Time flew by and it was three days in a blink of an eye!

Three days later.

When the first ray of the sun shone on the world in the morning, thousands of people from the Qingshan tribe, led by the high priest Tushan Cangyue, all gathered in the square.

They all stood upright, looking at the statues on the altar in the distance, their eyes full of excitement and reverence.

But what’s more, I’m excited!


According to the oracle issued by the high priest, the Great God Qingshan will come to the world today to perform divine baptism for the entire people of the Qingshan Tribe and help improve their qualifications and cultivation.

This is the grand scene they have been looking forward to day and night!

The moment they received the oracle, the huge Qingshan tribe began to get busy. According to previous traditions and practices, they began to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony.

Then, one by one, they bowed devoutly...

This time!

All the people from the Qingshan tribe came.

In particular, those who missed the baptism of God because they were expelled from the square because their faith was not firm enough last time regretted it to the extreme.


This time, when they heard that the Great God Qingshan would come to the world again to perform the baptism of God, those people immediately came to the altar as quickly as possible.

One by one, full of infinite respect and awe, they worshiped devoutly...

They want to express their firm belief with this action!

Lin Wudao also saw all this.

It’s the default…

"Today is the second baptism of the Great God. According to the meaning of the High Priest's oracle, the effect of this baptism of God will be even more powerful."

"At that time, with the blessing of God's grace, I will definitely be able to break through my own shackles and step into the realm of divine veins in one fell swoop."

on the square.

Some people clenched their fists and said in anticipation!

His eyes were filled with infinite yearning.

"Me too!"

"I will try to break through to the peak of the Divine Vein Realm this time, or even the Great Perfection Realm. By then, I may have the opportunity to join the Qingshan Divine Guard Army."

"What? Are there any quotas for the Qingshan Divine Guards again?"

"I don't know, I was just guessing..."

"Oh, how wonderful it would be if I could join the Qingshan Divine Guards and become a servant of the great god..."

Everyone whispered.

In his words, he was full of yearning for the Qingshan Divine Guards!


Just as they were discussing, suddenly, the wind and clouds gathered in the sky, and along with the mighty oppressive force, the originally silent statue of the god began to bloom with divine brilliance.


Under the gaze of thousands of people, an ancient and majestic shadow appeared from the statue.

Supreme and supreme, majestic forever!

"The great god has come to the world~"

Everyone was shocked!




Later, under the leadership of the high priest Tushan Cangyue, all the people of the Qingshan tribe knelt down on the ground in unison, and kowtowed to the statue on the altar with an extremely pious attitude.

"Welcome the Great God to the world!"

"Welcome to the Great God!"

"Welcome to the Great God!"

The sound of prostrations shook the world.

See it!

Lin Wudao, who transformed into the Great Demon God of Qingshan, nodded with satisfaction.

Today, he is already familiar with the posture and identity of a god...

"Everyone, get up~"

"Today, this god came to the world, mainly to conduct a deep baptism of the gods for the people of the Qingshan tribe, so as to enhance your qualifications and strength."

"With this baptism, your qualifications will be increased tenfold on the original basis; in addition, your cultivation will also increase by three hundred years."

A majestic and powerful voice came from the statue.

Hear this!

Everyone is overjoyed!

Dong Dong Dong~

They kowtowed even harder.


"Next, you should prepare to receive the baptism of this god..."


After Lin Wudao calmed everyone's emotions, he began to focus on performing the magic: God's Baptism.


Following his movements, in an instant, streams of bright divine light descended from the sky, turning into streams of golden torrent, enveloping everyone in it.

Bathed in the divine light, everyone can clearly feel that their qualifications and roots are constantly transforming under some mysterious power.

When the baptism of God is over, everyone's qualifications have increased tenfold based on the original basis.


Especially Tu Shanruo, the most obvious!

On the occasion of his arrival, Lin Wudao specifically checked Tu Shannuo's information with the eyes of the gods. Due to the blessing of ten thousand years of spiritual marrow, his physique transformed into a spiritual body.

Name: Tu Shanjie

Identity: Grand Commander of Qingshan Temple

Cultivation: Peak of Divine Vein Realm

Physique: Barbarian Spirit Body (combat power increased a thousand times!)

Kung Fu: "The Great Wilderness Sutra"

Divine Magic: Herculean Fist

Item: Sword of the Sun

A lot of information was presented in front of Lin Wudao.

"Before the baptism, I remembered that Tu Shantuo's physique was the spirit body of a barbarian king. Unexpectedly, after being baptized by God, he transformed into a barbarian spirit body, possessing a thousand times the combat power."

"This baptism of God is truly heaven-defying!"

Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

The great demon god Qingshan's divine power and magical skills are extraordinary.

He really wants to know what kind of grace the Great Demon God Qingshan was at his peak in the past?

I'm afraid that I will look down upon the mountain world!

"One day, I can reach that level, or even surpass..."

Lin Wudao's eyes were filled with light.

Say it.

He glanced at the people in the square, and then began to perform the magic: the initiation method.




In an instant.

The endless divine power fell into the world and crazily poured into everyone's bodies.


The people of the Qingshan Tribe felt that their cultivation level was improving crazily at an unimaginable speed...

After a long time.

When the initiation is over, all the people of the Qingshan tribe will have reached the level of divine power or above.

Among them, Tu Shanguo is the most prominent!

Because he possesses the body of a barbarian spirit, and with the blessing of peerless qualifications, the initiation effect he obtained is the strongest, and his cultivation level has directly reached the peak of the divine platform realm from the original peak of the divine vein realm.

It has completely improved to a big level!

under him.

They are the dragon-seeking messenger Jie Wuyou and the dark night messenger Wu Huan.

They all have outstanding qualifications in their own right, and coupled with Lin Wudao's divine baptism, the transformation effect is also very obvious.


Wu Huan also successfully reached the Shentai realm!

Just like Xie Wuyou, they are both in the early stages of Shentai realm...


After undergoing this baptism, the combat power of the one hundred Qingshan Divine Guards has also been significantly improved, and the cultivation of all of them has reached the perfection of the Divine Vein Realm.


Among them, there are twelve people who have broken through to the Shentai realm!

Lin Wudao was quite satisfied with this result. It was worth it that he spent 200 million luck points to practice the divine baptism and initiation to a small degree.

Now, we finally have a huge harvest!

"Thank you, God, for your mercy. I am willing to dedicate my life of three hundred years to serve the God!"

"I am also willing to live for three hundred years!"

"I am willing to live for a hundred years!"

"I dedicate fifty years!"


One after another, voices rang out from the tribe's crowd.

These people were all deported before!


After being baptized by God Qingshan, they were so grateful that they immediately used their own lifespans as sacrifices to express their devout beliefs.

To this!

Lin Wudao naturally would not refuse!

After everyone had sacrificed, he had harvested a life span of nearly 90,000 years.

Name: Lin Wudao

Identity: Sinful City Lord, Qingshan Great Demon God

Cultivation level: late stage of Shenfu realm

Lifespan: 108654

The lifespan that had been cut before had once again exceeded the 100,000 mark.

"It's still more comfortable to cut leeks~"

A smile appeared on Lin Wudao's lips.

Believers are the leeks of gods!

Just feed them some fertilizer and they will continue to thrive and then be harvested...

"Next, we can launch a divine war against the tribes outside Daqingshan."

"This Daqingshan Mountain has a radius of eight thousand miles, which is still too small..."

Lin Wudao murmured to himself.

call out!

Just as he was pondering, the Leishan Tribe and Lieyang Tribe, who were far away from Daqing Mountain, had joined forces, and with many powerful tribesmen, they were charging towards Daqing Mountain with great momentum.

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