Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1261 Preparations before transcending the catastrophe (Part 2)

[The Yuanshi God System constructed by the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God is very large, and its main beliefs and incense are concentrated in the nine origin worlds. ]

[The origins of these nine origin worlds are extremely strong, and each world is capable of giving birth to an ancient immortal emperor on the path of transcendence. ]

[Among them, the most powerful origin world is called the Gu Gu World! ]

Gu Gu World?

Hearing this name, Lin Wudao muttered a few words secretly, and he had never heard of it.

[System, is this Gu Gu World also a subsidiary world of the Shenhuang World? ]

[Yes! ]

[There are many subsidiary worlds in the Shenhuang World, and many of them are far beyond the host's imagination. ]

[Gu Gu World is the main world where the Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God was born, and it concentrates His most powerful beliefs. ]

[In the Gu Gu World, there are thirty-three powerful creatures on the path of transcendence. ]

[The most powerful one has reached the eighth step of the path of transcendence! 】


Thirty-three strong men on the road to transcendence?

Hearing this news, Lin Wudao's heart was secretly shaken.

The strength and foundation of the ancient world far exceeded his expectations and imagination.


This is just one of the origin worlds under the belief of Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God. There are eight similar ones.

In this way, there are at least hundreds of creatures on the road to transcendence in the Yuanshi God system.

"It seems that it is not easy to go to the ancient world to cause trouble."

"However, according to the strength of Ye Qingdi and Yan Zhaoshen, it seems unlikely that the strong men of the ancient world can do anything to them."

"In this case, there is still a great chance of success..."

Lin Wudao pondered secretly in his heart.

[System, can Ye Qingdi and Yan Zhaoshen go to the ancient world? ]

[Of course! ]

[However, the host wants them to go to the ancient world, but he can't afford the price. ]

[If the host really wants to go to the ancient world to cause trouble, there are two ways. ]

[First, send Yan Zhaoshen over! ]

[Compared to Ye Qingdi, Yan Zhaoshen's tribe originally came from the Shenhuang world, the Tiangou tribe, and has the purest Shenhuang bloodline in the world. ]

[Nowadays, the ancestral land of the Tiangou tribe still exists in the Shenhuang world. ]

[As a creature in the Shenhuang world, Yan Zhaoshen is qualified to go to the ancient world. ]

[The second way is to temporarily give Ye Qingdi the identity of the Shenhuang world and let him stay in the Shenhuang world for a short time. ]

[In this way, you can also go to the ancient world! ]

The system explained.


Hearing this suddenly, Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

He didn't expect that this time the system would take the initiative to help him make plans, and it was free.

In addition!

What he didn't expect was that the Tengu clan was actually the native creatures of the Shenhuang world, and even their ancestral land was in the Shenhuang world.

[System, where is the ancestral land of the Tengu clan? ]

He asked curiously.

[Daluotian, the ultimate ancient land! ]

What is this place?

Lin Wudao was confused. He had never heard of any of the place names the system mentioned.

[Host, don't think about it. The ancestral land of the Tengu clan is not a place you can imagine and touch at present. ]

[Even the Tengu clan can't go there! ]


Since the system said so, Lin Wudao gave up asking questions, because he didn't know even if he said it.

[By the way, if Ye Qingdi has a temporary identity in the Shenhuang world, how much luck value will he have to pay? ]

[Finally, how long can Ye Qingdi stay in the ancient world? ]

[Three hundred billion luck golden lotuses, a quarter of an hour! ]

Tsk tsk~

It's really expensive!

The price offered by the system made Lin Wudao's scalp tingle. Three hundred billion luck golden lotuses were a huge sum of money that he could not imagine at the moment.

[Can Ye Qingdi pay this money himself? ]

[No! ]

[Anyone who enters the Shenhuang world and its affiliated worlds through the host's relationship must pay a price. ]

[Even if you have the identity of the Shenhuang world, you can only stay quietly and cannot take action in the Shenhuang world. ]

[Otherwise, you will be wiped out! ]

[Whether it is Ye Qingdi or Xiao Qinglan, it is the same. ]

[Unless the host pays them to enter the Shenhuang world...]

The system's warning sound came from his mind.


Hearing this, Lin Wudao couldn't help but sigh secretly.

His idea of ​​taking advantage and taking shortcuts would not work.

If you want to get people, you have to spend money!


Although it is impossible to let Ye Qingdi enter the ancient world, it is possible to let Yan Zhaoshen go there to cause trouble.

Thinking of this!

After a little thought, Lin Wudao looked at Yan Zhaoshen.

"Yan Zhaoshen, do you want to go to the world where your Tengu clan's ancestral land is located and take a look?"


Ancestral land? Shenhuang world?

Hearing this, Yan Zhaoshen was stunned at first, but then he showed an extremely excited expression.

"Supreme, I... my Tengu clan's ancestral land, is it really in Shenhuang world?"

"Of course!"

"The ancestral land of your Tiangou clan is located in the ultimate ancient land of Daluotian in the Shenhuang world."

"However, with your status and strength, you can't go there for the time being."

"But, I can let you go to other affiliated worlds in the Shenhuang world."

"It just so happens that I have something for you to do..."

Lin Wudao said calmly.

"I am willing!"

"Please give your order, Yan Zhaoshen will go through fire and water and die!"

He patted his chest and promised.

Although it is impossible to go to the real ancestral land, it is also a great luck and fortune to go to the world where the ancestral land is located.

After all!

Finding the ancestral land is the wish of their Tiangou clan for generations.

However, although they know that the ancestral land is located in the Shenhuang world, there is no one to lead the way, and they can't find the location at all.


Lin Wudao's words undoubtedly gave him hope to realize his dream, which is a big deal for the entire Tiangou clan.

Enough to make those old guys jump out of their graves excitedly...

Thinking of this!

Yan Zhaoshen immediately fixed his eyes on Lin Wudao, expecting him to take him to the Godly World.

"Don't worry about this!"

"When Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God transcends the great catastrophe tomorrow, I will show you the way."

"Tomorrow Yuanshi Ancient Emperor God will transcend the catastrophe, Ye Qingdi and Taihao Immortal Emperor, you two will go to the origin of Panshen Universe first and wait for the opportunity to act."

"As for Yan Zhaoshen, stay in the Myth Alliance for the time being and wait for my order."

The voice fell.

Lin Wudao ignored the reactions of several people and left the fourth heaven of the City of All Heavens in a flash.

When he appeared again, he had arrived at the Jiutian Tower of the first heaven as Ren Woxing.


At this moment!

In the courtyard on the eighth floor of Jiutian Tower, Tushan Cangyue, Crazy Taoist, Xiao Qinglan, Xiong Batian and others were gathered together, chatting and laughing.

At the same time.

Wu Daotian also came here.

"Brother Ren, you've come at the right time. Wu Daotian is treating us today. He has already said that we can eat as much as we want."

"So, don't be polite to him!"

"As the true son of the Zhenwu Imperial Palace, and now the successor of the Immortal Emperor of the Panshen Universe, this guy has plenty of money."

"It's a pity that Qin Daofu is not here at such a grand moment..."

Lin Wudao had just stepped into the room when he saw the crazy Taoist coming in front of him, laughing endlessly.

In his hand, he was holding a wine pot.

While talking, he kept pouring the peerless immortal wine produced by the City of All Heavens into his mouth, looking very happy.

At the same time!

Wu Daotian, Xiao Qinglan and others also stood up and greeted Lin Wudao. The atmosphere of the scene was very harmonious.

"By the way, Brother Ren, Wu Daotian is going to challenge the title of Dao again."

"The time is set for one year later!"

"This time, he decided to do it alone and no longer needs others to protect him..."

When Lin Wudao sat down, the crazy Taoist immediately revealed a big news to him. (End of this chapter)

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