"Su Wugui's ability to rule is mainly reflected in her unparalleled talent."

"The talent of clear mind is favored by the will of the abyss, which gives Su Wugui extremely powerful understanding and talent."

"It is also because of this that she can create the unparalleled methods such as the Great Law of I Am the Only One, the Eight Desolations I Am the Only One, and the Six Combinations I Am the Only One..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly in his heart.

While speaking!

In the reflection of the great power of the ruling divine power, the many mysteries of the I Am the Only One created by Su Wugui instantly appeared in front of him.

"It is indeed an unparalleled method!"

"If Su Wugui persists in deducing and practicing, there is a great possibility that she will become the master of the abyss in the future."

"It's a pity that she seems to have given up the practice of this unparalleled method..."

After understanding the magic and power of the I Am the Only One, even with Lin Wudao's extraordinary vision, he couldn't help but express his admiration from the bottom of his heart.

The method of "I Am the Only One" created by Su Wu Gou is to open up three thousand divine orifices in the body, and plant an abyss demon seed in each divine orifice.


With one's own essence, qi, and spirit, condense the infinite power of the abyss, flush and wash the demon seeds in the divine orifices, and make them more powerful.

If all the abyss demon seeds are planted in the three thousand divine orifices, the combat power exerted at that time will be incomparably powerful.


Each demon seed is equivalent to another self. When three thousand selves are tied together, the power that erupts is absolutely unimaginable.

The key is!

These abyss demon seeds can also bless the abyss will to oneself, so as to control the power of the abyss law.

The higher the level of the demon seed, the more power of the abyss law it can control.

"At present, Su Wujiu has opened up three thousand divine orifices in her body, and in each divine orifice, an abyss demon seed has been planted."

"Although he only has the cultivation of a legendary upper lord, in terms of his own combat power, ordinary great lords may not be her opponents."

"And this is just a relatively ordinary demon seed!"

"If Su Wujiu refines and sublimates all the three thousand demon seeds in her body into legendary demon seeds, or even mythical demon seeds, how powerful will she be at that time?"

"Once she becomes a master, wouldn't that mean she will have three thousand masters added to her body? At that time..."


Thinking of this, even Lin Wudao couldn't help but take a deep breath, and a strong shock appeared in his eyes.

Before this.

He thought that Wu Daotian in the human world was already the top genius and evildoer in the world, and it was difficult for anyone to match him.

However, after seeing the method of "I am the only one" created by Su Wujiu today, he felt that he was wrong.

Su Wujiu's talent and talent are definitely not inferior to Wu Daotian.

"Wu Daotian is on the road of martial arts, which emphasizes tempering oneself, proving the truth with the flesh, and returning the great power to oneself."

"Su Wugou is on the road of law, which emphasizes using oneself to merge with the supreme will of the abyss, so as to control and master the power of the law of the abyss."

"One of them is a physical attack, and the other is a magic attack."

"Whether it is the martial arts created by Wu Daotian or the method of self-centeredness created by Su Wugou, if they go to the extreme, they can become the strongest."

"The future is limitless..."

Lin Wudao kept praising in his heart.

He was also amazed at the talent and talent shown by Su Wugou.

If Su Wugou can persist, there will be a great chance to become the supreme myth master in the future.


Although this method of self-centeredness is extremely powerful, it is also extremely difficult to practice.

The three thousand demon species in the body have merged with the body as a whole, and every step forward is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

At present,

It was already very difficult for Su Wujiu to condense the three thousand demon seeds in her body. She didn't dare to think about upgrading all the demon seeds to the legendary level or even the mythical level.

It was also because of this that Su Wujiu gradually gave up practicing the method of "I Am the Only One".

This invincible road requires not only great perseverance and wisdom, but also great opportunities and great fortune, as well as endless time and heart to deduce.

With her energy, it is obviously impossible to complete it in a short time...


"It's not easy to meet a supreme evildoer comparable to Wu Daotian, with unparalleled talent and talent, but I can't let him die halfway."

"With her own heart and strength, it is difficult to complete the creation and practice of the method of "I Am the Only One", but if she has my help, it may not be so difficult."

Lin Wudao began to calculate in his mind.

He possessed powerful abyss divine power and divine arts. As long as he kept washing, plus the pure abyss magic of the Burial Heaven Copper Coffin, he should be able to wash all the three thousand demon seeds in Su Wujiu's body to the mythical level.

In this way!

In the abyss, he also has a peerless hero.

If Su Wu Gou becomes a master in the future, then with three thousand myth masters, no one can fight against him.

At the same level, he will definitely not be weaker than Tushan Cangyue and Wu Daotian...

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao's eyes when he looked at Su Wu Gou changed significantly.


He just wanted to train Su Wu Gou simply, but now that he knew her talent and talent, he would naturally train her at all costs.

He was looking forward to how charming and powerful Su Wu Gou would be after she became a myth master in the future.

Su Wugou didn't know Lin Wudao's thoughts and ideas.

at this time.

She stood respectfully and stared at Ying Shan and others intently. She could clearly feel that as time went by, everyone's foundation and heritage were rapidly increasing.

Although he has not improved his cultivation level and transformed into a great lord, his strength is much stronger than before.

Half a day later!

When Lin Wudao finished purging Ying Shan and others, their foundation and heritage had improved to a higher level than before.

As the previous high priest, Ying Shan was already old and decayed, but now after Lin Wudao's baptism, he has regained his vitality.

Its qualifications and potential are already infinitely close to myth!

As for the other nine high-ranking lords, they have also reached legendary qualifications and combat prowess...

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

Feeling the shocking changes in themselves, Ying Shan and others were inexplicably excited. They knelt down on the ground one after another and kowtowed heavily to Lin Wudao.

Lin Wudao's Baptism of God was more powerful than the Flower of Sin from the Tree of Sin.

"Everyone, get up."

"You have served this god for countless years, and this is the reward you deserve."

"Besides, with the powerful enemies outside the Canglan Demonic Domain now looking around, the strength and foundation of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan are still too weak."

"The stronger you are, the better you can protect the Canglan Demon Realm and safeguard the people and faith of this god..."

A majestic voice slowly sounded.

"Don't worry, great god, we will defend the Canglan Demon Realm to the death and never let any enemy take a step forward."

Ying Shan said sonorously and forcefully.


After gaining great strength, the confidence in his chest became stronger than ever before.

He felt that he and others were fully capable of protecting the Canglan Demon Realm.

Not only did he think so, but the other nine high-ranking lords also thought this way.


"I am very pleased that you have such confidence and determination."

"Okay, if there is nothing else, please leave!"

"Su Wugou stays!"

Lin Wudao waved his hand, moved Ying Shan and others out of the Temple of Sin, and at the same time closed the temple door.

"Su Wugou, your talents and talents are rare in the world. The "Only Self-Lord Method" you created is also an unparalleled method that directly points to the master."

"My God, I appreciate it very much!"

"Since you have created such a powerful method, don't give up halfway and continue practicing."

"If you want to be a strong person, you must first have a strong heart!"

"Don't be afraid of difficulties in everything. Although it is indeed difficult to practice the "Only Self-Lord Dharma", you have God as your backer."

"As long as you don't give up, no one can shake you; if you don't have confidence in yourself, no one can support you..."

Lin Wudao warned in a serious tone.

Hear this!

Su Wuguo's body trembled slightly, and after some thought, she nodded heavily.

His eyes once again regained their former firmness.

"Right now, the strength of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan and the people of the Canglan Demon Realm has increased significantly. It is time to expand into the Divine Realm."

"It would be better to destroy the Great Sun Demon Kingdom as soon as possible..."

Speaking of which!

Lin Wudao's eyes became fierce.

He paid such a high price and must make his capital back quickly.

The Great Sun Demon Country is his first target! (End of chapter)

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