
Seeing that Xiong Kui, who had reached the perfection of the Divine Palace, was actually killed by Bai Zhen, who was in the early stage of the Divine Palace, in an instant, Qin Shura's face became extremely gloomy.


His eyes were fixed on Xiong Kui's body.

Then, he turned his ferocious eyes to the calm and indifferent Lin Wudao in the distance...

"Boy, what did you do?"

Qin Shura asked sharply.


A ferocious look began to appear on his face!


In his opinion, Xiong Kui's battle against Bai Zhen was a battle without any suspense; but the final result overturned his understanding. It was not Bai Zhen who died, but Xiong Kui.

Qin Shura couldn't accept such a result!


The first thing he thought of was that Lin Wudao had done something...

after all.

This thing is so incredible!


Faced with Qin Xiuluo's stern questioning and the ferocious and ferocious eyes, Lin Wudao always maintained a calm and indifferent expression, but instead a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Palace Master Qin, the battle between Xiong Kui and Bai Zhen was witnessed by so many people present, and I didn't do anything."

"I said before that I can tell fortunes!"

"Now it seems that things are exactly as I expected. Xiong Kui was killed by Bai Zhen. It seems that this is a miracle. Even God is blessing me..."

Lin Wudao chuckled.

Hear the words!

Qin Shura is so hated!

He didn't believe Lin Wudao's lies at all.

"Huh, that's nonsense!"

"How could Bai Zhen, who is in the early stage of the Divine Palace Realm, kill Xiong Kui, who is in the Great Perfection of the Divine Palace Realm? You must have done something behind your back, you bitch."

"Otherwise, Xiong Kui will never die!"

Qin Shura roared viciously.

Say it.

He raised his hand and took out an ancient long knife, and slashed at Lin Wudao with great ferocity.


As the master of the Black Demon Palace, Qin Shura's cultivation has reached the early stage of the Divine Platform Realm, and the strength he has displayed is very powerful.

Under the gaze of everyone, the fierce sword light struck Lin Wudao directly...


Facing Qin Shura's terrifying attack, Lin Wudao did not dodge, but sat firmly on the spot, letting the fierce sword light fall on him.


Under the incredible gazes of everyone, when the sword light fell on Lin Wudao, it collapsed directly.

On the other hand, Lin Wudao was not killed with a single sword as he imagined...

at this time!

He was still sitting upright in his seat, staring coldly at Qin Shura, who was standing with a knife.


Seeing this scene, the onlookers suddenly took a breath of air and looked shocked.

"I, Di Tian, ​​actually resisted Qin Shura's sword without suffering any harm? Isn't this man's body too powerful?"

Someone exclaimed.

"No wonder I dare to go on stage and bet with Qin Xiuluo. It turns out that I have the confidence..."

"This time, Qin Xiuluo may have kicked the iron plate!"

"Fight! Fight~"

"The Land of Sin has not been this lively for a long time, and it has not been such a tough fight for a long time. Today is an eye-opener and interesting..."

Just watch the excitement, it’s not a big deal!

The surrounding onlookers made gloating remarks, and all of them opened their eyes wide, as if they were ready to watch a good show.

at the same time!

When he saw Lin Wudao stabbing him with all his strength without suffering any damage, Qin Shuluo's pupils suddenly tightened.

"Boy, who are you?"

He stared at Lin Wudao with a pair of cold eyes.

To this!

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.

"I'm just a newcomer."

"Palace Master Qin, it seems that you have lost this bet. According to what you said before, all the thirty thousand magic stones at your feet belong to me."

"Besides that, I think you should also pay some mental damages."

"After all, that stabbing blow just now cannot be in vain..."


Mental damages?

Upon hearing this unreasonable request, Qin Shuluo suddenly laughed angrily.

"Young man, you are too arrogant!"

"You have just arrived at the Land of Sin, and you have no idea how deep the water is here. I advise you to keep a low profile, otherwise you won't know how you died."

Qin Xiuluo's eyes showed a fierce light.

The words are full of threats!


Lin Wudao didn't take his threat seriously.

"Oh, I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it..."

He sighed helplessly.

"Palace Master Qin, I would also like to advise you that it is best to pay for my mental losses. In this case, I am good to you and everyone is good. Otherwise..."

"How else?"

"Well, it's nothing."

"It's because I, the Master of the Qin Palace, have blackened the seal hall. If I don't pay a fee for mental damage, I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster in the near future..."

A bloody disaster?

As Lin Wudao's words rang out, both Qin Shura and the surrounding onlookers' eyes widened.


This is a real threat!

As the master of the Black Demon Palace, Qin Shura has dominated the City of Sin for many years. He has always been the only one who threatens others. Unexpectedly, he was actually threatened today.

This made him furious and his face turned extremely ugly...

"Boy, I see you really don't know how to write the word death."

"Okay, since you said that I have suffered a bloody disaster recently, I will wait and see. I want to see what ability you have to make me suffer a bloody disaster."

Qin Shura's eyes were fierce.

Say it.

He kicked away all the magic stones piled on the ground and left without looking back.

Looking at his leaving figure, Lin Wudao didn't speak.


A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth...

"City Lord, you have offended Qin Shura today, I'm afraid he won't let it go."

Xiao Jinglun looked worried.

To this!

Lin Wudao smiled coldly.

"Hmph, he'd better survive tonight first."


Qin Shura won't survive tonight?

Xiao Jinglun was shocked!

Could it be that Lin Wudao was going to take action against Qin Shura tonight?

He secretly guessed.

Just as they were talking, Lu Chentian picked up all the magic stones that he had kicked away before, and then handed them to Lin Wudao respectfully.

Thirty thousand magic stones is a huge sum of money!

Of course we can’t waste it…

"Lu Chentian, do you know where the Demon Prison is?"

"This... I know a little bit."


"Let's go, take me to the Demon Prison to see..."


After seeing Lin Wudao's powerful power, Lu Chentian naturally did not dare to disobey.


He took Lin Wudao and walked straight towards the deepest part of the City of Sin.


Taboo in the land of sin!

About an hour later, under the leadership of Lu Chentian, Lin Wudao and his party finally arrived here.

Looking up, I saw that the place where the Demon Prison was located was a deep and dry canyon. There was no life here, and the air was full of evil breath.


Scanning the eyes of the gods, Lin Wudao clearly saw that with the Demon Prison as the center, the ten directions were shrouded in weirdness and evil.


There is also a terrifying curse!

As long as any creature below the True God steps into the scope of the Demon Prison, it will be cursed, and will eventually end up with a horrible end.

Never be reincarnated forever!

"Clan Chief Xiao, how on earth was that ancestor of your Penglai family imprisoned?"

"This...I'm not sure."

Xiao Jinglun shook his head.

In fact!

Regarding the information about that ancestor, the Penglai family knew very little.

Apart from knowing that he was imprisoned in the Devil's Prison in the Land of Sin, nothing else was known...

Lin Wudao didn't have much expectations for Xiao Jinglun.

"The devil's prison is ahead!"

"There is indeed a terrible curse in the location of the Demon Prison. Creatures below the True God will be cursed if they step into it, and their souls will be driven away."

"You guys wait here, I'll go in and take a look alone..."


Lin Wudao immediately stepped into the canyon.

Not long!

His figure disappeared into the endless black mist...

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