Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1264: Transcend the Great Disaster, Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God!

The Place of Origin!

The most mysterious place in the Panshen Universe.

According to ancient legends, the ultimate secret of the origin of the Panshen Universe is hidden here, and even the destiny cannot touch it.

Half a day later.

Under the leadership of Xiao Qinglan, Lin Wudao and his party finally arrived at the Place of Origin.

At this time!

As the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God was about to transcend the catastrophe, countless creatures had already gathered in the vast universe void of the Place of Origin.

Among them, there were native creatures of the Panshen Universe, as well as cultivators and strong men from other universes, even from the Great Universe.

After all.

Transcendence is an event that is rare in the ages!

Even in the great universe with a grand status and extremely strong origin, creatures that can transcend are rare.

It is difficult to see a transcendent for hundreds of millions of years...

This time, the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God transcended the catastrophe in the Panshen Universe, not to mention the surrounding universes, even the Zhenwu Great Universe caused a huge commotion.

Countless creatures and powerful people came to watch this unprecedented event.

Look up!

In the ten-dimensional space of the origin, many immortal emperors, ancient immortal emperors, and even powerful beings who have embarked on the path of transcendence can be seen everywhere.

Many divine palaces, immortal palaces, treasure halls, immortal islands, etc. stand in the surrounding cosmic void, releasing magnificent immortal power one by one.

"It's really a big scene!"

"I feel that the transcendence catastrophe of the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God is even more lively than the immortal catastrophe of the Great Dao Title before you, Wu Daotian."

After taking a few glances, the crazy Taoist couldn't help but laugh and teased.

"There's nothing we can do about it!"

"After all, the level of my original world was too low at the beginning, and it couldn't accommodate so many creatures and powerful people at all."

"This time, the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God is transcending the catastrophe. This is a grand event at the cosmic level, so naturally there will be more people coming."

Wu Daotian continued.

"That being said, if you, martial arts friend, go through the great catastrophe of transcendence next time, the scene will definitely be more grand and more lively than the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God."

"After all, your current identity and status are very different..."

Lin Wudao also joked with a smile.

After saying that!

He focused his eyes on the distant universe. At this time, in the center of the origin, an extremely ancient and magnificent majestic kingdom of God was reflected.

The breath and divine power revealed seemed to suppress the entire universe, truly suppressing the sky and the earth.

Just by taking a look, Lin Wudao felt a magnificent and supreme breath, surging like a raging flood.

That look!

It seemed that his body and soul were about to be wiped out...

At the same time.

In the magnificent ancient kingdom of God, through the vast divine light, a majestic figure could be vaguely seen.

It was a middle-aged man!

He sat quietly on the throne of the kingdom of God, with a peaceful aura around him, no sadness or joy, extremely calm.

"Is this the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God?"

Looking at the great figure in the kingdom of God in the distance, Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes secretly.

This was the first time he saw the kingdom of the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God and the true body of the god.

In addition!

Around the original kingdom of God, there are many ancient emperor gods, emperor gods, ancient immortal emperors, immortal emperors, etc.

These are all subordinate gods and people under the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God.

Among them.

Lin Wudao also saw an acquaintance.

It was the Xiyue Emperor God who saw when he attacked the universe god before.

At this moment, she was also among the subordinate gods of the Yuanshi God system, with a relatively forward tablet, ranking first emperor god under the ancient emperor god.

Behind the Xiyue Emperor God are the emperor gods dominated by the origin world and the higher world.

The Sun Emperor God of the Ancient Immortal World is also in the ranks of the Emperor Gods, just behind the Moon Emperor God...

"Brother Ren, you are knowledgeable. Do you know the difference between the transcendence of the incense gods and the transcendence of the mortal beings?"

"Well... it seems that there is not much difference."

"It is said that whether it is the incense gods or the mortal beings, they must go through three stages to transcend the great tribulation."

"They are: thunder tribulation, heart tribulation, and the final killing tribulation."

"The thunder tribulation tests one's own foundation and foundation, the heart tribulation tests the character, will, and wisdom, etc.; the killing tribulation tests the strength of the cultivator himself."

"Only when all three tribulations are complete can one transcend successfully and prove the realm of the emperor in one fell swoop..."

Facing the question of the crazy Taoist, Lin Wudao thought seriously for a moment and answered softly.

In fact!

He was not very clear about transcendence.

"I do know something about the transcendence of the great calamity for the gods of incense and the creatures of the human world."

While the two were chatting, Wu Daotian's voice suddenly rang out.

After hearing this!

Everyone present cast their curious eyes on him.

"The so-called transcendence of the great calamity is both a calamity and a blessing at the same time."

"For the creatures of the human world, there is nothing special about transcending the great calamity. First there is the thunder calamity, then the heart calamity, and finally the killing calamity of the evolution of the will of the universe."

"The general process is similar to what Fellow Daoist Ren said."

"However, for the gods of incense, although they also have to go through these three stages of tests, the process is somewhat different."

"The incense gods mainly rely on faith and incense to condense the true body of the gods and build their own kingdom of God."

"Therefore, in the first stage of transcending the catastrophe, there will be thunder tribulations and at the same time the divinity, true spirit, true body, and kingdom of God of the incense gods."

"Only when these four aspects withstand the test and baptism of the will of the universe at the same time can they complete their own sublimation."

"And if there is any mistake in any of these aspects, the incense gods will fail to survive the catastrophe and will be wiped out."

"Therefore, compared to the incense gods, the beginning of transcending the catastrophe is hell mode."

"In the history of the Zhenwu universe, although there are few human beings who have survived the catastrophe of transcendence, there are still some; but the incense gods who can transcend are very few."

"Basically, the incense gods who transcend are as rare as the titles of the Great Dao..."

Wu Daotian explained.

After hearing his story, Lin Wudao and others nodded thoughtfully.

This was also the first time that Lin Wudao learned about the secret of the incense god's transcendence.

Although transcendence is still very far away for him, it is okay to accumulate experience in advance now.

"Since the transcendence of the incense god is more difficult and terrifying than that of human beings, then try to kill the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God in the first stage."

He secretly made up his mind.

Thinking of this!

While listening to the chat of Wu Daotian and others, he waited for the arrival of the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God's transcendence.



One day later, in the expectant eyes of countless people, bursts of extremely huge thunder sounds suddenly came from the depths of the cold and vast universe.

That sound seemed to originate from endless time and space, and it suddenly descended on the Panshen Universe with a grand and supreme will.

"The transcendence catastrophe is coming!"

Lin Wudao was awe-inspiring.

At this moment!

He keenly sensed that there was a supreme and magnificent will that temporarily took over the origin land.

This is the will of the Zhenwu universe...


Under the mighty power of the will of the universe, all the creatures and incense gods that went deep into the origin land were forcibly moved out.

The only one left in the entire origin land was the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God who was crossing the calamity.

"The good show has finally begun~"

At the edge of the origin land, the crazy Taoist and others put all their energy and attention on the Yuanshi Kingdom of God in the distant universe.


At the same time!

Accompanied by the will of the Zhenwu universe, the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God, who had received the message and induction and descended to the origin land, also slowly stood up from the throne.


His majestic and sharp eyes penetrated the barriers of the kingdom of God and the surrounding universe. After slightly lingering on Tushan Cangyue, Yin Siming and others, he took a step and walked out of the kingdom of God.




When Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God walked out of the Kingdom of God, under the control of the great will of Zhenwu Great Universe, waves of world-destroying power turned into terrifying chaos thunder tribulation, bombarding Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God.

The breath and power emitted wanted to wipe out everything in the universe.

Even Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God, after feeling the great power contained in the chaos thunder tribulation, his expression became serious.


As his mind moved, infinite divine light suddenly swept across the origin place, reflecting the void of the ten-direction universe.

Then, under the gaze of Lin Wudao, an ancient and magnificent inner world appeared in Yuanshi Kingdom of God.

That world, whether in terms of region, origin, or solidity, far surpassed any origin world in Panshen Universe.

In addition!

In that ancient and magnificent inner world, there are also four powerful artifacts... (End of this chapter)

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