Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1257 Rebuilding the foundation of the mythical master!

After Lin Wudao left, Su Wugou sank into the shadow of the copper coffin.




When her mind and consciousness touched the shadow of the bronze coffin on the scroll, an extremely grand scene instantly appeared from the scroll and was reflected on the soul.

In that grand scene, all the mysteries of the "Only Self-Lord Dharma" she practiced seemed to be revealed at this moment.

at the same time.

Under the blessing of the supreme will and power of the Burial Bronze Coffin, Su Wugou felt that his understanding had been sublimated like never before and magnified to an extreme.

All of a sudden!

Her understanding of "The Great Law I Only Reverend" has reached an unprecedented level.

At this moment, she seemed to foretell the path that "Only I Respect Dafa" will take in the future.


After her deduction, she found that the path she chose and created would not work at all in the end.

It's a dead end!

If she continues to practice like this, her future achievements will only reach the level of the Mythical Great Lord, and it will be impossible for her to be promoted to the Lord.

"This road is wrong!"

"The "Only My Own Law" that I created is too grand. Everything is only constructed in imagination and theory. It is equivalent to a loft in the sky and is completely unrealistic."

"If you want to hit a higher level of dominance, you must smash your original ideas and reshape your foundation and direction..."

In the temple!

Su Wugou frowned tightly.

Although she has been trying her best to practice the "Only Self-Lord Dharma", she has not considered dominating that level.


Under the reflection of the supreme will of the Heavenly Burying Bronze Coffin, her understanding has been elevated to an unprecedented height, and she has a deeper analysis of the "Only I Am the One".

If she continues to practice on her current path, when all three thousand demon species in her body transform into the mythical level, her life path will basically come to an end.

It is simply impossible to attack the realm of domination with this!


According to the supreme will of the abyss and the supreme law, if you want to become a master, you must condense three Tao fruits.

I only respect the Dafa. It is simply impossible to condense all the three thousand demon species in the body into Tao fruits.

No species can disobey the will and laws of the abyss. The "Only Self-Respecting Law" she created has gone beyond this scope.

In this way, it will never be possible to become a master!


We must re-choose the path and direction for the future...

"The original idea of ​​worshiping Dafa alone, as well as the most original tone of practice, are already wrong."

"Since this road is impassable, we cannot allow every Abyss Demon Seed to condense into Abyss Dao Fruit."

"There can only be three final Dao fruits!"

"In the abyss, whether it is an abyss species or an abyss demon, they are all inseparable from three things."

"That is, essence, energy, and spirit!"

"Jing represents the flesh and body of the abyssal species, symbolizing power; Qi represents the fate of the abyssal species; God represents the soul of the abyssal species."

"If I use the three fundamentals of Jing, Qi, and Shen as the basis to condense the Tao Fruit of Jing, the Tao Fruit of Qi, and the Tao Fruit of God, then the road to domination will be smooth."

"Right now, I have condensed three thousand demon species in my body. If I want to rebuild it, it will be too time-consuming and laborious. It is better to change it."

"The true nature of the Great God of Sin is the tree of sin. It takes 300 million years to bloom, 300 million years to bear fruit, and 300 million years to mature."

"Three thousand six hundred flowers bloom each time, and nine flowers bloom each time!"

"In this case, why don't I follow the example of the great god and use the three thousand demon seeds in my body as the foundation to evolve the three thousand life trees?"

"Three thousand six hundred is for Dzogchen!"

"If it succeeds, then each natal tree will bear three fruits, representing the three treasures of essence, energy, and spirit."

"Three thousand six hundred fruits of essence are condensed into the fruit of the path of essence; three thousand six hundred fruits of qi are condensed into the fruit of the path of qi; 3600 fruits of the spirit are condensed into the fruit of the path of god."

"On the day when you succeed, the Three Treasures of Spirit, Qi, and Spirit will reflect on you, and you will surely become the master of the road..."

this moment!

Under the blessing of the supreme will of the Burial Bronze Coffin, Su Wugou's understanding was sublimated to an unprecedented height.

Coupled with her own talents and talents, as well as her sudden happiness, she had a clear idea of ​​the future path.


As the path of spiritual practice suddenly became clearer, the confusion in her heart disappeared, and her thoughts became clearer.

The pure and majestic power of the abyss surged out from the picture scroll of the sky-burial copper coffin.

See this scene!

Su Wugou did not dare to hesitate. She immediately overturned all previous assumptions and rebuilt and created the "Only Self-Supreme Law".


With the help of the majestic abyss magic provided by the Heavenly Burial Copper Coffin, she opened up 3,600 divine orifices in her body.

In every divine orifice, an abyssal demon seed was planted.


These 3,600 abyss demon seeds broke through their shackles in an instant and began to take root and sprout.

In the end, all the abyss demon species evolved into a natal tree that gathered the three treasures of essence, energy, and god.


Under the irrigation of the magic power of the infinite abyss, the 3,600 natal trees began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

at the same time.

As if sensing Su Wu Gou's thoughts, the painting of the Heaven Burying Copper Coffin that existed in the deepest part of her consciousness instantly split into 3,600 pieces.

And then!

The shadows of the 3,600 Heaven Burying Copper Coffins all merged with Su Wu Gou's natal tree.

When the foundation of everything was completed, Su Wu Gou's foundation suddenly soared.


Under the watering of the infinite abyss magic power, the 3,600 natal trees in her body instantly reached the legendary level.

Then, striding towards the mythical level...


Lin Wudao did not pay too much attention to Su Wu Gou's changes.


After stepping out of the Canglan Demon Realm, he spent half a day and finally went deep into the heart of the Tianyou Demon Realm and arrived at the Great Sun Demon City.

After accepting the faith of the Great Sun Dragon Demon, through the ruling divine power, he has obtained all the information about the Great Sun Demon Kingdom from the Great Sun Dragon Demon.

Among them, the Great Sun King Yamo Tian!

According to the memory of the Great Sun Dragon Demon, Ye Motian was a legendary lord 300 million years ago.


Because he suffered a very serious injury in the fight for the fruit of sin 300 million years ago, he is still recovering today.

"In nearly 300 million years, Ye Motian's injuries should have recovered almost all."

"Although he has not reached his previous peak state, it must be not far behind."

"In addition, Ye Motian seems to have a close relationship with the Demon Lord of the Wuji Demon Realm, and seems to be the direct disciple of the Wuji Demon Lord."

"But the Wuji Demon Lord has been in seclusion and has not been concerned about worldly affairs for hundreds of millions of years..."

Lin Wudao sorted out the memories in his mind and thought secretly.


He took a step forward and instantly crossed billions of miles of territory and came to the sky above the Great Sun Demon City.

"Ye Motian, come out and see me!"

The majestic and grand voice shook the world.

"Who dares to trespass into my Demon City?"

As Lin Wudao's voice sounded, suddenly, there were earth-shaking roars from all directions of the Demon Palace.


I saw powerful figures rising from all parts of the Demon Palace, carrying extremely powerful momentum, rushing towards Lin Wudao.

Each of these people is a legendary upper lord.

There are a total of 33 people!

"The foundation of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom is indeed strong..."

Lin Wudao praised.

As soon as the voice fell!

He slowly spread his palm, and in an instant, an ancient and mysterious black treasure bottle slowly emerged in the infinite magic light. (End of this chapter)

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