"You need these three things!"

"After you cross the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other side, you can go to the Tushan clan. As long as they see this token, they will hand over the body of the true god to you."

"In addition, this horn is used to summon the boat on the other side. It has been floating on the endless sea of ​​suffering for many years. Only the horn on the other side can summon it."

"As for the last chain, it is used to restrain the evil dog!"

"This sinful dog was originally found by our Penglai Divine Clan in an ancient ruins. It took our clan 18,000 years to raise it."

"Because this dog is too scary and unruly, and often disobeys discipline. In order to prevent it from getting into trouble, we, the Penglai God Clan, hired skilled craftsmen to build this dog leash."

"Before the realm of the God King, it can be effectively restrained!"

"According to the wishes of the high priest, this sinful dog is a gift from my Penglai Divine Clan to my little brother..."

Xiao Tianyi explained.


A gift for me?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao showed a surprised look.


He was really curious about the powerful high priest of the Penglai Divine Clan.

I really want to get to know such a heaven-defying person!


That man is dead!

"I'm very curious, what kind of existence was able to imprison you, the God-King of the Penglai God Clan, here? Moreover, they have already fallen, so why do they need to be dismembered?"

"Is it possible that your God King can still survive?"


Lin Wudao couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Xiao Tianyi shook his head slightly.

"I don't know the specifics!"

"I only know that when our Penglai Divine Clan encountered a catastrophe, the God King seemed to be implicated, and then he was specifically exiled to the sinful land of Shanling Realm."

"Moreover, the enemies of the God King seemed to be very afraid of him. Not only did they cut him into pieces and suppress him, they even planted various terrible curses in this land of sin in order to prevent others from getting close to him."

"To be able to plant such a curse, one must at least be at the saint level!"

"In short, everything that happened back then has been buried in the endless years and history, and has become an ancient secret. Perhaps only when the God King is resurrected can we know the truth of the past..."

Xiao Tianyi sighed.

Everything in the past has long become taboo!

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the world has changed dramatically.

Now, even he doesn't know what the outside world has become.

After hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, Lin Wudao felt thoughtful in his heart. From the information revealed in his words, it seemed that God King Xiao Xuanji could really be resurrected.

"Could it be that Xiao Xuanji didn't really fall?"

"Or maybe the Penglai Protoss has some secret method that defies the heavens and can bring Xiao Xuanji back to life?"

Lin Wudao was secretly surprised.

The more I think about it!

The more he thinks it is possible!

If not, the Penglai God Clan would not have been so desperate to rescue Xiao Xuanji.


Even if the dead can really be brought back to life, I'm afraid it will still take a complete corpse.


Restore the supreme power of the former god-king?

Lin Wudao kept speculating...

He became more and more curious about the Penglai Protoss.

This is a mysterious race!

"If you have a chance in the future, you must see it..."

He secretly made up his mind.


He first put away the token and the Horn of the Other Side, and then his eyes fell on the sinful dog squatting on the ground with a silly and cute look.

This dog was very similar to the husky he had seen in his previous life.

"How to tame this evil dog?"

"It's easy!"

"You can just put the chain in your hand on it..."


Put it on directly?

Lin Wudao was stunned.

"This is a sinful dog. It shouldn't be that easy, right?"

"rest assured!"

"It is a gift from the Penglai Divine Clan to you. Before it was born, our clan used a secret method to instill your portrait into it, little brother."

"Therefore, you are its natural owner!"

Can it still be like this?

Lin Wudao was surprised!


He tried to wave to the sinful dog, but the little thing tilted its head and glanced at him a few times. After a slight hesitation, it came to the front with its head wagging.

Keep licking his palms and rubbing his trousers...

A flattering look!

See this scene.

Lin Wudao was overjoyed and took the opportunity to put the dog chain around its neck.

"From now on, I'll call you Erha."


Hearing this name, the Sinful Dog seemed a little dissatisfied and began to bark at Lin Wudao with bared teeth.

at the same time!

It also wanted to break free from the iron chains on its body.


It is still in its infancy, and with this dog leash made by the Penglai Protoss, it can still be easily controlled and it will not dare to mess around.

"This dog leash is only useful before the God King?"


"What about after the realm of God King?"

"Well...it's up to you to control it..."

Xiao Tianyi smiled awkwardly.

after all!

This is a sinful dog. In its adult state, it can chew up all matter in the world.

At that time, no matter what kind of dog chain, I'm afraid it won't be able to restrain it...

Xiao Tianyi started to shake his head when he thought about the sight of sinful dogs disobeying discipline in the future.

By then!

As his master, Lin Wudao must have a headache!

"Well, my mission has been completed, and it's time to leave this world completely."

"Little brother, if you have a chance in the future, you can visit our Penglai God Clan. Maybe you won't be disappointed..."

Xiao Tianyi said meaningfully.


As soon as he finished speaking, his obsession turned into a wisp of smoke and completely disappeared from this world.

Only a cold corpse and an ancient divine sword were left...

See it!

Lin Wudao sighed secretly, and then took out the bronze coffin and put Xiao Tianyi's body inside.


[You buried Xiao Tianyi’s body and obtained a drop of the tenth-level demigod’s blood. After the system was strengthened ten times, you obtained a drop of true god’s blood, which contains part of the essence of the first-level true god. 】

Blood of the True God?


With a thought, a drop of purple-gold blood essence appeared on the palm of his hand, exuding majestic power.

Look at it.

Lin Wudao could clearly feel the mighty power contained in it, just like a mighty river, surging forward endlessly...

"This is a good thing!"

"If you swallow it and refine it, it should increase your cultivation level a lot, right?"

Lin Wudao's eyes flashed.


After looking at it carefully, he collected the drop of true god's blood.


Lin Wudao pushed open the black sarcophagus and saw a severed left arm inside. The divine power and power in it had been completely sealed.

"This Xiao Xuanji must have been a towering figure during his lifetime!"

"Even after he died, he was allowed to place so many terrifying curses to prevent others from approaching and rescuing him. You can imagine how fearful his enemies are of him."

"If you are really resurrected one day, what kind of grace will it be like?"

Lin Wudao was full of expectations.

After some contemplation, he did not put Xiao Xuanji's left hand into the bronze burial coffin, but kept it temporarily.

As Xiao Tianyi said, a left hand is of little value to him.

If he can use this left hand to obtain greater benefits, this is what he should pursue.

"The wool of the Penglai Protoss can actually be used as a mattress..."

A smile spread across his lips.

Say it.

Lin Wudao immediately led the sinful dog to the tenth floor of the Demon Prison.


When crossing the lowest barrier, the first thing that comes into view is an endless black sea, and the world between heaven and earth is even darker, full of evil atmosphere.

Apart from the coldness and silence, all that is left is death and the endless power of the curse...

Here, someone has cast a terrible curse!

You can kill the God King!

The purpose is to prevent anyone from approaching the Demon Prison and taking away Xiao Xuanji's body.

"So, does this Demon Prison exist because of Xiao Xuanji? Or is it because of Xiao Xuanji that the Land of Sin was born?"

"If this is the case, then Xiao Xuanji's existence may be quite ancient..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.


He could also feel that there was a shocking secret hidden in it.


After some thought, Lin Wudao tried to blow the horn of the other side.

All of a sudden!

An ancient and vicissitudes of horn sound cut through the endless sea of ​​suffering, carrying a mysterious magic power and sweeping towards farther areas.


I don’t know how much time passed, but along with the shocking black waves, a huge black ancient boat cut through the fog and came quickly.

Just blinking and arriving in front of me...

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