Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1248 The authority of the upper demon god, the resurrection of the god of sin!

"Greetings to the High Priest!"

"Greetings to the High Priest!"

"Greetings to the High Priest!"


When Su Wujiu took over the Sin Scepter, which symbolized the Temple of Sin and the highest power of the Canglan Demon Realm, the Nine Dragon Immortal Clan's strong men knelt down and bowed.

From this moment on, Su Wujiu officially took over Yingshan's priesthood and became the supreme high priest of the Temple of Sin.

Whether it was the patriarch of the Nine Dragon Immortal Clan or the ancestors, they all knelt on the ground with an extremely respectful attitude.

Seeing this scene, Yingshan also showed a gratified smile.

Su Wujiu, as the most outstanding member of the Nine Dragon Immortal Clan in history, was born extraordinary.

He firmly believed that under the leadership of Su Wujiu, the Nine Dragon Immortal Clan and the entire Canglan Demon Realm would get better and better.

"Wu Gou, you will preside over the first sacrificial ceremony after you succeeded the high priest."


Hearing Ying Shan's words, Su Wu Gou nodded, then held the Scepter of Sin and slowly walked out of the temple.

Dong Dong Dong~

Seeing her coming out, the immortals who were watching from the outside, as well as the millions of practitioners in the Canglan Demon Realm, all knelt down and worshiped.

At the same time!

The members of the Nine Dragon Immortal Clan piled a large number of offerings on the altar in the square.

"The sacrificial ceremony begins now!"

Accompanied by Su Wu Gou's majestic and sacred voice, the sacrificial ceremony of the Canglan Demon Realm immediately kicked off.

Although it was only the first time to preside over the sacrificial ceremony, Su Wu Gou was very clear about the sacrificial process.


She acted very calmly and followed the sacrificial procedures of the Temple of Sin, and began the most solemn sacrificial activities.




As the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan offered sacrifices, waves of extremely majestic incense rushed towards Lin Wudao like a flood.

Finally, it merged into his body, the Tree of Sin...


[Your high priest Su Wugui led the people of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan and many people of the Canglan Demon Realm to offer you a grand sacrifice. ]

[Congratulations, you have officially taken over the faith of the Canglan Demon Realm and become the highest god in this area. ]

[You have obtained 138 incense golden lotuses! ]

[You have unlocked all the divine power, divine laws, divine arts, and divine artifacts of the God of Sin...]

A series of cold system prompt sounds suddenly came out from the depths of consciousness.

Hearing this!

Lin Wudao was immediately refreshed!

"138 incense golden lotuses, the system is finally reliable this time, and it really allowed me to harvest a lot of incense."

"This is much faster than the harvesting speed in the human world..."

He was filled with joy.

These ten luck golden lotuses are worth spending!

"Right now, the new and old high priests of the Temple of Sin have been handed over. Basically, all the strong men and forces in the Canglan Demon Realm have come. It is the best time to spread faith."

"After countless years of worship, I, the God of Sin, should also show my holiness in front of people."

"Otherwise, all the people will think that the God of Sin they believe in does not exist at all."

"This is not a good thing for me to harvest faith in the future."

"I must make them firmly believe in the existence of the God of Sin and give them supreme grace and fortune..."

Lin Wudao secretly calculated in his heart.

Thinking of this!

He immediately had an idea!

[System, the incense gods in the world have experience services. Can the demon gods in the abyss also enjoy the experience services of stronger gods? ]


[The host's current god rank is a lower demon god. To experience the authority of a middle demon god, 50 luck golden lotuses are required. ]

[To experience the full authority of the upper demon god, 100 golden lotuses of luck are required! ]

[Experience period: one month! ]

[After the expiration, you need to renew in time to continue to experience the services of the middle demon god or the upper demon god. ]

[At present, the host is only a lower demon god, while the people of Canglan Demon Realm have legendary upper lords. ]

[Therefore, the god rank and status of the upper demon god must be obtained to grant them divine grace and good fortune...]


The authority of the upper demon god requires 100 golden lotuses of luck?

This price made Lin Wudao feel a little painful.


In order to grow and develop in the abyss and harvest more faith and incense in the future, the initial investment is still necessary.


After a slight silence, he decided to experience the full authority of the upper demon god.

In an instant!

Under the supreme power and will of the system, his god rank of the God of Sin was temporarily upgraded to the upper demon god.

At the same time

The divine power, divine law, divine arts, divine tools, etc. of the God of Sin were temporarily upgraded to the level of the upper demon god.

"The system is indeed omnipotent!"

"Next, it's my turn to perform..."

Feeling the boundless abyssal divine power in the Tree of Sin, Lin Wudao showed a satisfied smile.

After carefully sensing it, he looked at the countless people in the Temple of Sin.

At this moment!

Under the leadership of the high priest Su Wujiu, the Temple of Sin was holding a grand sacrificial ceremony.


Just as they were worshiping devoutly, suddenly, a majestic and grand will suddenly descended and swept across the entire Canglan Demon Realm.


"What a terrifying pressure, what happened?"

"Could it be that the Great Sun Demon Kingdom is attacking again?"

"This aura... is so terrifying, maybe it has surpassed that of a high-ranking lord, right?"

"What's going on?"

The sudden and powerful pressure instantly caused the entire Canglan Demon Realm to tremble, causing countless people to panic and fear.

Even the expressions of Su Wugou, Ying Shan and others who were offering sacrifices suddenly changed.

"High Priest, this is..."


Just when the members of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan wanted to ask Su Wugou what happened, suddenly, the Temple of Sin, which had been silent for endless years, burst into bright divine light.

Immediately afterwards.

In the shocking gazes of countless people, a majestic and majestic shadow suddenly appeared from the divine light.

"Sin...the Great God?"

When his eyes touched that mysterious and great figure, the sinful divine power in Su Wugou's body surged instantly.

at the same time!

A strange feeling of blood connection suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart.

That emotion included awe, kindness, majesty...

"Su Wuguo, the high priest of the Temple of Sin, pays homage to the God of Sin!"

"Welcome our Lord!"

Su Wugou suddenly felt blessed. While countless people were shocked, she knelt down and knelt down to worship with an extremely respectful and pious attitude.


Is this the god of sin?

Upon hearing Su Wugou's words and looking at her respectful expression, the people inside and outside the temple all widened their eyes in disbelief.

Although they have been worshiping and offering sacrifices to the God of Sin for eternity, it is just a kind of spiritual belief and sustenance.

He never thought that one day the God of Sin would appear in front of him in the form of a god.


This seemingly impossible thing happened today.

Dong dong dong~

Feeling the vast divine power, and then looking at the high priest Su Wugou who was worshiping devoutly, the surrounding people, after a brief period of confusion and shock, also knelt down on the ground.


They followed Su Wugou and worshiped devoutly...

Look at this scene!

Lin Wudao's originally worried heart finally relaxed.

The system did not lie to him. The God of Sin did have a strong foundation of belief.

These are all born believers!

"Everyone get up!"

"For endless years, you have gone through countless disasters and tribulations, and you have always worshiped this god devoutly."

"I am very pleased with this!"

"Now, after hundreds of millions of years of worship by you, this god has broken through his confusion, been able to derive his divinity and true spirit, and finally became the Demon God of the Abyss."

"Today, I have achieved righteousness and will repay all my people."

"In the Canglan Demon Realm, under the superior lords, all those who devoutly believe in this god will have their cultivation levels raised to a higher level."

The majestic oracle spread throughout the entire Canglan Demon Realm.




Within the divine domain, Lin Wudao's commanding power represents the will of the abyss.

As he issued the oracle, in an instant, all the creatures in the Canglan Demon Realm whose cultivation level was lower than that of the upper lord, all rose to a higher level.

The creature that was originally just an ordinary Immortal King suddenly became a lower-ranking lord under the leadership of the ruling god.

The creatures that were originally just lower lords became middle lords; the middle lords transformed into upper lords. (End of chapter)

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