is one of the most powerful people in the Tianfeng tribe. His cultivation strength has reached the level of the Divine Wheel, and he has made countless meritorious deeds for the tribe.

Now, he failed to reach the realm and died. This is a huge blow to the entire Tianfeng tribe.

After losing a powerful person in the Divine Wheel Realm, their Tianfeng Tribe’s survival will become even more difficult in the future...

"Brother, this is too sudden. Ancestor Qingyun..."

"do not talk!"

"Hurry back with me and see our ancestor for the last time."


Feng Yuan did not allow Feng Changqing to refute, and directly rolled him onto the spirit boat with powerful force, and then carried him away from the bank of Wangchuan River at the fastest speed.

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