[Divine Power: Domination]

[Category: Abyss]

[Level: Third-level Lower Divine Power]

[Divine Power: 1. Domination. Under this divine power, all the people of the kingdom of God and the Abyss Demon Gods under his command shall be controlled by the Lord of God, including their bodies, souls, fate, etc. ]

[2. Suppression: All Abyss species that enter the Kingdom of God, whether they are Abyss creatures or Abyss Demon Gods, regardless of their levels and realms, shall be forcibly suppressed by one level. ]

[Note: The myth level is reduced to the legendary level, and the great lord is reduced to the upper lord. ]

[3. Judgment: The Demon God can use the powerful will of the Abyss to judge all Abyss species at the fate level outside the Kingdom of God, and cut off or destroy their fate. ]

[4. Judgment: The Demon God can use the powerful will of the Abyss to judge all Abyss species at the material level outside the Kingdom of God, including: body, soul, bloodline, demon species, qualifications, bones, etc. ]

[Divine power: absolute]

[Category: Abyss]

[Level: Third-tier lower divine power]

[Divine power: 1. By exercising this divine power, you can bless all the divine power, divine law, divine arts, and divine powers possessed by the Abyss Demon God, making its divine power infinitely magnified. ]

[2. By exercising this divine power, you can bless the people of the Abyss Kingdom with divine power, and the power of the divine power they use will increase by a certain multiple. ]

[Note: minimum one time, maximum ten thousand times! ]

Under the reflection of the system, detailed information about the ruling divine power and absolute divine power was presented to Lin Wudao in the form of a panel.

After reading it!

Lin Wudao's eyes bloomed with brilliant brilliance.

After the transformation of the Heaven Burial Coffin, the divine power and strength of the ruling divine power and absolute divine power have been strengthened.


The ruling divine power was only effective within the scope of the divine system, but now there are two powerful divine powers, judgment and judgment.

Moreover, it directly uses the will of the abyss to carry out a double blow to the fate and matter of the abyss species outside the scope of the gods.

The two new divine powers of the Abyss Domination Divine Power make the Abyss Demon God have a strong attack power outside the scope of the gods.

No longer limited to the restrictions of the Kingdom of God...

In addition!

The absolute divine power has also undergone a great change, that is, it can bless the abyss species and give them the power after performing the method.

This change makes the two divine powers in Lin Wudao's hands more powerful.

Its divine power is even more terrifying than the divine power in the human world.

"Due to their special nature, the abyss species are inherently more powerful than the creatures in the human world."

"If I bless the domination divine power and the absolute divine power to the abyss species and let them attack the human world, then won't the creatures in the human world suffer a catastrophe?"

"Even in the abyss, with the coordinated use of these two divine powers, it is an invincible existence..."

Lin Wudao was amazed!

He really didn't expect that after the baptism of the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin, the ruling divine power and the absolute divine power would undergo such a huge and heaven-defying change.

And with these two great weapons, even if he went to the abyss to develop power and harvest faith and incense, he would become the strongest existence.

Thinking of this!

Even with Lin Wudao's calm and steady mind, he couldn't help but feel a strong longing and expectation.

[System, how and with what identity should I go to the abyss? ]

After a moment of silence, Lin Wudao asked curiously in his heart.


[If the host wants to develop in the abyss, he must have a real identity in the abyss. ]

[That is to say, the host must be transformed into an abyss species! ]

[The system has found a perfect demon god incarnation for the host in the third layer of the abyss. Only ten golden lotuses of luck are needed to immediately become a lower-level demon god! ]

More money?

Lin Wudao's face darkened.

The dog system will not let him go if there is a slight chance...

[This time, if I inherit the incarnation of the demon god in the third layer of the abyss, will I have no believers like the Great Demon God Qingshan before? ]

Lin Wudao asked.

This matter is very important!

He must figure it out to avoid being tricked by the system again.

He doesn't want to spend a lot of effort and hard work to start all over again after going to the third layer of the abyss.

[Host, don't worry, after inheriting the incarnation of the demon god this time, you will have a large number of believers and people. ]

[As long as the host goes to the abyss, you can immediately start to harvest faith and incense. ]


Is there such a good thing?

After hearing what the system said, Lin Wudao suddenly felt a strong sense of vigilance and suspicion in his heart.

He didn't believe that the system would be so kind!

Under normal circumstances, such a good thing like pie in the sky would never fall on his head.

[Are you sure you didn't lie to me? After inheriting the incarnation of the demon god, you will immediately have a large number of believers? ]

[Absolutely true! 】

【If the host finds that the situation is not consistent, the system can refund the money...】

Is that so~

Seeing the system's solemn promise, Lin Wudao thought about it seriously and agreed immediately.

Although the ten golden lotuses of luck were a little painful, he wanted to see the scene in the abyss even more.


[You have consumed ten golden lotuses of luck. Under the supreme power of the system, you have successfully inherited the throne of the God of Sin on the third level of the Abyss! ]

[Congratulations, you have become the God of Sin of the Wuji Demon Realm, Canglan Demon Realm! ]

A cold reminder sound suddenly rang out.

God of Sin?

When Lin Wudao heard this title, he immediately thought of the City of Sin where he had stayed in the human world.


Just at the moment of doubt, suddenly, a tyrannical will, wrapped in supreme power, directly tore open the barrier between the human world and the abyss, and threw his consciousness into the third level of the abyss.


After an unknown amount of time, when Lin Wudao's consciousness woke up from the endless darkness, he immediately began to look at his incarnation of the demon god and the environment in the abyss.


It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you'll be shocked when you look at it!

When Lin Wudao's mind saw his incarnation of the demon god, he suddenly widened his eyes and frowned.


At this moment, he turned into a strange black giant tree...

"Is this my incarnation of the demon god?"

Looking at his appearance in the abyss, Lin Wudao suddenly felt speechless.

At this moment!

Under his perception, he found that his incarnation of the demon god was a giant tree that covered the sky and the sun.

The trunk was twisted like a real dragon, and the branches covered the void of thousands of miles. It was truly through the sky and the earth, and it was extremely great.


This giant tree also exuded an ancient and vast breath and pressure, and the trunk was flowing with extremely strong abyss magic.

"Although this incarnation of the demon god is a tree, its foundation and background seem to be very good..."

After carefully perceiving it, Lin Wudao was greatly excited.

The roots of this tree are much stronger and more powerful than he imagined.

It is beyond his imagination!

After concentrating on sensing for a long time, Lin Wudao immediately checked the specific information about this tree.

[Name: Tree of Sin (Nine Dragons Treasure Tree)]

[God rank: Lower Demon God]

[Level: Mythology]

[Introduction: 1. A mythical species in the third layer of the abyss. It was originally a human creature, but was eroded and swallowed by the abyss and assimilated into an abyss species. Later, under the worship of the Nine Dragons Immortal Clan, a ray of divinity was born. ]

[2. The Tree of Sin, the first treasure of the Canglan Demon Realm, the flowers of sin it blooms can cleanse the qualifications, bones, bloodline, and soul of the creatures in the abyss, and increase the foundation and heritage. ]

[3. The sinful fruit of the tree of sin can raise the abyss demon species to a higher level. ]

[4. The Tree of Sin, loved by the will of the Abyss, is endowed with a trace of immortality. It blooms in 300 million years, bears fruit in 300 million years, and matures in 300 million years. ]

[5. The Tree of Sin, blooms 3,600 flowers each time, and bears nine sinful fruits each time. ]

[Note: Every time this tree blooms and bears fruit, it will trigger a war in the Demon Realm. It is both a treasure and an ominous thing. ]

"Tsk tsk~"

"This tree of sin is incredible!"

"Its whole body is a treasure, and the key is that it is loved by the will of the Abyss, and it is truly immortal."

"This time, the system finally acted like a human..."

Looking at the properties of the Tree of Sin, Lin Wudao's hanging heart finally let go.

This time!

The system didn't seem to cheat him!

At the same time.

After he inherited the divinity of the Tree of Sin, his godly true spirit instantly merged with it.


Under the power of the system, his divine authority, divine law, and divine arts were all imprinted on the Tree of Sin.

From this moment on, Lin Wudao became the most orthodox evil demon god in the third layer of the abyss... (End of this chapter)

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