Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1262 Preparations before transcending the catastrophe (Part 3)

The second attack on the avenue ban?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao was not shocked, just a little surprised.


When Wu Daotian attacked the Grand Avenue title for the first time, although he successfully obtained the incomplete Grand Avenue title, at the last moment, he cut off his true immortal cultivation and returned to the realm of the Ultimate Heavenly Emperor.


Under normal circumstances, Wu Daotian can still continue to attack the Great Dao Titled True Immortal in the realm of Emperor of Heaven.

According to the rules of the Grand Avenue title, human beings can only impact the Grand Avenue title when they are promoted to Great Emperor, True Immortal, Immortal Emperor, and Transcendence.

Moreover, each realm has three opportunities!

For the first time, if you obtain the incomplete Grand Avenue title, as long as you maintain your cultivation at the original level, you will have two more opportunities to achieve the complete Grand Avenue title.


If you fail the first time, you will be wiped out...

And if you fail three times, you can only wait for the next stage.

At the beginning, Wu Daotian cut off the true immortal's cultivation to make his own foundation and heritage even stronger.

The purpose is to prepare for the future impact of the complete avenue ban.

Lin Wudao still admired his courage and foresight.

"Martial Daoist friends have gained experience for the first time, and they can succeed in attacking the avenue for the second time, even if there is no one to protect the path."

"Well, it is indeed safer to choose the time one year later."

"Today, since it is rare for everyone to gather together, I have an unprecedented opportunity to give to you."

"If martial arts friends can seize this opportunity and be banned from the avenue in one year, there is at least an 80% chance..."

After taking a sip of tea, Lin Wudao said with a mysterious smile.

Great opportunity?

As soon as he spoke these words, the originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

All of a sudden!

Everyone present looked at Lin Wudao with surprise and confusion.

"Brother Ren, what exactly is the supreme opportunity you are talking about?"

The crazy Taoist was the first to break the silence and asked.

He has the closest relationship with Lin Wudao, but he doesn't have as many scruples as others.


"The supreme opportunity I'm talking about is actually very simple. It's the upgrading of the divine world."

"Crazy Taoist, High Priest, Great Heavenly Master, you are all native creatures of the Divine Desolate World. When the Divine Desolate World is upgraded, with the support of heaven and earth, your cultivation and strength will inevitably increase greatly."

"However, creatures who are not from the divine world cannot obtain such a stunning creation."

"The status of the Divine Desolate World is very high, even more mysterious than the big universe."

"Even the creatures in the heaven want to enter the divine world at all costs in order to seize this opportunity."

"My idea is that martial arts friends, Immortal Lord Qinglan, Immortal Lord Tyrant, as well as Zhao Wushen, Mu Qingyi and others can enter the world of Shenhuang and take advantage of it when they are promoted."

"At that time, the foundation and foundation will inevitably increase greatly..."

Lin Wudao spoke unhurriedly.

Hear this!

Wu Daotian, Xiao Qinglan and others all had wisps of light bursting out of their eyes.

Even the creatures in the heaven are rushing to enter the world of the gods, and the benefits are naturally self-evident.

If they can really get a glimpse of the promotion of Shenhuang World, it will definitely be of great benefit to them.

"Mr. Ren, your idea is good, but as far as I know, the world of Shenhuang is not something that anyone can enter if they want to."

"No native creatures that are not from the Divine Desolate World can enter the Divine Desolate World. Otherwise, they will be obliterated by the Divine Desolate Will."

"Especially, if you want to let Wu Daotian and Qinglan Immortal Lord enter the divine world and enjoy the upgraded fortune, that is going against the will of heaven."

"I feel that it is definitely impossible for the will of the divine world to agree..."

Just as everyone was excited, Tu Shan Cang Yue's voice suddenly rang out.

As soon as she said these words, everyone immediately calmed down and looked at Lin Wudao.

Regarding Tu Shan Cang Yue's question, Lin Wudao nodded in agreement.

"What the high priest said is true!"

"It is true that the world of Divine Desolate cannot be entered by anyone who wants to. If a non-native creature of the Desolate Divine World enters the World of Divine Desolate, it will be immediately obliterated by the will of the world."

"But as long as you have a legal identity, that's fine."

"I have the channels and means to contact the will of Shenhuang World and help you apply for a temporary identity."

"At most, you can stay in the divine world for a year!"

"It's just that you need to pay a high price to obtain this temporary status."

"Going in once consumes a lot of resources."

"If you are interested in entering the world of Shenhuang, I can help you open channels and obtain a temporary identity in the world of Shenhuang..."

Lin Wudao said enigmatically.


As he finished speaking, Tushan Cangyue, Yin Siming, and Mad Taoist all looked at him with extremely surprised eyes.

"Tsk tsk~"

"Young Master Ren is actually able to connect with Shenhuang's will. His means are indeed all-powerful."

"Yes, Brother Ren, you really gave me a big surprise. You actually have a way to deal with the illusory existence of the Godly Desolate Will."

"That's awesome!"

After Tushan Cangyue, the Crazy Taoist also immediately praised.

They really didn't expect that Lin Wudao actually had such a great ability.

"Since Brother Ren said that he can help everyone get the identity of the Godly Desolate World, then there is no problem."

"The upgrade of the Godly Desolate World this time is indeed a great opportunity and good fortune. If everyone can really get some light when they go there, it will definitely be of great help to their future practice."

"Immortal Lord, you can select a few promising juniors or geniuses from your respective immortal clans to enter the Godly Desolate World."

"This way, it will be a good thing for the Penglai Immortal Clan and the Taihao Immortal Clan..."

The Crazy Taoist said to Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian with a smile.

Hearing this!

The two nodded solemnly immediately.

"The crazy Taoist is right. Zhao Wushen, Mu Qingyi, Ji Haotian and others can all find ways to enter the Shenhuang World."

"In addition, Mu Jiutian, Ji Xianwang, Ji Zhanggui, and Bi Xuan Xianwang can also enter."

"But you have to pay for the resources yourself!"

Lin Wudao continued to add.

Hearing his name, Ji Yuan and Bi Xuan and others standing behind him all showed surprise.

They all kept expressing their gratitude...

"By the way, Ren Daoyou, I wonder how much it costs to obtain a temporary identity in the Shenhuang World?"

At this time!

Wu Daotian couldn't hold back his doubts and asked.

While speaking, he flipped his hand and took out an ordinary fairy king treasure of the great universe level and handed it to Lin Wudao.

It's obvious.

I want to use this fairy king treasure to measure the specific price.


"Friend Wu Dao, if you calculate based on your Immortal King Treasure, you need a total of 10,000 pieces to enter the Shenhuang World."

Lin Wudao pondered for a while and answered.

The Immortal King Treasure that Wu Daotian took out was exactly worth one Fortune Golden Lotus.

And according to the price given by the system, Wu Daotian needs to pay 10,000 Fortune Golden Lotuses to enter the Shenhuang World.

After all!

He is not only the title holder of the Incomplete Avenue, but also the true son of the Emperor of the Zhenwu Emperor Palace, and the successor of the Immortal Emperor of the Panshen Universe.

Therefore, the price is naturally higher...

"Ten thousand pieces?"

Hearing this price, Wu Daotian nodded in understanding.

Although 10,000 pieces of ordinary Immortal King Treasures of the Great Universe level are an unimaginable huge sum of money for ordinary cultivators, it is nothing for his status.

Whether it is Taicang Immortal Mansion or Zhenwu Emperor Palace, it is a drop in the bucket.

"Sir, what about us?"

After Wu Daotian, Xiao Qinglan and others also asked about the specific price.

"Qinglan Immortal Lord, 10 million pieces are needed!"

"Batian Immortal Lord, 1 million pieces are needed!"

"Zhao Wushen needs 10,000 pieces!"

"Mu Qingyi needs 10,000 pieces!"


According to the price given by the system, Lin Wudao repeated it to everyone.


After hearing this price, Xiao Qinglan and others felt a little horrified, but they gritted their teeth and agreed.

This time!

Even if they had to sell everything they had, they had to find a way to enter the Shenhuang world and get a chance to upgrade. (End of this chapter)

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