Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1245 The Abyss Divine Genealogy, the Origin of the Treasure!

"God of Qingshan, don't go too far!!"


Just as Lin Wudao was extracting the power of the origin of the Jade Emperor World to supply Yin Siming with his cultivation, suddenly, a thunderous roar came from the distant sky.


A huge divine power suddenly rushed into the Beidou Immortal Realm, and finally reflected a magnificent shadow of the Kingdom of God on the sky.

In the Kingdom of God, there was a great god, staring angrily...

"God of Shangqing?"

Feeling the surging divine power from the outside world, Lin Wudao frowned slightly, and then flashed to the sky.

"God of Qingshan, you are so blatantly absorbing the origin of the Jade Emperor World, you don't take me seriously."

"If you don't stop, then we will break up; at worst, I don't want the faith of the Jade Emperor World."

The God of Shangqing roared coldly.

As a god who controls half of the Jade Emperor World, any changes in the world cannot escape his eyes.

The God of Shangqing naturally could not tolerate Lin Wudao's blatant extraction of the world's origin.

In the face of his anger and roar, Lin Wudao always maintained a calm attitude.

"Don't worry, it's just extracting some origins, which will not affect the promotion of the Jade Emperor World."

"This God promises that it will only be this time!"

"From now on, I will never extract the origin of the Jade Emperor World again..."

He promised solemnly.

In this regard!

The God of Shangqing glanced at him coldly, and then disappeared from the spot in a flash.

"Remember what you said!"

"God of Qingshan, if you extract the origin of the Jade Emperor World again, this God will no longer have any scruples."

"At that time, each of us will have half!"

"At worst, the Jade Emperor World will be destroyed, and this God will withdraw all the Shangqing God System..."

A warning voice came from the distant void.

Lin Wudao's actions have touched the bottom line of the God of Shangqing. If he continues to extract the origin power, then they will break up.

Although the Jade Emperor World was built by himself and was about to be upgraded to a high-level world, Shangqingzhi did not want to give Lin Wudao a free ride.

If Lin Wudao continued to act recklessly, he would definitely give up the Jade Emperor World completely.

Facing the warning and threat from the God of Shangqing, Lin Wudao also frowned.

He could feel that the God of Shangqing was serious!

"It seems that we can't go too far for the time being; otherwise, this pot will be messed up sooner or later..."


Sighing, Lin Wudao restrained all his divine power and will and sank into his destiny kingdom.


[System, make a human god genealogy of the holy god level for me! ]

After entering his destiny kingdom, Lin Wudao took a look at the remaining luck value on the account and immediately said to the system.


[You have consumed a hundred luck golden lotuses and successfully made a human god genealogy of the holy god level! 】


Accompanied by the system's prompt sound, a divine genealogy with a mighty divine power immediately appeared in front of Lin Wudao.

Seeing this scene.

Lin Wudao examined it for a moment, and then all the divine powers, divine laws, and divine arts of the Great Demon God Qingshan were engraved on the divine genealogy.


He threw the divine genealogy, the soul of the abyss, the abyss demon seeds, and the abyss treasure bottle into the bronze coffin of the burial sky.


Throw it into the land of the gods...


The land of the gods!

One day in the outside world is a thousand years inside!

According to the system, it takes three to five months for the human divine genealogy to transform into the abyss divine genealogy.

This time, compared to the outside world, is just a moment's work.

Very soon!

Under the scouring and nurturing of the supreme power of the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin, the human god genealogy that was thrown in before was completely transformed into the Abyss God Genealogy.

When Lin Wudao fished out the god genealogy again, he saw that the originally brilliant human god genealogy was already filled with the abyss breath.

The divine power, divine law, and divine art engraved in the god genealogy were all branded with the abyss.

In addition!

Even the abyss treasure bottle that Lin Wudao threw in on a whim seemed to have become a little stronger in terms of the abyss breath and power it exuded.

"The Heaven Burial Copper Coffin is really amazing!"

Looking at the changes in the human god genealogy and the abyss treasure bottle, Lin Wudao was full of admiration in his heart.


He began to carefully examine this abyss god genealogy...

[Name: Abyss God Genealogy]

[Level: Third Layer]

[Introduction: The god genealogy evolved from the supreme will of the third layer of the abyss. Based on this god genealogy, a powerful abyss god system can be constructed. ]

[Note: With this divine genealogy in hand, you are the most orthodox god in the third layer of the abyss. No abyss species dares to question your identity and origin. ]

[Name: Abyss Aquarius]

[Level: Upper Lord]

[Quality: Mythology·Original Treasure]

[Status: Sealed]

[Introduction: The treasure bred by the original power of the third layer of the abyss is endowed with a powerful abyss will and terrifying abyss magic. ]

"Tsk tsk~"

"It just washed in the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin, and in the blink of an eye, it became the purest abyss item?"

"And, the Abyss Aquarius has become an original treasure?"

Looking at the information presented by the Abyss God Tree and the Abyss Aquarius, Lin Wudao was greatly surprised and surprised.

Although he knew that the God Tree and the Aquarius would change after being baptized by the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin, this change was too thorough.

It was far beyond his expectations!

[System, why can't the Abyss Aquarius see any attributes? ]


Lin Wudao asked curiously as if he had discovered something.

[The Abyss Aquarius is an item in the Abyss. It is now in a sealed state. The host can only remove the seal and see its original attributes after transforming into an Abyss species and re-refining it. ]

[If the host transforms into an Abyss creature, then after refining, the Aquarius will become a treasure of the Abyss. ]

[If the host transforms into an Abyss Demon God, then after refining, the Aquarius will become an artifact of the Abyss. ]

[The treasure of the Abyss and the artifact of the Abyss are two completely different concepts. ]

[Its specific power and strength need to be given by the host himself...]


So that's it!

After hearing the system's explanation, Lin Wudao finally understood.

The Abyss Aquarius at the moment is actually a blank weapon. Whatever you need, you have to make it yourself.

This is indeed amazing!

"With this Abyss Aquarius, when I go to the third layer of the Abyss and become the Abyss Demon God, I won't have to worry about not having a divine weapon."

"The quality and power of the origin treasure should be the most powerful?"

Lin Wudao examined the Abyss Aquarius in front of him and liked it more and more.

It was not until a long time later that he put the Abyss Aquarius into the system space and continued to observe the Abyss God Tree.

This time!

He observed the divine power, divine law, divine arts and other things engraved in the God Tree.

According to the system's previous statement, after the baptism of the Burial Heaven Copper Coffin, the divine power and divine law may undergo some changes.


Lin Wudao urgently wanted to know whether his divine power and divine law had changed.

First of all, what he valued most were the ruling divine power and the absolute divine power, the two most important divine powers.

In addition, there are also the Baptism of God, the Initiation Method Ragnarok...


After a long time!

After careful observation, Lin Wudao found that there were no obvious changes in the Heaven and Earth Divine Fist, Ragnarok, Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom, and other divine powers.

These divine methods, divine powers, and divine powers have only changed from the original human attributes to the abyss attributes.

It is equivalent to the abyss version!

What really changed are the ruling divine power, absolute divine power, and the Baptism of God...(End of this chapter)

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