[System, what about the temporary identity of the Shenhuang world? ]

[If Xiao Qinglan and his friends want to enter the Shenhuang world and enjoy the fortune of upgrading, do they still need to have the identity of the natives of the Shenhuang world? ]

[In other words, they still need to pay? ]

At this time!

Lin Wudao seemed to have thought of something and asked hurriedly.

According to the situation described by the system, the Shenhuang world is so exclusive that all creatures from outside the world are prohibited from entering.

Then it is obviously unrealistic for Xiao Qinglan and his friends to share the fortune of the Shenhuang world's upgrading.


The Shenhuang will simply cannot give such precious resources to creatures from outside the world.

So, if you want to enjoy the fortune of the Shenhuang world's upgrading, you must become the natives of the Shenhuang world.

Only when these two conditions are met at the same time can Xiao Qinglan and his friends enjoy the fortune brought by the Shenhuang world's upgrading.

And the system also confirmed Lin Wudao's guess...

[It is indeed necessary to become a creature of the Shenhuang world before you can enjoy the fortune of the world's upgrading. ]

[It is a bit expensive to forge a temporary identity. ]

[According to Xiao Qinglan's qualifications and potential, he needs 1 billion luck golden lotuses; Xiong Batian needs 10 million luck golden lotuses. ]


1 billion?

When Lin Wudao heard this price, he was still very shocked even though he had prepared himself mentally.

[System, this price... isn't it too expensive? ]

He frowned.

1 billion luck golden lotuses have far exceeded his expectations and imagination.

Even if the Penglai Immortal Clan is a big family, if they want to take out so many resources, they will probably have to pay some foundation.

[The host must understand that the fortune brought by the upgrading of the Shenhuang World is unique in the entire lower universe. ]

[Not to mention the lower universe, even the creatures in the heavens, if they know that the Shenhuang World has been upgraded, they will come in at all costs. ]

[Not everyone can come to the Shenhuang World; not everyone can become a native here. 】

【If it weren't for the Emperor Kunlun and the host's face, Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian would never have been qualified for temporary status. 】

【The fortune of the Shenhuang world cannot be measured by things...】

The system explained in an extremely solemn tone.

Hearing this!

Lin Wudao's heart was also slightly shaken.

He really didn't expect that even the people in the heavens were coveting the Shenhuang world.

Moreover, they wanted to enter here at all costs.

"If this is the case, then one billion luck golden lotuses don't seem to be very expensive."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

Using one billion luck golden lotuses to exchange for the upgraded fortune of the Shenhuang world, thereby increasing the chance of the title of the avenue, this is definitely a great opportunity that cannot be bought with any amount of money.

"The face of the Emperor Kunlun is indeed great enough to actually affect the will of the Shenhuang world."

Lin Wudao was amazed in his heart.

That level of existence is far beyond what he can imagine and touch now.

"At present, the threat of the Yuan Clan has been eliminated, and the Yuanhuang World has also been taken."

"Next, as long as the resources of the Yuan Clan are counted, it will be enough for me to make the Abyss God Tree."

Lin Wudao thought happily.

The Yuanhuang World is a high-level world. Even if it is weakened, it must have many resources.

If it is sacrificed, a mere 100 golden lotuses of luck are just a drop in the bucket.

What's more!

The Yuan Clan is aggressive by nature. According to the foundation they have accumulated over the years, the resources must be very huge.

Once they are counted, I will definitely be able to make a huge fortune...


Although Lin Wudao's idea is good, the reality is cruel.

[Host, don't dream about that kind of beautiful dream. It is impossible for you to obtain any resources of the Yuanhuang World and the Yuan Clan. 】


A cold reminder sounded in my mind.


I can't get the resources of the Yuan Clan?

When he heard this, Lin Wudao frowned instantly.

[Why? ]

[Because, the Yuanhuang World is not the property conquered by the host, and the host has not contributed any strength. ]

[The host can receive the beliefs of the Yuan Clan and the resources of the Yuanhuang World, but cannot offer sacrifices. ]

[Anything that is not obtained by the host's own efforts cannot be offered as a sacrifice and converted into luck value. ]

[However, although these resources cannot be offered as sacrifices, they can be used as resources of the Qingshan Kingdom. ]



Cannot be offered as sacrifices, but belong to the Qingshan Kingdom?

This sudden blow made Lin Wudao's originally hot heart instantly cold.


He was still dreaming of getting rich, but in the blink of an eye, all his thoughts were extinguished by the system.

"It seems that I can only continue to work hard honestly. It is impossible to take shortcuts."

He sighed secretly.

[System, since I can't take advantage, if I participate in other people's wars, can I offer the resources I finally get as sacrifices? ]

[Yes! 】

【As long as it is obtained through one's own efforts, it can be sacrificed and converted into luck value. 】

【The more effort the host puts in, the greater the harvest will naturally be...】


Hearing this, although Lin Wudao was a little unhappy, he had no way to change the will of the system.

After a slight silence, he looked towards the land of the God's Mausoleum.

At this moment!

Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian had already found the crazy Taoist who was practicing, and handed over all the corpses of the quasi-immortal emperors of the Yuan clan to him.

The crazy Taoist was naturally overjoyed at the sudden appearance of the quasi-immortal emperor corpse.


He and Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian chatted briefly for a few words, then found a quiet place and began to deal with the corpse.

Seeing this scene!

Lin Wudao did not disturb them.

While paying attention to the movements of the Yuanhuang world, he waited patiently.


Three days later!

Lin Wudao went to the land of the God's Mausoleum as Ren Woxing and appeared in front of the crazy Taoist.

At this time.

Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian had already left and returned to the City of All Heavens.

"Brother Ren?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of Lin Wudao, the crazy Taoist was obviously a little surprised.

"Brother Ren, didn't you say you were going to another place to train? Why are you back so soon?"

"I received a message from the Great God Qingshan, saying that you got a large number of Quasi-Immortal Emperor corpses, so I came back to take a look."

Lin Wudao made up an excuse.

In this regard!

Although the crazy Taoist was a little surprised, he did not have any doubts.

The magical powers and power of the Great God Qingshan were beyond his imagination...

"Brother Ren, you are back just in time!"

"This is the gift brought by the Immortal Lord Qinglan and others. It is said that they just conquered a high-level world and harvested the Quasi-Immortal Emperor corpses."

"However, the quality of these Quasi-Immortal Emperors is obviously not very good, there is too little oil and water."

"Compared with the creatures of other universes, they are simply incomparable..."

The crazy Taoist complained.


As he spoke, he piled all the processed Quasi-Immortal Emperor corpses in front of Lin Wudao.

"These quasi-immortal emperors come from the Tianzui Universe, so they definitely don't have much money."

"But it's better than nothing!"

"With so many quasi-immortal emperors' corpses, your foundation should have improved a bit. It just so happens that I'm in urgent need of strong corpses recently."

"Don't leave these quasi-immortal emperors to Qin Daofu for salvation. I have two thousand quasi-immortal emperors' corpses in the City of All Heavens, and the quality is much better than this."

"When Qin Daofu comes back, I'll give those quasi-immortal emperors' corpses to him for salvation."

"By the way, in four days, there will be an unprecedented transcendence ceremony in the Panshen Universe, and the ancient emperors of the Yuanshi God System will have to transcend the catastrophe."

"When the time comes, let's go and see it together..."

After that!

Lin Wudao ignored the reaction of the crazy Taoist and disappeared on the spot with a flash.

Seeing him coming and going in a hurry, the crazy Taoist didn't care and continued to consolidate his own strength and foundation in the land of the gods.


[System, I want the luck value of all these quasi-immortal emperors' corpses! 】

My destiny kingdom!

Lin Wudao threw all the corpses of the Quasi-Immortal Emperors into the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin.


[You have buried 5894 corpses of Quasi-Immortal Emperors. After deducting the money for buying the corpses, you have obtained a total of 623865 flowers of luck! ]

Only more than 600,000?

Hearing this result, a trace of disappointment flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

He wanted to use the corpses of these Quasi-Immortal Emperors to make the Abyss God Chart, but now it seems that there is still a third of the hole.

"The resources of the Yuan clan cannot be sacrificed, and there are still more than 300,000 golden lotuses of luck. Where can I get them?"

Lin Wudao frowned and thought about how to make money.


Just as he was thinking hard, suddenly, a ray of immortal light broke through the void and descended on the Dayan Temple.


Is Yin Siming back?

Seeing Yin Siming return, Lin Wudao's spirits were slightly lifted.

Perhaps, some resources can be obtained from the King of Beiliang... (End of this chapter)

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