Hell, a cursed place!

Da da da~

The moment he stepped into the black fog, Lin Wudao entered the scope of the curse. Through the eyes of the gods, he could clearly see the terrifying power of the curse surging in like a tide.

Crazily eroding his body and soul...


Because Lin Wudao was blessed by God, he was immune to all curses and evil substances under the realm of the Great Emperor.


Although the curse in the surrounding space is very terrifying and can corrode the body and destroy the soul, it has no effect on Lin Wudao.

As if nothing was wrong, he went straight to the deepest part of the canyon.

All of a sudden!

An ancient prison with infinite mysteries came into view; on both sides of the gate of the Demon Prison, there stood a statue of a hundred-foot-tall god.

They held huge swords in both hands, exuding overwhelming power.

That way, it seems that it can suppress all evil and clear away many sins in the world...

In the middle of the two huge statues, there was a huge bronze door that had been covered in dust for an unknown number of years. After looking carefully, Lin Wudao could not find a way to open it.


The door of the Demon Prison seems to be made of extremely special material. Even a strong person in the True God Realm cannot open it without a key.

Of course Lin Wudao doesn't have the key to the devil's prison!


This doesn't bother him either.

Without a key, he can still go in...


With a thought, Lin Wudao evolved a clone using the Origin Stone.

Immediately afterwards.

He controlled the clone and swaggered through the bronze gate of the Demon Prison and came to the inner space.


When Lin Wudao entered the first level of the Demon Prison, he found that there was no other material inside, only endless coldness and darkness.

And, curse!

At a glance, he discovered a lot of things...

Name: Bone Erosion Curse

Introduction: The terrifying curse planted by an ancient and powerful curse master will cause any living being in the Divine Wheel Realm to touch it, and the bones around it will be eroded and eventually turn into nothingness.

"This devil's prison is really scary, curses are everywhere!"

"Fortunately, I have been blessed by God and am immune to all curses and evils under the realm of the Great Emperor. If another person comes here, he will die without a burial place."

"No wonder this place is called a taboo by the creatures in the land of sin..."

Lin Wudao sighed.


He finally understood why people in the Land of Sin would change their expressions when talking about the Demon Prison.

"This devil's prison seems to have more than one level?"

"I don't know what kind of horror will come next? Could it be a curse?"


Lin Wudao gradually came to the end of the first level of the Demon Prison, and sure enough he saw an ancient bronze door here.


After passing through the door, he came to the second floor.

At a glance, there is not much difference between this place and the first floor. Apart from the endless coldness and darkness, there are many more bones on the ground.


Those bones have completely decayed, and even if you want to bury them...


As expected, the second level of the Demon Prison also contains the terrible curse planted by the Curse Master.

[The Soul-Destroying Curse can kill all the gods and destroy their souls! 】

A message came back.

Another curse?

An evil curse has been planted on two consecutive floors. What secrets does this hell hide?

Out of curiosity!

Lin Wudao continued to walk towards the deepest part of the Demon Prison...

The third level of the Demon Prison!

[The septic blood curse can kill all magical powers, causing the blood around them to decay and die! 】

The fourth level of the Demon Prison!

[Curse, sword of defeat! 】

[Anyone who is contaminated by the curse will be eroded by the Sword of Defeat, and all their cultivation and strength will be cut off. Each Sword of Defeat can cut off a realm! 】

The fifth floor of the Demon Prison!

[Curse: The sigh of the undead, the resentment from the most evil person in the world. With each sigh, the energy and blood drop by 10%, until all the energy and blood are exhausted. 】

The sixth level of the Demon Prison!

The seventh floor of the Demon Prison!

The eighth floor of the Demon Prison!

Lin Wudao passed one layer after another, constantly crossing over.

It is no surprise that each level of the Demon Prison contains evil curses planted by powerful curse masters, and the curses on each level are different.

Each layer is more terrifying than the next!

By the eighth level of the Demon Prison, its curse can already kill strong men in the demigod realm...


When Lin Wudao came to the ninth floor, the situation changed dramatically.

This floor!

It should be the last level of the Demon Prison!

The prisoners held here are definitely the most terrifying. No matter in terms of identity or status, they are not comparable to the people on the first eight floors.


What surprised Lin Wudao was that when he came to the ninth floor, although the space here was a bit cold, it was not dark, but very bright.


On the ninth floor of the Demon Prison, there is no curse!

Seeing this situation, Lin Wudao was surprised...

"There are terrifying curses on each of the first eight floors. There is no curse on this last floor? It shouldn't be..."

He frowned.


He raised his eyes and scanned the space on the ninth floor of the Demon Prison, and saw that in addition to the cold atmosphere, there was an ancient black sarcophagus placed in the center.

On top of the sarcophagus, nine iron chains as thick as arms were tied.

"Xuantian Divine Iron?"

At a glance, Lin Wudao knew that the material of those iron chains was actually made of divine iron. After thousands of years of erosion, there was still no sign of decay.

It can be seen that there are people in the black sarcophagus...

Those iron chains were set up to imprison the opponent.


What surprised Lin Wudao the most was that there was a powerful corpse outside the black sarcophagus.

See you!

The man was holding an ancient and powerful divine sword in both hands. His eyes were wide open, staring at the black sarcophagus in front of him, his eyes filled with unwillingness.


The eyes of the gods swept across, and Lin Wudao knew the information about the person in front of him.

Name: Xiao Tianyi

Identity: Penglai Protoss

Cultivation: Tenth level demigod

Introduction: Thirty-six thousand years ago, I accidentally learned that Xiao Xuanji, the god king of the Penglai Protoss, was trapped on the ninth floor of the Demon Prison, a land of sin. He single-handedly entered the Mountain Realm, forcibly crossed the sea of ​​suffering, and arrived at the Demon Prison. .


Suffering the curse of the tenth level of the Demon Prison, he died of exhaustion...

The orthodox Penglai Protoss?

Moreover, he is actually a tenth-level demigod?

Looking at the information fed back by the Eye of God, Lin Wudao's heart moved slightly.

This is the second time he has seen the body of a demigod!

"According to the feedback, Xiao Tianyi died to save the God King Xiao Xuanji. So, there is a God King in this sarcophagus?"

Think of this.

Lin Wudao's eyes bloomed with a bright light.

"I don't know if the God King in this sarcophagus is dead?"

"If he dies, what kind of treasure should he get after burying his body?"

A god king is an unparalleled existence!

The treasures he possesses and has come into contact with are definitely unimaginable by ordinary people. If the corpse of a god king is buried, there will definitely be a shocking harvest.


At present, Lin Wudao is not sure whether the Penglai God King in the sarcophagus is dead.

Death is naturally the best!

But if you are not dead, there will be some trouble...

Thinking about this!

Lin Wudao immediately came to the sarcophagus. After examining it, he immediately wanted to push the sarcophagus away and take a look inside.


However, when Lin Wudao took action.


In the darkness in the distance, a sharp dog bark suddenly sounded, and then, an afterimage crossed the void. In Lin Wudao's astonished eyes, a small thing appeared in front of him.

That, is a dog!


Its body and appearance still felt very familiar to Lin Wudao.


Lin Wudao was surprised!

The dog in front of him made him extremely surprised.


When he checked the specific information with the eyes of the gods, he suddenly took a breath of air.


This piece of shit is a bit scary...

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