Qingshan Temple!

Under the altar, Tushan Cangyue was holding the "Qingshan Divine Canon" in her hand, meditating on the various magical methods and magic recorded in it.

At a glance, it looks like a god coming to the world!

Since obtaining the Seal of the Great World, Tu Shan Cang Yue's character and character have gradually and subtly changed with the passage of time.

Nowadays, she has a sacred aura on her body, more coldness and indifference towards living things, and less humaneness...

In a word, ignore all sentient beings!

Compared to Lin Wudao, Tushan Cangyue may be more like a god looking down on the world.


This is exactly the result Lin Wudao wants!


After returning to the temple, Lin Wudao threw Xie Wuyou's whole body on the ground, and hid himself in the space inside the statue, looking down at the mortal world.

at the same time!

The appearance of Jie Wuyou also woke up Tushan Cangyue who was studying the divine law...


For a moment, her indifferent eyes fell on Xie Wuyou.


At this time, under the control of Lin Wudao, the statue on the altar bloomed with a bright radiance.

Immediately afterwards.

A majestic and majestic figure appeared out of thin air...

See it!

Tushan Cangyue immediately knelt down and knelt down to worship with great respect.

"Welcome the Great God to the world!"

"Get up~"

Disembodied sounds resounded throughout the temple.


A powerful force came down and lifted Tushan Cangyue's body from the ground.


Jie Wuyou, who was sleeping beside him, also woke up...

"Great God, who is this person?"

"His name is Jie Wuyou. He was originally the messenger of the God of Darkness in the human world. He specialized in helping the God of Darkness collect and find various treasures to use as sacrifices."

"Before, I used my incarnation to go to the ancient sacred well in Lingxu and had a fight with the God of Darkness. In the end, I killed him."

"Now, the God of Darkness has completely fallen, and his soul has been destroyed!"

"I see that Jie Wuyou has some abilities, which may be used by this god..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

God of darkness?

Hearing this divine name, Tushan Cangyue couldn't help but feel shocked.

She knew that the so-called God of Darkness must also be an incense god who received incense and sacrifices from the world, thus deriving divinity and divine power.

However, he was killed by Lin Wudao!

It can be seen from this!

The strength of Great God Qingshan was even more powerful than she expected...

This made Tushan Cangyue feel a huge sense of security!

after all.

Her strength is still too weak.

"Great God, what do you mean... you want this Jie Wuyou to be your messenger in the human world? Then, help you find and collect various treasures as sacrifices?"


"This is exactly what I mean!"


Looking at Jie Wuyou who had woken up, Lin Wudao didn't give him any chance to resist and directly shot a ray of divine light between his eyebrows.


The divine light turned into a mysterious mark, which was deeply imprinted on his soul...


"Where is...where? I remember being plotted by a mysterious person before, and then..."

Feeling the pain from his soul, Jie Wuyou immediately jumped up from the ground.


His eyes were looking at the space around him.

Seeing that he seemed to be in a strange temple, and there was a mysterious woman full of sacred aura next to him, Jie Wuyou suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.

"Girl, may I ask where this is..."

"Qingshan Temple!"

Tushan Cangyue replied calmly.


Qingshan Temple?

Isn't that the temple that used to be dedicated to the Great Demon God Qingshan? How did I come here? Who is harming me behind my back?

All of a sudden!

Jie Wuyou is extremely frightened!

"They come, the security!"

"Jie Wuyou, I am Tu Shan Cangyue, the high priest of Qingshan Temple, and I want to tell you two pieces of good news. The first one is that the god of darkness you believed in before has been suppressed and killed by my lord Qingshan Great God."

"Now, the God of Darkness has disappeared in form and spirit and no longer exists in the world. You no longer have to worry about being persecuted and enslaved by him."

"As for the second good news, you are lucky enough to have the mercy of our lord, the Great God Qingshan. The Great God recognized that you have some ability and specially accepted you as a subject."

"From now on, you will be a member of Qingshan Temple..."

Tushan Cangyue said indifferently.


The God of Darkness is dead?

He... was suppressed and killed by the Great Demon God of Qingshan?


Am I now the messenger of the Great Demon God Qingshan again?

Tushan Cangyue's words had a huge impact on Xie Wuyou. When he heard that the God of Darkness had fallen, he was shocked, excited and surprised.

Because once the God of Darkness dies, he can get rid of his slavery and regain his freedom.

Who knows!

The excitement had just risen, but was ruthlessly extinguished by the words Qingshan Great Demon God.

As far as he knows.

The god of Daqingshan is also a demon!

In fact.

Compared to the God of Darkness, it's not much better at all.

Even more terrifying!

Now, it can be said that I have just escaped from the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den again...

Regarding the next fate, Jie Wuyou felt unprecedented panic and fear.

He is just a mortal and cannot fight with gods!

The more I think about it.

Jie Wuyou feels more desperate!

Seeing his appearance, Tushan Cangyue couldn't help but frown.

"Jie Wuyou, do you know how many people dream of becoming a subject of the Great God of Qingshan, but they can't get it? Now, you can get the favor of the Great God. This is a blessing that you will never be able to cultivate in several lifetimes. You should Feeling extremely honored.”

"Following the footsteps of Master Qingshan will bring you a different life..."


A different life?

Hearing this, Jie Wuyou laughed secretly in his heart.

They are all enslaved anyway!

Whether it is the God of Darkness or the Great Demon God of Qingshan, there is essentially no difference. After all, he still has not gotten rid of the shackles of the gods and gained true freedom.

"Jie Wuyou, the god of darkness you believe in is dead."

"Now, I am your master!"

"Are you willing to believe in this god and become my messenger in the world?"


A majestic and majestic voice sounded in the temple.

Hear the words!

Jie Wuyou was shocked!

The pressure brought by the Qingshan Great Demon God to him was countless times more powerful than the God of Darkness...

He felt that his soul was trembling crazily.

It seems to be annihilated!


Shocked by the powerful divine power, Jie Wuyou couldn't help but kneel to the ground.

"The villain is willing... willing."

He replied tremblingly.

Facing death, he had no choice at all!

"Ah, very good!"

"I see that you have some ability in treasure hunting, so today I will appoint you as the dragon-seeking envoy of Qingshan Temple. From now on, you will be dedicated to finding various treasures for me as sacrifices."

"As long as you devoutly believe in this god, you will have a brilliant future..."


Lin Wudao immediately used a magical technique on Jie Wuyou: Baptism of God.


A divine light descended, covering Jie Wuyou inside.




Under the wash of divine light, Jie Wuyou was shocked to find that his qualifications and roots were undergoing a crazy transformation at a terrifying speed.

In just a moment, it became twice as powerful!

After the baptism of God was over, he felt that his qualifications were completely different from before...


What did he want to say.


At this time, Lin Wudao used the initiation method on him again.


Under the blessing of the mighty divine power, Jie Wuyou clearly felt that his cultivation and strength began to soar crazily.

Late stage of Divine Vein Realm!

The pinnacle of the Divine Vein Realm!

Divine Meridian Realm Great Perfection!

Realms are constantly being crossed.


I don't know how much time passed, but when the last ray of divine power was exhausted, Jie Wuyou was surprised to find that his cultivation level had soared to the early stage of the Shentai realm.

"What...how is this...my cultivation level..."

Feeling the shocking changes in himself, Jie Wuyou felt boundless shock in his heart.

at this time!

He actually had an unreal feeling!

It looks like I'm dreaming...

"Great God Qingshan, what am I?"

Jie Wuyou looked blankly at Lin Wudao on the statue and asked.

"It's easy!"

"I used the divine baptism of God before to cleanse your own roots and potential, so that your qualifications increased tenfold based on the original ones."

"In addition, this god has given you another three hundred years of cultivation!"

"That's why you broke through to the Shentai realm..."

Lin Wudao explained lightly.


Qualifications increased tenfold and three hundred years of cultivation achieved?

Hear this.

Jie Wuyou's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

He never thought that there would be such magical and heaven-defying magic in this world.

All this subverted his cognition!


The huge changes in his body, as well as the vast spiritual power flowing in his body, told him that this was all happening.

He was not dreaming!

What brought him such a change was the Great Demon God Qingshan in front of him.

this moment!

Jie Wuyou felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong with believing in the Great Demon God of Qingshan...

Although he is a demon, it does bring him great power!

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"




Taking a deep breath, Jie Wuyou bowed to the ground with an extremely respectful attitude.

See this.

Lin Wudao, who was on top of the statue, nodded slightly.

Carrots and sticks are indeed the best way to win people's hearts...


He cast his eyes on Tushan Cangyue again.

"Cang Yue, you issue an oracle immediately. Three days later, this god will come to the world again to conduct a deeper baptism for the people of the tribe and at the same time improve their cultivation."

"Obey the oracle!"

Tushan Cangyue should be pious.

"By the way, this is a top-notch artifact that I captured from the God of Darkness. It's called: the Wand of All Laws. By using it to cast divine spells and spells, the power will be increased by 50%."

"This thing is just right for you!"

"Today, I will give it to you. I hope you can live up to my expectations and better perform your duties as my spokesperson..."

call out!

After the words fell, the Wanfa Scepter flew out from the statue and landed in front of Tushan Cangyue.

"Thank you, God!"

She bowed devoutly again.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, please step back..."

"God Qi, Zhu Huang, the leader of the Lieyang tribe, came to the tribe to arrest Wu Huan, but he was suppressed. Now, I asked them to repair the temple."

"At the same time, let the people from the Lieyang tribe come to redeem the people in three days with treasures and resources."

"If they don't come, kill Zhu Huang!"

"What does the Great God think about this matter?"

Tushan Cangyue warned carefully.

Zhu Huang?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao sneered secretly.

"Well, you did great!"

"As the spokesperson of this god, as long as it is based on the interests of this god, all your orders and instructions represent the will of this god. There is no need to be so cautious."

"In the future, I will need to spend a lot of time to understand the divine law, and I will need you to take care of the Qingshan Temple."

"As long as you think it's right and in line with God's interests, you can do it."

"Even if something happens, I will support you..."

The majestic and mighty voice resounded through the temple.

Hear the words!

Tushan Cangyue's spirit was greatly boosted!


After he paid devout worship to Xie Wuyou, he respectfully left the temple.

After they all left, Lin Wudao took out the dark treasure box seized from the God of Darkness...

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