"What's the matter?"

When the illusory figure appeared, an extremely indifferent voice was also heard.

Seeing this!

Yamatian knelt on the ground with an extremely respectful attitude.

"Greetings, Master!"

"Master, a mysterious demon god has recently appeared in the Canglan Demon Realm, and his name is the God of Sin."

"The body of this God of Sin is a tree of sin, and his divine domain is limited to the Canglan Demon Realm."

"According to his divine rank and status, as well as the divine domain and incense he possesses, he is at most a lower-level demon god."

"However, today the God of Sin attacked our Great Sun Demon Kingdom, and he showed a powerful divine power comparable to the mythical Great Demon God."

"My disciple boldly guessed that this God of Sin is likely to be a demon god from a higher level of the abyss."

"Now, the God of Sin suddenly came to the third level of the abyss, and I don’t know what he wants to do?"

"The third level of the abyss, the sudden appearance of such a powerful demon god will definitely disrupt the original power structure in the future."

"This matter is of great importance, and my disciple feels it is necessary to report it to Master..."

Yamatian said respectfully.

God of Sin?

Hearing this, the Wuji Demon Lord in the magic light had a tone of surprise and surprise, and even a hint of solemnity.

"Are you sure that the God of Sin has the strength of the mythical Great Demon God?"

Silence for a long time!

An indifferent voice came out again.

"Yes, Master!"

"My current cultivation level is the legendary Great Lord, but in front of the God of Sin, I have no power to resist."

"I don't know what magical powers and means the God of Sin used to make my cultivation level fall to the legendary upper lord."

"Therefore, my disciple guesses that the God of Sin has the power of the mythical Great Demon God..."

"If this is true, Master should prepare early to avoid being ruined by the God of Sin."

Ye Motian reminded carefully.

"This matter, I know!"

"You continue to pay attention to the every move of the God of Sin, and report to me in time if there is any situation."

After that.

Before Ye Motian could react, the magic light on the altar suddenly collapsed, and the shadow of the Wuji Demon Lord also disappeared in an instant.

Watching this scene!

Ye Motian stood there for a long time, and then returned to his own Demon Palace and began to properly deal with the affairs of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom.


What he didn't know was that his every move was under the watchful eyes and control of Lin Wudao.

At the same time!

Every word he said to the Wuji Demon Lord also fell clearly into Lin Wudao's ears.


"This Great Sun Demon Lord is really unreliable. He betrayed me in a moment."

"But you only have this little value."

"The reason why I kept you is not to hope to get a glimpse of the Wuji Demon Lord through you?"

"When you are of no use, there is no need to continue living..."

Outside the Great Sun Demon Kingdom, Lin Wudao sneered coldly.

Ye Motian thought he was smart, but he didn't know that his every move was under the control of Lin Wudao.

Including, his life and death and fate!


People like Ye Motian have no great use value at all. In addition to using him to stabilize the Great Sun Demon Kingdom, he can also lead out the Wuji Demon Lord behind him.

When Lin Wudao controls the faith of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom, Ye Motian will be wiped out.

Worthless trash, it is a waste of resources to live.

Thinking of this!

Lin Wudao did not stay in the Great Sun Demon Kingdom for too long. After walking out of the Tianyou Demon Realm, he directly flashed back to the Sin Demon Mountain.



"Su Wugui has changed so much?"

After returning to his body, Lin Wudao immediately checked Su Wugui's situation.


You don't know until you see it, you will be shocked.

After seeing the huge changes in Su Wugui's body, Lin Wudao immediately showed an extremely surprised look.


At this moment, Su Wugui has overturned all the previous "Only I am the Only Great Law" and rebuilt a new foundation and system.

This time.

It seems to be more perfect than before!

"She actually evolved all the three thousand demon seeds in her body into the tree of life dominated by essence, energy and spirit?"

"At that time, do you want to use the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit as the foundation to impact the myth master?"

"This idea is not bad!"

"At present, she has built the foundation of the myth master, and her own qualifications and foundation will soon transform into a myth upper lord."

"Once the tree of life blooms, she will be a great lord; once the tree of life bears fruit, she will be a legendary great lord; once the fruit of life is ripe, she will be a myth great lord."

"At that time, based on the fruit of life, with the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit as the source, she will condense the fruit of Tao."

"In the future, she will become a myth master!"

"Well, she is worthy of being a demon who can be compared with Wu Daotian. Her talent and talent are indeed powerful."

After carefully observing the changes of Su Wugou, Lin Wudao showed a look of great admiration.

He was quite satisfied with Su Wugou, the high priest in the abyss.

At least in terms of qualifications and strength, he is no worse than Tushan Cangyue in the human world.


What surprised Lin Wudao even more was that the picture of a bronze coffin he painted on a whim actually had a positive effect.

Moreover, the effect is surprisingly good!

"If this is the case, the Sky-Swallowing Peacock can also be cultivated in this way."

"I remember that on the bronze coffin for burial in the sky, there seemed to be pictures of all living things, including a peacock."

"When the time comes, let the sky-swallowing peacock also try to visualize..."

Lin Wudao secretly made up his mind.

On the surface of the sky-burial copper coffin, various magnificent and mysterious divine pictures are outlined, which are extremely mysterious and unpredictable.

According to Lin Wudao's vision and strength, he couldn't see any information or clues at all, and he didn't know what it was for.


It must be something extraordinary to appear on the bronze coffin. Even a painting has its incredible power.


Lin Wudao wanted to see what magical changes would happen to the sky-swallowing peacock after he visualized the divine image on the bronze coffin.

Furthermore, he also wanted to feed the sky-swallowing peacock in this way.

after all.

This guy's appetite is really too big and he will eat everything. If he doesn't find a way, once it grows, it will probably eat all the species in the abyss.

In order to avoid this phenomenon from happening, Lin Wudao could only place his hope on the bronze coffin.

He hopes to feed the sky-swallowing peacock through the power of the abyss drawn from the sky-burial copper coffin.

By the time!

The sky-devouring peacock no longer has to devour abyssal species.

The abyssal power purified by devouring the Sky Burial Copper Coffin is many times more powerful than those abyssal species.

He firmly believed that the Sky-Swallowing Peacock would definitely like it...

Thinking about this!

Lin Wudao observed Su Wugou again, and then began to absorb the original power of the abyss through the sky burial copper coffin to build and expand his own divine kingdom.

after one day!

When Lin Wudao finished his training, he saw that Su Wugou had already woken up and came to the Sin Devil Mountain.

at this time.

The 3,600 natal trees in her body have all transformed to the mythical level, allowing her cultivation to reach that of a mythical high-ranking lord.

Lin Wudao was quite satisfied with this result.

"Yes, you finally lived up to my God's expectations!"

"Su Wugou, the Great Sun Demon Kingdom has been pacified by this god. Next, your task is to do your best to gather the beliefs of the Tianyou Demon Realm and the True Yuan Demon Realm, and turn them into a divine realm and people under this god."

"In addition, let the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan establish a sinful divine kingdom to rule and manage the people and safeguard the faith of this god."

"The patriarch, Su Xuanyin, is the leader of the Kingdom of Sin!"

"In addition, in order to facilitate your actions, this god gives you the power to exercise my divine power..."

Lin Wudao ordered in an orderly manner.


He directly gave Su Wugou the power to exercise the tenth level of divine power.

"Thank you, God!"

"Su Wugou will definitely live up to the Great God's expectations, manage the Kingdom of Sin, and safeguard the Great God's faith."

Feeling the divine power of domination imprinted in his soul, Su Wugou immediately fell to the ground and prostrated.

It is a great honor and trust to be given divine authority by the gods.

She didn't dare to live up to Lin Wudao's expectations!

Lin Wudao still believed in Su Wugou's ability.

"Let me leave this matter to you!"

"Within one month, I will see that the Tianyou Demon Realm and the True Yuan Demon Realm are all brought under my belief."

Say it!

Lin Wudao ordered some other things that needed attention, and then evacuated the divinity and true spirit from the third layer of the abyss.

Counting the time, the day for the Ancient Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty to transcend the tribulation has arrived... (End of this chapter)

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