
On this day, just as the people of Canglan Demon Realm were immersed in the shock and surprise brought by the revival of the God of Sin, suddenly, infinite divine light burst out from the Sin Demon Mountain without any warning.

Waves of overwhelming divine power swept across the entire Canglan Demon Realm like a flood.

At the same time.

With the advent of divine power, there was also a magical and intoxicating fragrance that was refreshing and intoxicating. Anyone who touched the fragrance could not help but show an expression of fascination and yearning.

This sudden grand vision and magical fragrance instantly alarmed all the people in the entire Canglan Demon Realm.

The first to bear the brunt was the Nine Dragon Immortal Clan!




When the divine light of the Sin Demon Mountain burst out, a group of legendary upper lords headed by Yingshan broke through the void and descended to the Sin Demon Mountain.


"Is this fragrance... the tree of sin blooming?"

Looking at the tree of sin that was blooming with divine light, Yingshan and others showed extremely shocked expressions.

Everyone's eyes were filled with boundless shock, panic and fear.


For the Canglan Demon Realm, the blossoming or fruiting of the tree of sin means the coming of the Demon Realm War.

According to the current strength and foundation of the Canglan Demon Realm, it may not be able to withstand the attack of the Tianyou Demon Realm.

"How is this... possible?"

"It has only been 299,997,000 years since the last time the fruit of sin matured. According to the time calculation, the tree of sin will bloom again in another 3,000 years."

"Yes, how did the tree of sin bloom earlier?"

"What happened?"

"Is this done by the great god?"


Everyone was talking about it.


They knelt on the ground with fear and awe, and bowed and prayed to the tree of sin with an extremely pious attitude.

It is obvious.

They all wanted to get the answers they wanted from the God of Sin in this way.

However, in the face of the prayers of Yingshan and others, although Lin Wudao received them, he ignored them and did not make any response.


At this time, under the guidance of the system's power, he paid attention to his own changes while quietly watching the blooming of the flower of sin.

The flower of sin, showing a mysterious blue color, exudes a magical fragrance, which is intoxicating.

After a careful observation, Lin Wudao also felt that the flower of sin does have the magical power to help abyss species and cleanse their aptitude and bones.

In terms of effect alone, although it is not as powerful as his "absolute baptism", it is indeed much stronger than the simple baptism of God.


The improvement of the flower of sin is also comprehensive; the background and foundation it brings to the creatures of the abyss are also extremely solid.

"The effect of the flower of sin is about a hundred times that of the baptism of God, but it does not have the effect of breaking the shackles and qualifications."

"It is still very difficult for ordinary abyss creatures to transform into legendary qualifications with the help of the flower of sin."

"Perhaps, only the fruit of sin can have this effect..."

After careful observation, Lin Wudao had a very clear and intuitive understanding of the effect of the flower of sin.

Such divine objects and treasures can indeed cause the abyss creatures to fight for, thus breaking out the war in the demon domain.

"The tree of sin has blossomed, and this news will surely spread to the surrounding demon realms at a terrifying speed."

"At that time, the Tianyou Demon Realm will surely launch a massive attack."

"As long as they enter the Canglan Demon Realm, I can harvest them all."

"This will strike the arrogance of the Tianyou Demon Realm and greatly weaken their strength."

"Once all the abyss species that invade the Canglan Demon Realm are suppressed, we can send troops to attack the Great Sun Demon Kingdom."

"By the way, we can take down the Zhenyuan Demon Realm in one fell swoop..."

Lin Wudao kept calculating in his heart.

For the next development, he already had a clear plan.


Yingshan and others in the outside world had no idea of ​​Lin Wudao's thoughts and ideas.

Seeing that they could not get a response from the God of Sin for a long time, and even the high priest Su Wugui was nowhere to be found, the worries in the eyes of Yingshan and others became more and more intense.

At this time.

Everyone's mood was extremely heavy.

"Ancestor, will something happen to the gods?"

Su Xuanyin, the patriarch of the Nine Dragon Immortal Clan, couldn't suppress his worries and asked in silence.

In response, Yingshan stared at the Sin Tree in the distance and shook his head with a sigh.

"I don't know either."

"Now, I am no longer the high priest of the Temple of Sin, and the great god has revived, and his divinity and true spirit have manifested in the world. If the great god does not send down an oracle, I will not be able to sense any news."

"However, although I don't know what happened, the blooming of the flower of sin is an established fact."

"Since it has happened, we must face it bravely."

"Su Xuanyin, you immediately issue a notice to the entire Canglan Demon Realm in the name of the Temple of Sin, summoning all capable warriors to be ready to resist the invasion of the Tianyou Demon Realm at any time."

"No matter how much it costs, the Great Sun Demon Kingdom cannot step into my Canglan Demon Realm."

"In addition, send someone to the Zhenyuan Demon Realm and ask them to send strong men to fight against the Tianyou Demon Realm together with my Canglan Demon Realm."

"After the matter is done, the flower of sin will be divided into half of them as usual!"

"Others, anyone who has reached the level of a superior lord, rush to the border of the Demon Realm immediately."

"We, the old guys, are responsible for staying behind at the Sin Demon Mountain, which is the foundation and lifeline of our Canglan Demon Realm."

"As long as we guard the Tree of Sin, there is still a chance..."

Yingshan gave orders in an orderly manner.


"Follow the order of the ancestor!"

Su Xuanyin and others bowed in response.


They followed the instructions and left the Sin Demon Mountain at the fastest speed.

And their words and actions were all under the watchful eyes of Lin Wudao.

He did not stop them, nor did he give any response, but watched all this quietly as an outsider.


In the abyss, any slight movement would spread at lightning speed.

The news of the blossoming of the Sin Tree must not be concealed.

In just half a day, it spread throughout the Canglan Demon Realm, as well as the nearby Tianyou Demon and Zhenyuan Demon Realms.


The creatures in the more distant Demon Realm also heard the news.

A stone stirs up a thousand waves!

In an instant, as the news of the blossoming of the Tree of Sin spread, the surrounding Demon Realm instantly shook.

Countless Abyss creatures and Abyss strongmen began to rush over from all directions.

Everyone has only one goal.

That is, the Flower of Sin!

Among these Abyss species and Abyss forces, the most powerful is the Great Sun Demon Kingdom.


The Demon Capital of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom!

At this time, in an ancient and magnificent black Demon Palace, the monarch of the Great Sun Demon Kingdom, Yamotian, summoned the strongest people of the Demon Kingdom as soon as he learned the news of the blossoming of the Tree of Sin.

"According to the accurate information from the Canglan Demon Realm, the Tree of Sin has bloomed three thousand years ahead of schedule."

"Although it is not clear why the Tree of Sin bloomed ahead of schedule, we cannot miss this opportunity anyway."

"After nearly 300 million years of accumulation and precipitation, our Tianyou Demon Realm has recovered some vitality. It is time to launch the Demon Realm War again."

"This time, while the God of Sin has just revived, we will try to take over the Canglan Demon Realm in one fell swoop and bring it under the rule of our Great Sun Demon Kingdom."

"Great Peacock Demon King, this time You will lead 18 legendary upper lords and the 1 billion demon army of the Demon Kingdom to attack the Canglan Demon Realm. "

"If you can't take them down, bring your heads to see me!"

"Blue Sky Demon King, you will lead nine legendary upper lords to attack the Zhenyuan Demon Realm. You must contain them so that they cannot support the Canglan Demon Realm."

"Da Ri Dragon Demon, you will lead 22 legendary upper lords to seize the flowers of sin."

"I order you to bring back at least 1,800 flowers of sin..."

A majestic and sharp voice came out slowly from the depths of the Demon Palace.

"Your servant, obeys the order!"

"Your servant, obeys the order!"

"Your servant, obeys the order!"

Hearing the order, Peacock Demon King, Blue Sky Demon King, and Da Ri Dragon Demon immediately bowed and responded.


They led the Demon Kingdom's strongmen and armies who had been prepared long ago, and rushed to the Canglan Demon Realm and the Zhenyuan Demon Realm. (End of this chapter)

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