"The God of Sin has really appeared!"

Canglan Demon Realm.

Feeling the huge change in their own cultivation, all the living beings showed extremely shocked and excited expressions.

The surprise came so suddenly that they were completely unprepared.

It was not until a long time later that the sentient beings and people in the Canglan Demon Realm recovered from the endless shock.


They knelt down one after another, facing the direction of the Sin Mountain, and worshiped devoutly.

Although the sudden appearance of the God of Sin shocked them and even caught them off guard; but since the God of Sin appeared, from now on, they would also have specific beliefs.

All the people have support and sustenance...


As Lin Wudao's oracle spread throughout the Canglan Demon Realm, all the creatures who had previously enshrined him fervently worshiped him.

The scenes of sentient beings worshiping were also fed back to Lin Wudao's mind under the power of the ruling god.

See this scene!

He looked very satisfied!

"After this divine grace and creation, the news of the God of Sin's appearance will surely spread throughout the surrounding demonic realms as quickly as possible."

"At that time, it will inevitably affect the power structure of the surrounding demonic realms, and a war may break out."

"In this case, I have to prepare in advance."

"Moreover, there are no rules or order at all in the abyss. Everything is based on strength and follows the law of survival of the weak and the strong."

"If you want to become stronger, you can only annex other weak ethnic groups and forces to obtain more resources."

"Beyond the Canglan Demonic Domain, there seems to be a Great Sun Demonic Kingdom that has been watching with covetous eyes."

"We must find a way to get rid of it..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly in his heart.

Think of this!

He withdrew the divine thoughts scattered throughout the Canglan Demon Realm and focused his attention on Su Wugou and others who were worshiping in the temple.

At this moment.

All the high-ranking lords of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan, after being shocked, all looked at him with extremely longing eyes.

Obviously, they were waiting for him, the god of sin, to bestow divine grace and creation on them.

after all!

All living beings and people in the entire Canglan Demon Realm have been blessed. As the staunchest believers in the God of Sin, it is impossible for them to be without it.

In fact.

Lin Wudao has not forgotten them. What he gives to the sentient beings in the Canglan Demon Realm is just some ordinary divine grace. The real great fortune must be given to them.


At present, Lin Wudao's god level is only the high-level demon god. His scope of authority cannot directly improve the cultivation level of the high-level lords and let them reach the level of the great lord.

Therefore, they can only use other means to improve their foundation and strength.

"Nine of you, including Ying Shan, have all reached the level of high-ranking lords. According to my current divine power, I cannot allow you to directly become great lords."

"However, it can give you more powerful combat power..."

A majestic and indifferent voice appeared out of thin air in the minds of the nine superior lords.

Talking time!

Lin Wudao directly used the Abyss Magic: God's Baptism on them.

This powerful magical technique has an almost heaven-defying effect on cleansing the aptitudes, roots, bloodlines, etc. of living beings.

[Name: Baptism of God]

[Category: Abyss Magic]

[Level: Lower level magic]

[Divine Power: 1. By using this magical technique, you can perform an all-round cleansing on the devout believers under your command, and their qualifications and potential will be increased tenfold based on the original ones. 】

[2. By using this magical technique, there is a one in 10,000 chance that the abyssal demon species will transform into a legendary level; there is a one in a billion chance that the abyssal demonic species will transform into a mythical level. 】

[Remarks: This magical spell is only effective for abyss species below the level of domination, and cannot be washed and sublimated into domination-level abyss demon species. 】

A thought!

Information about the baptism of God was instantly presented in front of Lin Wudao.

After reading.

Lin Wudao showed a thoughtful expression.

[System, is the ultimate effect of the baptism of God the mythical level? 】

【Yes! 】

[Any species in the abyss, no matter which level of the abyss it is, can only reach the mythical level in its final qualifications. 】

[And it dominates the mythical level below! 】

[The Lord of the Abyss and the Lord of the Abyss are two completely different concepts. Sublimation cannot be completed by washing. 】

[In the abyss, if you want to become the master, you must go through two stages. 】

[The first stage is to condense the Abyss Dao Fruit; the second stage is to survive the Abyss Demonic Tribulation! 】

Abyss Dao Fruit?

Abyss Demonic Tribulation?

Listening to the introduction of the system, Lin Wudao suddenly felt a strong curiosity in his heart.

This was the first time he came into contact with the secrets of the Lord of the Abyss.

It seems to be very different from the road titles in the human world...

[System, what is the Abyss Dao Fruit? 】


[The so-called Abyss Dao Fruit is something condensed by the abyss species condensing all its own essence and the true meaning of power. 】

[Abyss Dao Fruit represents the method practiced by abyssal species, the path taken, the laws and power comprehended, etc. 】

[There are many kinds of Abyss Dao Fruits! 】

[It includes: physical Dao fruit, soul Dao fruit, power Dao fruit, blood Dao fruit, etc., but all aspects related to cultivation can achieve Dao and cast Dao fruit. ]

[Only by condensing Dao fruit can one reflect and sublimate oneself and be promoted to become the master of the abyss. ]

[Condensing one Abyss Dao fruit is an ordinary Abyss master, equivalent to the master of destiny in the human world. ]

[Stronger than the mythical great lord, weaker than the legendary master! ]

[Condensing two Abyss Dao fruits is a legendary master, equivalent to the incomplete Dao title holder in the human world. ]

[Condensing three Abyss Dao fruits is a mythical master, equivalent to the complete Dao title holder in the human world. ]

[To condense Dao fruit, one must reach the extreme in one aspect and cultivate to the state of great perfection. Among all the Abyss layers, the strongest in the same realm. ]

[It is not an easy thing to achieve this step; the species in the Abyss far exceed the creatures in the human world, but those who can cultivate to become ordinary masters are rare in ancient times. ]

[As for the legendary master and the highest myth master, it is even more difficult. ]

[Among the people owned by the host, there is one who has the potential to become a master. ]

[However, she is currently in the process of continuous exploration, and there is still a long way to go to achieve mastery...]


Is there anyone under my command who has the qualifications to be a master?

Hearing the system's words, Lin Wudao immediately looked at Su Wugou who was worshiping devoutly in the temple below.

At present!

Looking at the entire Canglan Demon Realm, the person with the strongest qualifications and potential is Su Wugou.

Except for her, other people simply have no possibility.

Thinking of this.

While Lin Wudao baptized the nine upper lords with the absolute divine power, he carefully examined Su Wugou.

He really wanted to know where Su Wujiu's mastery was manifested...

[Name: Su Wujiu]

[Identity: High Priest of Sin]

[Cultivation: Upper Lord]

[Qualification: Legendary]

[Constitution: Immortal Demon Body]

[Bloodline: Undead Demon Blood (low level)]

[Talent: Clear Heart of Taoism]

[Skills: Nine Dragons Demonic Scripture, I Am the Only One (Lord Chapter·Self-created)]

[Skills: Great Seal of Extinction, Nine Dragons Ascension, Great Silent Sword Art, Eight Desolations I Am the Only One (Self-created), Six Harmonies I Am the Only One (Self-created)]

[Clear Heart of Taoism: Born close to Taoism; if born in the human world, you are born a son of Taoism; born in the abyss, you are born to be favored by the will of the abyss, and have infinite truth added to you. ]


Another Wu Daotian?

Looking at the information presented by Su Wujiu, Lin Wudao was greatly surprised and astonished.


He thought Su Wu Gou was just a legendary upper lord, but he didn't know that she actually possessed such a powerful talent and potential.

She created her own method. He had only seen such a great talent and talent in Wu Daotian in the human world. (End of this chapter)

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