Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1244 The Immortal Emperor of the Great World of Jiuzhou!

"Greetings, Great God!"

In the Dayan Temple, Yin Siming knelt down and bowed to the statue of Lin Wudao with a respectful and pious attitude.

"Get up."

"Yin Siming, what was the result of your visit to the Beiliang Palace this time?"

Lin Wudao showed an incarnation of a god and asked majestically.

Hearing this!

Yin Siming respectfully placed a storage ring on the altar.

"Reporting to the Great God, this time I have fulfilled my mission and went to the Beiliang Palace in the Xianlin Land to help the Beiliang Prince Ji Ruchen reshape his true immortal destiny."

"In order to express his gratitude to the Great God, the King of Beiliang specially asked his subordinates to bring back some resources and treasures as a sign of sincerity."


After hearing this, Lin Wudao immediately became interested.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the storage ring on the altar. After his divine sense probed into it, he found a large number of precious natural treasures such as immortal stones, immortal materials, immortal medicines, etc.

Compared with the sincerity Ji Tianque gave before, it is several times more...

[System, sacrifice all these treasures and resources! ]

He ordered in his heart.


[You sacrificed many natural treasures and obtained a total of 58 luck golden lotuses! ]

So many?

Hearing the prompt sound of the system, a hint of surprise flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.


In his imagination, the sincerity of the Beiliang Palace was at most similar to before; but the actual situation was several times more.

"It seems that the foundation of the Beiliang Palace is still very strong..."

Lin Wudao said half-jokingly.

With this batch of luck points in the account, the money he made for the Abyss God Book was all collected.

"Great God, the foundation of the Beiliang Palace is indeed very strong. This time only half of the resources come from the Beiliang Palace."

"The other half is given by the Hong Clan!"

At this time.

Yin Siming's voice sounded.

Hong Clan?

Hearing this unfamiliar name, Lin Wudao's heart was moved.

"Is this Hong Clan the mother clan of the Beiliang Princess? The powerful clan with a quasi-immortal emperor?"


"The mother clan of the Beiliang Princess is called the Hong Clan, which is a giant force in the Xianlin Land."

"According to the investigation of my subordinates, the Hong Clan is located in the Taiyuan Divine Dynasty of the Xianlin Land, and there are strong people in the clan who are granted titles."

"Its strength, status, and the power of the clan are far beyond the Beiliang Palace."

"Even the three great dynasties of the Great Wilderness Immortal Realm cannot be compared with the Hong Clan."

"The Taiyuan Divine Dynasty, which controls the thirty-eight immortal realms of the Xianlin Land, is stronger than the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty. The more powerful top giants of the dynasty. "

"In the Xianlin land, the only one that can fight against the Taiyuan Divine Dynasty is the Huangtian Divine Dynasty."

"The Huangtian Divine Dynasty is also the top power in the Xianlin land, and it controls 42 fairy domains. "

"Whether it is the Taiyuan Divine Dynasty or the Huangtian Divine Dynasty, there are strong men at the level of half-step fairy emperors, and there are more than one."

"I have peeked into the destiny of the Xianlin land and vaguely discovered that there is a fairy emperor destiny. "

"In this case, it won't be long before someone in the Xianlin land will break through to the fairy emperor..."

Yin Siming reported respectfully.

He spoke carefully, and Lin Wudao listened carefully.

Taiyuan Divine Dynasty?

Huangtian Divine Dynasty?

He secretly pondered the foundation of these two top dynasties, which was indeed extraordinary.

Xianlin land is just a fragment of the fallen Xiangu world, but it can actually give birth to so many half-step fairy emperors.


There will be a fairy emperor coming soon!

Such a strong world origin, even the Yuanhuang world where the Yuan clan is located, I am afraid it cannot compare.

It can be seen from this!

How strong and powerful the foundation and strength of the ancient fairy world should be.

"By the way, great god, there was a Taiyuan sword fairy in the Jiuzhou world before, and it seems to have some relationship with the Taiyuan Divine Dynasty."

"It should be from the royal family of the Taiyuan Divine Dynasty, or a royal family..."

Just when Lin Wudao was thinking, Yin Siming said another important news.

Taiyuan Sword Fairy?

Hearing this name, Lin Wudao immediately remembered the strong man who accidentally broke into the Jiuzhou world.

In addition!

He seems to be related to a fairy king tomb...

"It seems that after dealing with the things at hand, I have to go to the Taiyuan Divine Dynasty."

"There may be a natural code in the tomb of the Great Sheng Fairy King, which must not be missed."

Lin Wudao secretly calculated in his heart.

This time, Yin Siming's return brought him a lot of important news.

"Yin Siming, you just said that the fate of the Immortal Emperor faintly appeared in the Xianlin Land. Is it from the Taiyuan Divine Dynasty or the Huangtian Divine Dynasty?"

"Reporting to the Great God, it is neither!"

"This weak fate of the Immortal Emperor has no obvious connection with the Taiyuan Divine Dynasty or the Huangtian Divine Dynasty."

"Instead, it is somewhat similar to the fate of the Jiuzhou Great World."

"I guess, if nothing unexpected happens, that person should have left the Jiuzhou Great World..."

Yin Siming replied in a deep voice.


The Immortal Emperor who walked out of the Jiuzhou Great World?

This news was beyond Lin Wudao's expectations.

He did not expect that the Jiuzhou Great World could actually give birth to a creature with the fate of the Immortal Emperor.

"Great God, I have made careful observations about the Jiuzhou Great World before."

"Although this is only a subsidiary world of the Shenhuang World, its foundation is very extraordinary, and the origin of the world is also extremely strong."

"However, the Jiuzhou World is a low-level world after all, and its status is not enough to give birth to a creature of the Immortal Emperor level."

"However, the fate of creatures is constantly changing."

"The Jiuzhou World cannot give birth to the fate of the Immortal Emperor because the world status is not high enough; but if you go to a high-level world with a strong origin, you may be able to derive the fate of the Immortal Emperor."

"Throughout the ages, the creature that has walked out of the Jiuzhou World is only the Great Sheng Immortal King, who is the most outstanding and powerful."

Speaking of this!

Yin Siming's voice suddenly stopped.

However, Lin Wudao heard his hidden meaning...

"You mean, that Dasheng Immortal King is probably not dead yet?"


"Perhaps, the death of Dasheng Immortal King is just a cover, in order to eliminate other people's attention, so as to secretly accumulate strength and break through the Immortal Emperor."

"If so, this Dasheng Immortal King is definitely not a simple person."

"If he is promoted to Immortal Emperor, it may affect the Great God's planning and layout in Xianlin Land..."

Yin Siming reminded in a serious voice.

Hearing this!

Lin Wudao also nodded in agreement.

Regardless of whether the person who is about to become an Immortal Emperor is Dasheng Immortal King or not, once an Immortal Emperor appears in Xianlin Land, it will inevitably have an impact on his plan.


The mysterious Immortal Emperor has now become an unstable factor.

"Yin Siming, your next task is to go to Xianlin Land and continue to monitor the fate of the Immortal Emperor."

"If there is any change, report it to me in time!"

"In order to facilitate your actions, I will extract the origin of the Jade Emperor World and raise your cultivation to the tenth level of the Ancient Immortal."

"When the faith of his Jade Emperor World is fully incorporated into the Qingshan Divine Kingdom, you can also cultivate to become an Immortal King, or even an Ancient Immortal King."

After a few silences, Lin Wudao ordered majestically.




As his voice fell, a large amount of origin power immediately surged from all directions and poured into Yin Siming's body like a flood.

In an instant.

Driven by a large amount of world origin, Yin Siming's momentum and strength began to gradually rise.

"Thank you, great god!"

Feeling the surging origin power in his body, Yin Siming also showed a look of surprise.

At this moment!

He bowed with an extremely respectful attitude...

In response to this.

Lin Wudao just nodded indifferently, and then divided a separate space in the Dayan Temple for Yin Siming to practice. (End of this chapter)

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