
After opening the dark treasure chest, Lin Wudao found that there were only two things inside.

A black cloak!

In addition, there is a broken prismatic crystal about the size of a fist...


God's Eyes swept over them, and information about them was immediately displayed.

Both of these things are not ordinary things!

Name: Ghost Cloak

Level: God level

Quality: inferior

Introduction: One of the dark suits. Put it on your body and you can walk in the endless darkness. It is invisible to mortals in the world and cannot be detected by creatures other than true gods or above.

Name: Dark Dao Fruit

Level: True God

Quality: inferior

Introduction: 1. The God of Darkness uses his own divine status and incense to go through endless years of practice to prove the fruit of the true God's divine way, which contains the divine power of the God of Darkness.

2. The god of incense can absorb the power of the god of darkness by swallowing the fruit of darkness!

3. The dark path and fruit are incomplete, with only a ‘divine power of prayer’ left in it.

Note: Non-incense gods cannot use Tao Fruit!

A lot of information came into view.

After reading this!

Lin Wudao's eyes bloomed with a hint of brilliance!

Whether it is the ghost cloak as one of the 'dark suits', or the dark path fruit that embodies the life achievements of the God of Darkness, they are both divine objects that can be encountered but not sought.

Especially, the Dark Dao Fruit!

For Lin Wudao, it was simply a great tonic.

His current identity as the Great Demon God of Qingshan happens to be a powerful god of incense. If he can swallow the Tao Fruit of the God of Darkness, he will then be able to take charge of the power of the God of Darkness.


It is the most important indicator to measure the power of an incense god!

Whether the incense deity is powerful or not depends on the strength and amount of divine power it holds.

The more divine authority a god has, the more powerful the divine authority is, and the stronger the god himself is...


When Lin Wudao killed the God of Darkness, he was still wondering why he didn't see the Dao Fruit of the God of Darkness.


It was actually hidden in the dark treasure chest!

[System, how to swallow this dark Dao Fruit? 】


[The host can use the magical power of the Great Demon God of Qingshan to refine and devour it. At that time, it can absorb the 'divine power of blessing' in the dark path fruit and turn it into its own divine power. 】

[You can also consume luck points and use the power of the system to forcibly transfer divine power to the host. 】

The system responded.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao's heart moved!

He knew that once the system said this, it meant that his luck value would be insufficient again...

[If I refine it myself, how long will it take? 】

[At least a hundred years! 】

So long?

Lin Wudao shook his head.

It is simply impossible for him to wait for a hundred years before he can absorb the divine power from the Dark Dao Fruit.

[How long will it take to use the power of the system? How much luck is needed? 】

he asked cautiously.

[With the help of the system, the transfer of divine power can be completed in an instant! 】

[What about luck value? 】

【One billion! 】


Hearing this number, Lin Wudao's face could not help but darken.

[Just to absorb a divine power from the Dark Dao Fruit, does it require so much luck? 】

【certainly! 】

[The so-called Tao Fruit represents the most fundamental power of a god. How can it be so easy to obtain? If you want to absorb the divine power contained in the Dao Fruit, you must assimilate the other party's divine power, and then slowly comprehend it and turn it into your own. 】

【Requires a lot of energy and time! 】

[In short, Dao Fruit is far more mysterious than you think, host, and it cannot be accomplished overnight...]

The system explained.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao nodded silently.

Only those who have experienced it will know how difficult it is to become an incense god. It not only requires a lot of time, but also requires opportunity and luck.

But the birth of an incense god is not an easy task.

Luck value: 190365000

Lin Wudao took a look at the luck value on his book. There was still about 190 million, which was still far away from one billion.

At least, in the short term, there is no hope of absorbing the divine power from the Dark Dao Fruit...

Think of this!

He couldn't help but sigh secretly!


There are more and more gold-swallowing beasts in his hands, and the luck points he earns are simply not enough.

In the blink of an eye, it's gone!

[By the way, system, since the God of Darkness has Dark Dao Fruit, logically speaking, the Great Demon God Qingshan should also have Dao Fruit. Why didn’t I see it? 】

[Ding, the Great Demon God Qingshan has Dao Fruit! 】

【Where? 】

[The statue at the end of the Forbidden Road is the Dao Fruit of the Great Demon God Qingshan, which contains the throne and all the divine power of the Great Demon God Qingshan. 】


The Dao Fruit of Qingshan Great Demon God is a statue?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao couldn't help but show surprise...


"It seems that if you want to absorb the divine power of the God of Darkness, you have to wait. I haven't refined the God-Destroying Sword yet, and now there is another Dark Dao Fruit."

"When will this luck value reach its peak..."

He sighed helplessly.

"Come here~"

After some contemplation, Lin Wudao called out to the outside of the temple.


There was a divine attendant who worshiped devoutly under the altar.

"Greetings to the great god!"

"Go and call Tu Shanruo and Wu Huan over..."


The godly servant bowed respectfully and left the temple as quickly as possible.

call out!

After a while.

As a bright stream of light passed through the air, Tu Shansuo and Wu Huan drove the spirit boat to the Qingshan Temple.

"Greetings to the great god!"

"Greetings to the great god!"

The two of them bowed devoutly.

"Get up~"

A majestic and majestic voice sounded faintly.

"Tu Shanjie, how is the formation of the Qingshan Divine Guard Army going?"

"Reporting back to the great god, in accordance with your oracle, one hundred Qingshan Divine Guards have been formed, and everyone's cultivation has reached the level of divine veins or above."

"Among them, thirty-six are in the late stage of the Divine Vein Realm, and 64 are in the middle stage of the Divine Vein Realm..."

Tu Shanjie told the truth.

After listening.

Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

At present, the strength of the Qingshan Tribe has indeed improved a lot. Compared with the Leishan Tribe and Lieyang Tribe, it is only short of the peak combat power.


This is not a problem for Lin Wudao at all!

After three days, as long as he sends down his divine grace, the strength and foundation of the Qingshan Tribe will skyrocket again.

When the time comes, neither the Leishan Tribe nor the Lieyang Tribe will be their rivals...

“Well done~”

"Tu Shantuo, in view of your performance, I have decided to reward you."

Say it.

A ray of divine light descended and turned into an ancient sword like the scorching sun and a palm-sized jade bottle, appearing in front of Tu Shannuo.

"This is the Sword of the Great Sun. It is a high-quality ancient spiritual weapon of the extreme path. It can use the power of the sun for your own use and turn it into a powerful attack."

"The other jade bottle contains a spiritual object bred by heaven and earth, called: Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Essence. After swallowing and refining it, the mortal body can be cast into a spiritual body."

"As the commander of the Qingshan Divine Guards, you represent the majesty and power of this god. After you go out, you cannot weaken the power of this god."

"Therefore, these are the rewards and blessings given to you by this god. I hope you can do your best and live up to my expectations..."

The majestic voice resounded through the temple!


Hear the words!

Tu Shanguo immediately knelt down on the ground, with infinite surprise and excitement in his eyes, and knelt down heavily.

"Thank you, Great God, for your mercy. My subordinates will definitely live up to His expectations!"

He bowed devoutly.


"Anyone who believes in this god devoutly will not be treated badly by this god."

"Three days later, this god will come to the world again to conduct a deeper divine baptism for the people of the Qingshan tribe, helping to improve their qualifications and cultivation."

"Refining and absorbing this bottle of ten thousand-year spiritual essence as soon as possible, in three days, you will definitely be able to soar into the sky and reach the realm of the divine platform..."


Infinite enthusiasm and expectation rose in Tu Shannuo's eyes.

He respected the great God Qingshan to the extreme!

Watch this scene.

Wu Huan on the side was extremely envious!


As the commander-in-chief of the Qingshan Divine Guards, Tu Shanzuo's status and power in the Qingshan tribe was second only to the Qingshan Great God and the high priest Tu Shan Cangyue.

These are what he yearns for!


Wu Huan also knew that he could not be compared with Tu Shan Cang Yue and Tu Shan Tuo. In his heart, being able to join the Qingshan Divine Guards was already a great blessing.

"Wu Huan~"

Just when he was thinking wildly, suddenly, a majestic voice sounded in his ears.

Hear the words!

Wu Huan suddenly became excited!

"Great God~"

He quickly fell to the ground and prepared to listen to the oracle.

at the same time!

My heart is full of expectations!

"Wu Huan, you are lucky enough to have obtained the Eye of the Soul. This talent is unparalleled. If you can make good use of it, your future will be limitless."

"In view of your ability and loyalty, I have decided to appoint you as the Dark Night Messenger of Qingshan Temple. You will walk in the darkness for me and listen to all things in the world and what all sentient beings think."

"From now on, you will be the eyes and ears of this god in the world..."


Lin Wudao waved his hand and handed over the ghost cloak he had just obtained.

"After wearing this ghost cloak, you can walk in the darkness of the world without any disadvantage. No creature below the True God will be able to discern your existence."

"I hope you can live up to the expectations of this god in the future..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

"Thank you to the great god for showing mercy. Wu Huan will definitely try his best to serve the great god forever!"

Wu Huan kowtowed heavily.

at this time!

Unprecedented excitement also appeared in his eyes!

Nightbringer of the Temple.

Although his identity and status are not as high as those of the high priest and chief commander, he is still above the many people of the Qingshan tribe.

at the same time!

It also means that he has been recognized by the great god Qingshan!

from now on.

You will definitely bear the heavy responsibility!

Thinking of this, Wu Huan suddenly felt his heart surge, and the blood all over his body was boiling...

Like Tu Shantuo, he also worshiped the great god Qingshan to the extreme.

His eyes were full of infinite fanaticism!

Lin Wudao saw their reactions.

To this!

He was very satisfied!

"Okay, if there is nothing else, please leave."

"This god has asked the high priest to issue an oracle, and the baptism ceremony of the god will be held in three days..."

Say it.

Lin Wudao restrained all his divine power.

In an instant!

Qingshan Temple has returned to its former peace...

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