[Name: Vase of Sin]

[Level: Superior Artifact (Temporary)]

[Quality: Myth·Original Treasure]

[Introduction: The treasure conceived through the original power of the third layer of the abyss is endowed with powerful abyssal will and terrifying abyssal magic. 】

[Divine power: 1. The sword of sin is blessed by the will of the abyss. The vase contains three thousand swords of sin, which can kill all abyssal species and attack unparalleled. 】

[2. Sin Storm: With the great power endowed by the will of the abyss, a terrifying sin storm can be released. However, all abyssal species caught in the storm will be devoured and destroyed. 】

[3. Abyss of Sin: With the supreme will of the abyss, a terrifying abyss has evolved. All abyssal species that fall into it will be smelted and turned into the most primitive abyss power. 】

[Remarks: The original treasure is the most powerful treasure at the same level! 】

Looking at the information presented in the Sinful Aquarius, Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

Under the power of the system, his God of Sin level was temporarily elevated to the level of Demon God, and his divine power, divine magic, divine spells, artifacts, etc. were also temporarily elevated.

at the moment!

After the Aquarius of Sin was unsealed, it was temporarily promoted to a mythical superior artifact, and it was a treasure blessed with the power of the abyss.

At this current level, there is nothing in the abyss that can compare with the Aquarius of Sin.

This is the powerful power of the mythical origin treasure!

"Since I obtained this treasure, this is the first time I've used it today, so I'll use it for you to practice it first."

Looking at the legendary high-ranking lords who were charging towards them like crazy, Lin Wudao had a slight smile on his face.


He suddenly took out the bottle of sin in his hand.


Under Lin Wudao's control, three thousand sinful swords suddenly flew out of the abyss vase.

Each sinful sword released a sword energy of ten thousand feet, and the aura and power it exuded directly tore the void apart.


Three Thousand Sin Swords pressed across the sky, their speed was so outrageous that they did not allow any resistance from the legendary upper lords, and enveloped them all in an instant.

All of a sudden.

The shrill screams resounded throughout the sky!

Under the attack of the Sword of Three Thousand Sins, all thirty-three legendary high-ranking lords of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom were killed in an instant.

Immediately afterwards.

The Aquarius of Sin released a powerful suction force, sucking everyone's corpses into it.

In just two or three breaths, the legendary high-ranking lords who entered the Vase of Sin were completely refined and turned into the most primitive abyssal power.

"Tsk tsk~"

"It's really a good baby!"

Seeing the powerful power displayed by the Aquarius of Sin, the look of satisfaction in Lin Wudao's eyes became even stronger.

This artifact is simply invincible at the same level.

"Ye Motian, do you really not want to come out and see me?"

"If you don't come out, then I will have no choice but to wipe out all the people in Youdu..."

Lin Wudao held the bottle of sin in his hand and said coldly.


In the face of his threat, there was no response from the depths of the Demon Palace, only the panicked sounds of the surrounding subjects running for their lives.

"Could it be that Ye Motian saw something was wrong and ran away?"

Seeing no one responded, Lin Wudao couldn't help but frowned.


Just when he was about to go to the depths of the Demon Palace to find out what was going on, suddenly, a series of shrill screams suddenly came to his ears.

Take a closer look!

I saw that with the Great Sun Demon Palace as the center, the hundreds of millions of subjects within the Demon City seemed to have been eroded by some taboo power, and everyone's bodies were all destroyed in an instant.

The essence in their bodies was forcibly extracted and turned into black torrents, rushing into the depths of the Demon Palace.

In just a moment, all the subjects in the Great Sun Demon City were wiped out, and not a single person was left alive.


Looking at this sudden scene, a hint of surprise flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

Then, he looked into the deepest part of the Demon Palace with his deep eyes.

at this time!

After absorbing the essence of hundreds of millions of people in the Demon City, he could clearly feel that there was an extremely powerful aura rising into the sky from the depths of the Demon Palace.

at the same time.

A sharp magic light cut through the void, turned into a black pagoda, and suppressed Lin Wudao menacingly.

The momentum and power exuded have obviously reached the level of a legendary lord.


"It does have some courage and means."

"Ye Motian, by this time, you must have almost recovered the strength of the legendary lord, right?"

Lin Wudao said jokingly.


The moment he finished speaking, he immediately displayed the abyssal version of the divine power of the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom, and evolved the natal Divine Kingdom exclusive to the God of Sin.

Its divine domain covers the entire Great Sun Demon City.

"Absolute domination!"

With divine power covering all ten directions of space, all abyssal species within the divine domain will be absolutely suppressed.

All of a sudden.

The power and power contained in the powerful blow delivered by Ye Motian fell from the original legendary high lord to the legendary high-ranking lord.

This little power no longer poses any threat to Lin Wudao...

He raised his hand and punched out, and the black pagoda that was suppressed by the fierce force was shattered.


When the pagoda was shattered, a surprised voice came from the depths of the Demon Palace.


Then, under Lin Wudao's gaze, a middle-aged man with a strong physique and wearing a black imperial robe appeared in front of him out of thin air.

A pair of cold and ferocious eyes stared closely at Lin Wudao...

Like that!

It seemed as if he wanted to see through Lin Wudao.

Facing his scrutiny, Lin Wudao did not hide away, but stood quietly on the spot, looking calm and calm.

The person in front of him was suddenly the king of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom, Ye Motian.


After absorbing the essence of hundreds of millions of creatures in the Demon City, his power finally returned to the state of a legendary lord.

"The God of Sin?"

Looking at Lin Wudao standing in front of him, the more Ye Motian looked at him, the more he frowned.


He couldn't see through Lin Wudao at all!

It's not even possible to see any useful information from him.

This situation gave Deye Motian a strong sense of crisis.

"Ye Motian, have you seen enough? Do you feel very surprised and surprised at this moment?"

Lin Wudao said with a joking smile.

Hear this!

Ye Motian nodded seriously.

"It's really incredible!"

"You obviously only have the faith and incense of the Canglan Demon Realm. Logically speaking, you are no more than a low-level demon god at best."

"However, the divine power and power you have displayed now are seriously inconsistent with your divine level."

"This only shows that the God of Sin is not your real name..."

"According to my understanding, there seems to be no demon god in the third level of the abyss who can surpass the upper demon god."

"So, who are you anyway?"

Ye Motian stared at Lin Wudao closely and asked.

"This god is the god of sin!"

"As for the identity and origin of this god, you don't need to understand, let alone know."

"What you can do now is either surrender and serve this god devoutly from now on; or, this god will send you to death."

"Don't think that because you have the protection of a master from a mythical great lord, I won't dare to kill you."

"Today, even if your master Wuji Demon Lord arrives, it will not change the outcome..."


The moment the words fell, Lin Wudao instantly activated the divine power of 'Absolute Dominance', directly suppressing Ye Motian's cultivation level to the level of the legendary upper lord.


Feeling the huge change in his own power level, even Ye Motian's calm mind couldn't help but be shocked.

The scene before him had surpassed his understanding.

He has lived in the infinite demon world for so many years, and he has never seen such terrifying magical powers and methods.

"This God of Sin is definitely not the Demon God on the third level of the abyss."

Ye Motian took a deep breath secretly.

In the third level of the abyss, there is no demon god that surpasses the Great Demon God!


According to this speculation, Lin Wudao could only descend from a higher level of abyss.

The thought of this!

Ye Motian's eyes changed dramatically when he looked at Lin Wudao.

There is shock, curiosity, horror, fear and uneasiness; but most of all, there is awe...

"I am willing to surrender~"

After some brief thought and consideration, Ye Motian bowed at Lin Wudao's feet in a respectful manner.

See it!

Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

"very good!"

"I'll give you one day to deal with the aftermath of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom. Come to Sin Devil Mountain tomorrow, and I will grant you some blessings."

Say it.

Lin Wudao put a mark of sin on Ye Motian's body, and then disappeared in a flash.

Looking at Lin Wudao's departing back, Ye Motian frowned in thought for a moment, and then returned to the depths of the Demon Palace.


With a wave of his hand, he set up an ancient and mysterious altar and began to sacrifice his own essence and blood.

After a while.

In the misty magic light, a vague figure gradually appeared... (End of this chapter)

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