Name: Dog of Sin

Introduction: 1. Originated from the source of endless evil and nurtured over countless years, it is a terrifying creature that feeds exclusively on all sins and all evil substances in the world.

2. The sinful dog in its mature state can chew up all matter in the world!

3. Not restricted by any formations or restrictions!

4. If you are bitten by it, you will definitely suffer the erosion of endless evil, and your cultivation level will be reduced by at least one major level; in serious cases, you may even die without a burial place.

5. The dog of sin is extremely vengeful and has an extremely keen sense of smell. But it can clearly recognize anyone it stares at, even if it turns into ashes.

6. They are born with sin and evil. Those who are not lucky should not be raised!

7. I like to eat all kinds of natural and earthly treasures!

Note: It is still in its infancy!

The eyes of the gods swept over, and the information about the sinful dog appeared in front of them.

After reading this!

Even Lin Wudao was quite shocked.

He didn't expect that the stupid-looking dog in front of him actually had such an extraordinary origin, and was even a terror in itself.

If you are bitten by it, even if you don't die, your skin will probably peel off...

A moment!

Lin Wudao looked at it and couldn't help but feel a little wary.

For fear of being bitten by it!


While Lin Wudao was carefully looking at the Sinful Dog, the other party also opened his eyes wide and looked at him with curiosity.


He even called out to him a few times.

After a while.

In Lin Wudao's surprised eyes, the Sinful Dog slowly came to him and sat on the ground, watching him quietly.

No matter how Lin Wudao threatened and drove him away, he had no intention of leaving...

"How can a sinful dog exist in this devil's prison?"


Just when Lin Wudao was in shock, suddenly, he saw Xiao Tianyi, who had been dead for tens of thousands of years, suddenly bursting with bright divine light on his body.


Under Lin Wudao's surprised gaze, an illusory figure emerged from the divine light.

Its form is no different from Xiao Tianyi himself!


Looking at the shadow in mid-air, Lin Wudao frowned slightly.

Xiao Tianyi has been dead for tens of thousands of years!

Both his body and soul have been obliterated by time...

The shadow in front of him was the result of his obsession during his lifetime.

"It seems that this tenth-level demigod of the Penglai God Clan still has a lot of worries that he can't let go of."

Lin Wudao murmured softly.


Just when he was startled and doubtful, Xiao Tianyi's eyes had already been swept over by his obsession.

"My lord, you are finally here!"

"I've been waiting for you here for thirty-six thousand years..."

The sound of surprise slowly sounded.


wait for me?

Lin Wudao frowned when he suddenly heard this.

"Did you know I would come to the Devil's Prison?"


"In the past, I, the high priest of the Penglai Divine Clan, once predicted that the God King Xiao Xuanji was trapped in the ninth level of the Mountain Realm Demon Prison, and that in thirty-six thousand years, someone would come to the land of sin again."

"That person is the nobleman of my Penglai Divine Clan!"

"Only he can save God King Xiao Xuanji from the sea of ​​suffering in the land of sin..."

Xiao Tianyi said in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao was surprised and doubtful.

In every generation of the Penglai Protoss, people with extraordinary talents will be born, possessing various magical and shocking abilities.

It is not unusual for Lin Wudao to be able to predict the future.


Being able to predict events tens of thousands of years in the future is a bit incredible.

"Is the Penglai God Clan really so defiant?"

His heart was shaken.

He was dubious about Xiao Tianyi's words.

"The nobles of the Penglai Divine Clan are out of the question!"

"The reason why I came to the land of sin is just because I was entrusted by others. It would be great if we could find the ancestors of the Penglai family."

"If you can't find it, there's nothing you can do to help..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

Being entrusted by others is a matter of loyalty!

His purpose is just to help find the ancestors of the Penglai family, and other things have nothing to do with him.

Want to ask him for help?


But the premise is that you have to give him enough benefits!

"In this sarcophagus, it must be the god king of your Penglai Divine Clan, right?"


"In the past, I learned through some special channels that the God-King of Penglai God Clan was trapped here, so I came to the rescue desperately."

"Although I crossed the sea of ​​suffering, went upstream from the tenth level of the Demon Prison, and successfully found the place where the God King was trapped, I still failed in the end."

"The curse on the tenth level of the Demon Prison is so terrifying that it can even curse the King of Gods to death."

"Affected by the curse, I did not rescue the God King..."

Speaking of which.

Xiao Tianyi's eyes showed helplessness and sadness.


He has no regrets!

God King Xiao Xuanji is too important to the Penglai Protoss, and is known as the last hope for the rise of the Protoss.


As long as we can save him, no matter what the cost, it is worth it.

Even if he died, he would have no regrets!

This is the mission of all members of their Penglai Divine Clan...

"Thirty-six thousand years ago, if this sinful dog could have grown up and reached its current level, I believe the God King could have been rescued."

"But it's not too late!"

"After more than 30,000 years of growth, the little thing has grown up a lot. With its help, I can definitely bring you out of the devil's prison..."

Xiao Tianyi said with a sigh.


The dog of sin you brought to the devil's prison?

Lin Wudao was surprised.

Originally, he was still curious about how there could be a sinful dog in the Demon Prison, but he didn't expect that it was Xiao Tianyi who brought it in from the outside world.

at the same time!

This also perfectly explains why there is no curse on the ninth level of the Demon Prison.


This ninth level of curse has already been devoured by the dogs of sin...

Dogs were born from the source of sin and feed exclusively on all sins and evil in the world. Curses are also a type of evil substance, and are naturally included in the diet of sinful dogs.

"Little brother, I can feel that there are members of my Penglai God Clan outside the Demon Prison. You should be entrusted by them to come to rescue the God King, right?"


"I only know that he is a former ancestor of the Penglai family, but I don't know that he is actually a god king."

"By the way, is your god-king still alive now?"

Lin Wudao asked curiously.

To this!

Xiao Tianyi sighed and shook his head.

"The God King died tens of thousands of years ago."

"Now, what is stored in this sarcophagus is the left hand of the God King, not his complete body..."

already dead?

Hearing the news, Lin Wudao was secretly happy.

Just die!

If he dies, he can collect the body!

Although there is only one left hand, if it is put into the sky burial copper coffin, if you are lucky, you may be able to unlock a world-shattering treasure.

after all!

After the remnant soul of the former Tushan Demon was placed in the bronze coffin, a supreme Taoist talisman was obtained.

A god king is also of great value...

Think of this!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but look forward to it.


He was ready to collect the body.

"Little brother, what is stored in this sarcophagus is only the left hand of our God King. It is not of much value to you. Even if you get it, it will be of little use."

"If you are willing to take the left hand of the God King out and give it to me, the Penglai God Clan, then our tribe will be willing to give you something better in return."

"Actually, on the other side of the sea of ​​suffering, I have prepared the corpse of a true god for you..."


You actually know that I want a corpse?

Suddenly hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, Lin Wudao suddenly felt awe-inspiring in his heart, and his cold eyes stared closely at Xiao Tianyi's obsession.

Bad eyes!

Collecting corpses has always been his biggest secret!

Xiao Tianyi actually knows this?


Was he already prepared tens of thousands of years ago?

Are the prophecies of the Penglai God Clan really so outrageous?

this moment!

Lin Wudao was really shocked!

"Is this also the prophecy of the high priest of your Penglai Divine Clan?"


"The high priest of our clan is the enlightened person of our Penglai Divine Clan. He is a man who knows everything about heaven and earth. He knows one hundred thousand years before and one hundred thousand years afterward."

"In the past, at the last moment of his life, the high priest left three prophecies for our Penglai God Clan. One of the prophecies was about how to rescue the God King."

"If you don't believe it, little brother, you will understand everything when you go to the ancestral land of my Penglai God Clan one day..."

Speaking of the high priest, Xiao Tianyi was full of reverence.

Simply, worship it like a god!

To this.

Although Lin Wudao felt a little incredible, he didn't completely believe it.

"By the way, you said before that there is a tenth level in this devil's prison?"


"The tenth level of the Demon Prison is connected to the mysterious sea of ​​suffering, and it is also the only channel to the outside world. After crossing the sea of ​​suffering and reaching the other side, you can escape from the place of sin."

"It's just that on the tenth level of the Demon Prison, there is an extremely terrifying curse that can curse the God King to death."

"Now that the Dog of Sin has grown up, with its help, the curse on the tenth level of the Hell will no longer threaten you. When the time comes, you only need to take the boat on the other side to cross the sea of ​​suffering and escape from the land of sin. ”


I saw Xiao Tianyi's palm raised in the air, and three items instantly flew out of his body and floated in front of Lin Wudao.

They are: a token, an ancient horn, a mysterious dog chain...

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