"Is the biggest enemy of the Canglan Demon Realm the Great Sun Demon Kingdom? Apart from this, are there any other enemies?"

Lin Wudao asked curiously.

"Reporting to the Great God, there are two major demon realms surrounding our Canglan Demon Realm."

"They are the Tianyou Demon Realm where the Great Sun Demon Kingdom is located, and there is also the True Essence Demon Realm."

"Canglan Demon Realm, Tianyou Demon Realm, and Zhenyuan Demon Realm form a three-legged situation."

"It's just that the scope of Tianyou Demon Realm is extremely vast, several times that of Canglan Demon Realm. Both in terms of foundation and strength, it far exceeds our Canglan Demon Realm and Zhenyuan Demon Realm."

"Therefore, since ancient times, Canglan Demon Realm and Zhenyuan Demon Realm have formed an alliance to jointly fight against Tianyou Demon Realm."

"The price is that Canglan Demon Realm will give half of the flower of sin and half of the fruit of sin to Zhenyuan Demon Realm."

"In addition, this also involves the issue of an abyssal race."

"The Tianyou Demon Realm where the Great Sun Demon Kingdom is located is the orthodox abyss race, which was born from the abyss."

"And our Canglan Demon Realm and Zhenyuan Demon Realm are both abyssal species that were assimilated into the abyss a long time ago."

"So, from the perspective of Tianyou Demon Realm, we are outsiders and are not worthy of sharing the abyss resources with them."

“From this, race wars emerged.”

"But in the final analysis, the biggest reason is because of your existence, great god..."

Su Wugou described the situation in the surrounding area in detail.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao nodded thoughtfully.

He did not expect that racial discrimination and racial wars existed in the abyss.

One is a native creature, and the other is an outsider!

The resources in the abyss are very limited. If one more ethnic group shares it, the local creatures will lose a share, so they are naturally unwilling to do so.


Race war is inevitable.

Especially, in the cruel living environment of the abyss, where the weak eat the strong, there is no way for the weak to survive.

"It is very rare that the Canglan Demon Realm can guard the Tree of Sin and has never been invaded by the Great Sun Demon Kingdom."

Lin Wudao sighed slightly.

A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!

Abyssal treasures such as the Tree of Sin are fatally attractive to any abyssal species.

Even if there is no discrimination and opposition between races, wars between demon realms are inevitable.

"Great God, 300 million years ago, all the great lords died in battle in order to protect the treasure that our Canglan Demon Realm depends on for its survival."

"It is precisely because of the desperate fight of the ancestors of Canglan Demon Realm that we have gained 300 million years of peace."

"However, the battle 300 million years ago also exhausted all the foundation of Canglan Demon Realm, and it has not recovered its strength to this day."

"Nowadays, there is no big lord in the Canglan Demon Realm. On the other hand, the Tianyou Demon Realm has gradually become stronger."

"Recently, there is news that a strong person in the Great Sun Demon Kingdom will be promoted to a great lord, and there will be more than one."

"If the news is true, I'm afraid it won't be long before a new race war breaks out again..."

Speaking of which!

Su Wugou showed a worried look.

If the current situation continues, once the war in the Demon Realm breaks out, it will undoubtedly be a catastrophe for the Canglan Demon Realm, and they will not be able to resist it at all.

By the time.

They must be exterminated!

All races and creatures in the Canglan Demon Realm will also be devoured by the Tianyou Demon Realm.

Everyone must die...

"This is a good opportunity."

Compared to Su Wugou's worries and worries, Lin Wudao was in great spirits.

At this time!

He has already thought of an excellent way to get rid of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom and capture the Tianyou Demon Realm.

"Su Wugou, do you think that if my God's Tree of Sin blooms, will the Great Sun Demon Congress launch a massive attack and come to fight for it?"


Upon hearing this suddenly, Su Wugou was stunned on the spot.


"Great God, every time the Tree of Sin blooms and bears fruit, a terrifying demonic war will break out."

"When the time comes, there will be countless abyss species and abyss strong men coming to fight for it."

"Three hundred million years ago, it was because of the fight for the fruits of sin that all the strong men in our Canglan Demon Realm were lost..."

Su Wugou replied in a condensed voice.

Speaking of this, the worry in her eyes became even more intense.


If we count the time, it seems that it is not far away from the tree of sin blooming.

"Great God, there are still three thousand years left."

"As long as a few great lord-level creatures are born in the Canglan Demon Realm within these three thousand years, it should be able to defend it."

"Give me three thousand years, and I will definitely become a great lord!"

"When the time comes, even if a demonic war breaks out, I will still have the confidence to resist the invasion of the Tianyou Demonic Realm..."

Su Wugou said with confidence.

Lin Wudao had no doubts about this.

According to Su Wugou's strong qualifications, as well as his unparalleled talents and talents, he will definitely become a legendary lord in three thousand years.


But he couldn't wait three thousand years!

"Three thousand years is too long, I can't wait that long."

"Within one month, we must destroy the Great Sun Demon Kingdom and capture the Tianyou Demon Realm..."


One month to destroy the Great Sun Demon Kingdom?

As soon as Lin Wudao said these words, Su Wugou was immediately shocked.

"Great God, do you have any plans?"

"At present, the strength of my Canglan Demon Realm does not seem to be enough to go to war with the Tianyou Demon Realm."

Su Wujiu said with some worry.

Facing her worries, Lin Wudao had already thought of a solution.

"Don't worry, everything is under the control of this God!"

"Didn't you say before that once this God's sin tree blooms, it will definitely attract countless abyss strongmen to fight for it?"

"In this case, let's turn the passive into the active, and invite the enemy into the urn, and then catch the turtle in the urn."

"As long as those abyss strongmen dare to step into my Canglan Demon Realm, then they will never escape from the palm of this God."

"Everyone will be suppressed!"

"Therefore, this God decides to bloom three thousand years in advance..."


Bloom three thousand years in advance?

Su Wujiu was startled by Lin Wudao's sudden decision, and his palms clenched involuntarily.


Although she was shocked by Lin Wudao's decision, she also believed that Lin Wudao must have full confidence to do so.

"After the great god appeared, is my Canglan Demon Realm really going to usher in a turning point in its fate?"

Su Wugui was both terrified and full of infinite expectations and longings.

Lin Wudao ignored her reaction.

After understanding the situation and conditions around Canglan Demon Realm, he immediately activated the Baptism of God and Absolute Divine Power to baptize Su Wugui.

At the same time!

His mind also communicated with the system...

[System, with my current foundation and state, can I bloom three thousand years in advance? ]

[No! ]

[The foundation of the Tree of Sin has not yet reached the point of blooming in advance; however, if you want to bloom in advance, you can also consume your own incense to make the foundation reach the point where it can bloom. ]

[It is estimated that thirty incense golden lotuses are needed! ]


Hearing this price, Lin Wudao glanced at the incense on the account, which was enough to bloom in advance.

[How long does it take to accumulate the foundation and reach the point of flowering? ]

[At least three months! ]

[If the host is willing to pay ten incense golden lotuses, the system can also help you shorten the time. ]

[One day later, the tree of sin will bloom! ]

[Okay! That's decided! ]

[Consume 40 incense golden lotuses for me, and bloom three thousand years in advance. This time tomorrow, I want to see the results. ]

Lin Wudao took a deep breath and ordered in a deep voice.

You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child!

Right now.

He has invested all his capital. Whether to eat meat or drink soup depends on this time.


The power of the system is naturally omnipotent!


One day later, after consuming 40 incense golden lotuses, Lin Wudao finally waited for the moment when the tree of sin bloomed. (End of this chapter)

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