Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1263 Preparations before escaping the catastrophe (IV)

"Immortal Lord, although ten million cosmic-level Immortal King treasures sound very terrifying, with the foundation of your Penglai Immortal Clan, it is still easy."

"As for Immortal Tyrant, let alone that..."

The crazy Taoist pursed his lips and smiled.

In recent years, the Penglai Immortal Clan has greatly increased its foundation after annexing behemoths such as the Origin God Clan and the Other Side Immortal Clan.

Even if it is necessary to pay the price for Xiao Qinglan and others to enter the world of gods, it is very easy.


As soon as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Wudao.

"Crazy Taoist, you are wrong!"

"As the high priest said before, it is very difficult to enter the world of the gods."

"These ten million treasures of the Immortal King are just the price of entering the world of gods. If you want to enjoy the upgrade, you have to pay additional money."

"As for the price... we need one billion pieces of this Immortal King's Treasure; Tyrant Immortal Lord also needs ten million pieces."

How many?

The moment Lin Wudao's voice fell, everyone in the room fell silent for an instant. Everyone looked at him blankly with extremely incredible eyes.

Obviously, they were all frightened by the price!

"Brother Ren, does it really cost that much for Immortal Qinglan to enter the divine world and enjoy the upgrade?"

"can it be cheaper?"

"This is the lowest price I can get."

"To tell you the truth, Shenhuang Will gave a friendly price for the sake of the ancestor of the Penglai Immortal Clan, the Kunlun Immortal Emperor."

"Otherwise, no matter how high the price is, Immortal Qinglan will not be able to enjoy the blessing of upgrading to the divine world."

Lin Wudao shook his head and replied in a deep voice.

This was the lowest price given by the system, and he had no way to bargain.

"Immortal Lord, since even Kunlun Immortal Emperor's face has been used, you must cherish this opportunity even more."

"Although the price is a bit high, if we use some of the Penglai Immortal Clan's knowledge, we can still succeed."

"Moreover, you will definitely not lose money on this investment."

"If you accept the promotion of the divine world, you will have a great chance to obtain the title of Great Dao."

"This is an opportunity that no matter how much resources or price you pay, you can't buy it..."

The crazy Taoist immediately helped.

Whether from Lin Wudao's standpoint or from a friend's standpoint, he sincerely hoped that Xiao Qinglan and others could become stronger.

Xiao Qinglan nodded in agreement with his reminder.

"Since the young master has given me this opportunity, and even the honor of the ancestor of our clan has been used, I can't miss it."

"Otherwise, we will live up to the expectations of the Young Master and the First Ancestor."

"Although the price of one billion Immortal King's Treasures is a bit high, I, the Penglai Immortal Clan, can still get it if we put our money together."

Xiao Qinglan gritted her teeth and said.

Now that the words have come to this, he definitely can't give up.

Whether it is for oneself or for the entire Penglai Immortal Clan, one must catch up with the trend of upgrading the divine world.

"By the way, sir, I heard from the high priest before that the world of Shenhuang is just a low-level world. According to Xiong Batian and I's cultivation, I'm afraid we can't enter, right?"

"Could it be said that today's Shenhuang World can already withstand the Quasi-Immortal Emperor?"


Xiao Qinglan seemed to have thought of something and asked curiously.

"Well... the world of Shenhuang has not yet reached the level that can support a quasi-immortal emperor."

"At most, he's just a true immortal from the universe!"

"Therefore, if you want to enter the divine world, you have to cut off your own cultivation."

"Although it takes a lot of energy and resources to cultivate to the quasi-immortal emperor, it is very likely that you will not be able to adapt to the sudden fall to the true immortal realm."

“However, this is a good opportunity to solidify our own foundation, so that we can go further in the future.”

"In the long run, it's worth it..."

"In this way, you don't need to pay so much to enter the world of the gods."

"Besides this, there is actually no need to cut off the cultivation of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. When the time comes, I will beg the Supreme to seal your cultivation into the True Immortal."

"If this is the case, there will be a huge price to pay!"

"Two roads, it depends on which one you choose..."

Lin Wudao was silent for a while and then answered loudly.

The origin of the divine world is growing rapidly. In the past, it could only support ordinary emperors, but now, it can already support true immortals.

Everything is constantly changing!

When they heard that they were going to cut off the cultivation of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and at the same time give up the cosmic title they had finally obtained, Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian were a little reluctant to give up.


They all also know that this is a unique opportunity to change their lives and destiny. If they miss it, it may be difficult to encounter it in the future.

Even if you encounter it, you will definitely pay a higher price.


After a short period of thinking, both Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian agreed without hesitation.

Once the qualifications and background are sublimated, it will be easier to cultivate to the quasi-immortal emperor again.

at the same time!

In the future, we will go further on the road of cultivation and have a brighter future.

"Actually, the problem of declining cultivation is not difficult to solve."

"As long as there are enough resources, I have a way to help you, the Immortal Lord, and you can become a Quasi-Immortal Emperor again within a month."

Just when Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian were distressed, suddenly, Tushan Cangyue's voice rang out.


After hearing this, Lin Wudao and others instantly fixed their eyes on her.

Everyone's eyes were full of surprise and curiosity...

"I wonder what method the high priest is talking about?"

Lin Wudao asked in surprise.

He never knew that Tushan Cangyue had such skills and means.

"Very simple!"

"I heard from Yingqian that there is an ancient time and space dojo in the holy land of the Tengu clan."

"One day in the outside world is ten thousand years in the inside!"

"It is said that it was brought down from the heaven by the ancestors of the Tengu clan."

"I can barely talk to the Tengu clan. When the time comes, I will introduce you to the time and space dojo to practice. According to your qualifications and background, you can return to the quasi-immortal emperor realm in less than a month."

Tushan Cangyue said calmly while holding the teacup.

Time and space dojo?

There is such a powerful treasure in the Tengu clan?

Hearing Tushan Cangyue's words, Lin Wudao was also surprised and surprised. The time and space dojo of the Tengu clan is much more powerful than the land of the gods.


They are not of the same level...

"That's great!"

"Thank you for the introduction, High Priest. Xiao Qinglan is grateful for your kindness!"

"Thank you, High Priest..."

The two came back to their senses and immediately bowed to Tushan Cangyue in gratitude.

"You don't have to be so polite, Immortal Lord. We are all friends and it's only right to take care of each other."

"Besides, you have helped my Qingshan Kingdom a lot before. This time I am here on behalf of the Great God to thank you two."

She nodded gently and said.

As the High Priest of Qingshan Kingdom, she doesn't like to owe favors to others. She took the opportunity now to repay them directly.

In order to avoid that it will accumulate more and more!

Lin Wudao naturally admired Tushan Cangyue's character and ability to do things.

Seeing that she solved the worries of Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian, he also began to tell all the prices that Wu Daotian and others needed.

Among them!

Wu Daotian needs one million luck golden lotuses, and Zhao Wushen and Mu Qingyi both need 100,000.

Although these are the real big heads, it is not a difficult thing to do according to the foundation of their forces.

In addition.

Ji Yuan, Bi Xuan and others, with the support of Jiutian Tower, can barely afford the price of enjoying the upgrade of the Shenhuang world.

As a member of the Myth Alliance, Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian each paid half.


After some discussion, everyone's cost was basically settled.


"Now that the business is over, we should go to the origin to watch the excitement."

"Tomorrow is the day when Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God crosses the great catastrophe. This is an unprecedented event in the Panshen Universe, and it is definitely very lively."

"Let's go, drink this glass of wine, and let's join in the fun and admire the supreme style of Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God."

"In addition, it is just right for us to cross the great catastrophe in the future, and increase some knowledge and experience..."

After chatting for a few words, Lin Wudao led the topic to Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God crossing the great catastrophe.

As soon as he said this, everyone present was greatly encouraged.


After three rounds of drinking, they left the City of the Heavens together and headed towards the origin of the Panshen Universe. (End of this chapter)

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