"The foundation of the Tree of Sin is extremely strong. It blooms 300 million years, bears fruit 300 million years, and matures 300 million years."

"It has been 299,997,000 years since the last time the fruit of sin matured."

"According to this calculation, it will bloom again in another 3,000 years..."

When the divinity and the true spirit were completely integrated with the Tree of Sin, Lin Wudao learned all the information about it.

In addition!

The system did not lie to him!

The Tree of Sin is the first treasure of the Canglan Demon Realm. For endless years, it has been worshipped by the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan.


After he inherited the God of Sin, he had a large number of people and believers by nature, and he could harvest incense at any time.

"The Nine Dragons Immortal Clan seems to be a group that was assimilated from the human world by the Abyss. After being eroded and polluted by the Abyss, they were transformed into Abyss species."

"However, they are not native Abyss species!"

"The current Nine Dragons Immortal Clan is the first overlord of the Canglan Demon Realm, and its number of people is in the hundreds of millions."

"Among the tribes, there are upper lords sitting in charge..."

Lin Wudao obtained a lot of information about the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan from a ray of divinity from the Tree of Sin.


Just as he was sorting out the situation of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan, suddenly, a melodious and majestic ancient bell sounded.

Its bell sound shook the entire Canglan Demon Realm!


When the bell sounded, Lin Wudao's mind and attention were instantly attracted.


As his thoughts moved, a clear picture instantly appeared in the depths of his consciousness.

I saw that under the ancient and majestic Sin Demon Mountain, there stood an extremely magnificent black temple.

At this moment!

A large crowd of people had already gathered on the huge square outside the temple, and there was no end in sight.

All these people were from the Jiulong Immortal Clan.


In the void outside the temple, there were other tribes from the Canglan Demon Realm, with hundreds of millions of people...

"These people seemed to be watching the ceremony!"

"Oh, by the way, according to the inherited memory of the Tree of Sin, the Jiulong Immortal Clan would hold a grand sacrificial ceremony every once in a while."

"And, the high priest of this generation of the Temple of Sin, Yingshan, seemed to be ready to abdicate."

"According to today's situation, the Jiulong Immortal Clan should select a new high priest."

Lin Wudao whispered in his heart.

Today, he seemed to have chosen a good time and happened to catch up with the succession ceremony of the high priest of the Temple of Sin.

"I don't know how big the gap is between this new successor high priest of sin and my Qingshan high priest in the human world?"

Thinking of this!

Lin Wudao extended a wisp of the God of Sin's divine thoughts into the temple.

In an instant.

The interior of the temple immediately caught his eye...

Looking up.

I saw that at this moment, many powerful creatures gathered in the Temple of Sin, the lowest of which were middle-level lords.

There were even nine powerful upper-level lords!

These people were all top-level warriors of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan, and each of them was equivalent to the Supreme Immortal King in the human world.

Among them!

The most powerful one was the old man in the center of the temple, wearing black sacrificial clothes.

Through Lin Wudao's divine sense observation, this person was the high priest of the current generation of the Temple of Sin, Yingshan.

Although he was also a high-level lord, he had legendary qualifications and strength, and was the strongest among the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan.

Not only the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan, but also the entire Canglan Demon Realm, Yingshan was the most powerful being.


He was going to step down from the lofty position of the high priest of the Temple of Sin and pass on the torch to the younger generation of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan.

As Lin Wudao's divine thoughts extended, a young woman with peerless beauty and wearing sacrificial clothes came into view.

Although she was in the abyss, this woman was born with a dignified and holy aura, and was naturally pure and spotless.

"Su Wugou!"

"Born with a pure immortal body, not stained by the sins of the abyss, not stained by worldly cause and effect, and with a clear mind."

"Since her birth, she has become a superior lord in just eight hundred years, and has the talent of a superior legend."

"Her outstanding qualifications and roots are even more outstanding than the temple's high priest Yingshan. In the future, she is expected to break her own shackles and achieve the supreme myth."

"She seems to be born to serve the gods!"

"She is born with the power of the tree of sin..."

The divine thoughts swept over!

A lot of information about Su Wugou immediately appeared in Lin Wudao's mind.

After careful observation, Lin Wudao found that Su Wugou was born with pure sin power, and was pure and spotless.

It's obvious!

She is a fairy creature specially cultivated by the Tree of Sin to succeed the high priest of the temple.

Under the cleansing of the divine power of the Tree of Sin, Su Wu Gou has extremely strong qualifications, as well as a strong foundation and heritage.

If nothing unexpected happens, she may even be able to impact the strongest realm of the supreme myth in the future.

Become the first mythical upper lord of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan since ancient times.


It is possible that the great lord...

"Su Wu Gou, the qualifications and foundation are not bad. Although it is still far behind Cang Yue, it is already the top in the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan."

"Looking at the Canglan Demon Realm, I am afraid that no one can compare with her."

"With these qualifications, you are qualified to become the high priest under my command, to exercise the authority of the abyss on my behalf and manage the faith of the abyss."

Lin Wudao nodded secretly.

As for his first impression of Su Wugou, the successor of the sinful high priest, he was quite satisfied.

In fact!

Qualifications and basic skills are not too important to him. The key lies in four words.

Be loyal and obedient!

As long as these two conditions are met, even if his qualifications are relatively poor, Lin Wudao can be reshaped and become the supreme mythical genius.

Naturally, Ying Shan and others in the Temple of Sin did not know about his secret peeping, thoughts and ideas.


Under the gaze of everyone, a grand succession ceremony is being held in the solemn and sacred Temple of Sin.

"The great God of Sin is above. Since the birth of the third layer of the abyss, the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan has always adhered to its responsibilities and worshiped it from generation to generation. It dare not show any signs of slackness or blasphemy."

"Right now, believer Ying Shan has become old and decayed, and he may die soon. Besides, outside the Canglan Demon Realm, there is the Great Sun Demon Kingdom eyeing him."

"In order to continue to worship the great god and the inheritance of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan, today I boldly pray to the evil god to allow me to step down as the high priest of the temple."

"Su Wugou, the daughter of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan, was blessed by the Great God. She is born extraordinary and will have a great future in the future. She is the best candidate to serve the Great God."

"Today, believer Ying Shan leads the descendants of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan and at the same time informs all living beings in the Canglan Demon Realm to pass on the priesthood to Su Wugou."

"For, the high priest of sin!"

"I hope God will grant me my blessing..."

The majestic and sonorous voice of Mount Ying resounded in the temple, and eventually spread throughout the Sin Devil Mountain and beyond, becoming known to countless tribesmen and people.

Boom, boom, boom!

After some devout obeisance, Ying Shan handed a black scepter, which symbolized the identity, power, and status of the high priest, in front of Su Wugou under the gaze of everyone.

"Su Wugou, you are willing to succeed as the high priest of the Temple of Sin. From then on, you will devoutly believe in and serve the God of Sin."

"And never give up?"

Ying Shan asked loudly in an extremely serious and solemn tone.

"I do!"

Su Wugou knelt on the ground and nodded piously.

Ying Shan was also very satisfied with her answer.

"Please remember your oath today. Don't let down the expectations of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan, let alone betray your faith."

"Otherwise, you will be punished by the gods!"

"From now on, you, Su Wugou, are the eighty-eighth high priest of the Temple of Sin, and the highest ruler of the Canglan Demon Realm."

Talking time!

He solemnly handed the scepter of sin into Su Wugou's hands... (End of chapter)

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