Tianyuan World!

A high-level world under the jurisdiction of Penglai Immortal Clan, its foundation and origin are very strong.

In the world, there is an Immortal Emperor!

At this time.

In an ancient immortal city, Penglai Immortal Clan has already summoned a large number of quasi-immortal emperors.

The leader is Zhenwu Immortal Lord Xiao Qinglan.

Behind him, there are Honghuang Immortal Lord Xiong Batian, and Tiancang World Lord Xiao Xuandao and others.

"Xiao Xuandao, how many quasi-immortal emperors have you summoned this time?"

Xiao Qinglan asked without turning his head.

"Reporting to the Immortal Lord, there are about 8,000!"

"Due to the tight schedule, many quasi-immortal emperors from the immortal races could not arrive on time, so only this many were summoned."

"In addition to my Penglai Immortal Race, the Origin God Race and other races, the Immortal Lord Tyrant also brought 3,000 quasi-immortal emperors from the Xuanhuang Universe."

"According to the information revealed by the high priest, the Yuan Clan of the Yuanhuang World is just a high-level immortal race in the Tianzui Universe, and the quasi-immortal emperors in its race are at most about 5,000."

"Moreover, there are definitely no immortal emperors in the Yuan Clan!"

"Therefore, with our 8,000 quasi-immortal emperors, it is enough to easily sweep across the Yuanhuang World..."

Xiao Xuandao replied respectfully.

Hearing this, Xiao Qinglan frowned.

He was still not very satisfied with the number of 8,000 quasi-immortal emperors, but he also knew that with such a powerful force, it should be no problem to take over the Yuanhuang World.

Just based on the level of the Yuanhuang World and the special nature of the Tianzui Universe, he alone would be enough to sweep across the entire world.

"I have a hunch that a large number of quasi-immortal emperors or even immortal emperors may be needed in the near future."

"Pass on my decree to recall all quasi-immortal emperors and immortal emperors in the Penglai Immortal Clan and its affiliated immortal clans."

"No one is allowed to go out without my order."

Xiao Qinglan ordered in a deep voice.


As his voice fell, Xiao Xuandao immediately called a clan member and passed on the order.

"Immortal Lord, when we invade the Yuanhuang World, should we suppress all the quasi-immortal emperors of the Yuan Clan or kill them directly?"

At this time.

Xiong Batian, who was silent on the side, suddenly asked.

"Kill all the quasi-immortal emperors!"

"According to the high priest, the Qingshan Kingdom is now vigorously expanding the divine domain. It is still difficult to develop into a holy force in a short period of time."

"Kill all the quasi-immortal emperors and send their bodies to Master Qi and Master Qin."

"Before, Master Qin went around buying the bodies of powerful creatures. Now the quasi-immortal emperors of the Yuan clan are delivered to the door, which can be given to Master Qin as gifts."


Hearing Xiao Qinglan's words, Xiong Batian naturally had no objection, and immediately passed down the order to kill them all.


Just as they were chatting, suddenly, the originally silent teleportation array in front of them suddenly burst into bursts of brilliant light.

This scene immediately made Xiao Qinglan and others excited...

"The teleportation array is open!"

"Everyone prepare to attack. After entering that world, all quasi-immortal emperors will be killed without mercy."

Xiao Xuandao shouted loudly.


As soon as he finished speaking, the teleportation array of the Great World suddenly condensed into a void portal as high as ten thousand feet.


Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian were ready to lead the army of quasi-immortal emperors of the immortal race to attack the Yuanhuang Great World behind the teleportation array.


Just as they were about to set off, they suddenly saw many powerful figures rushing out of the teleportation array before them.

"Yuan Clan?"

"Hehe, are they so anxious to come here to die?"

Looking at the shadowy figure of the quasi-immortal emperor in the teleportation array, Xiong Batian couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

The quasi-immortal emperors in the Tianzui Universe were all garbage in his eyes, and he didn't take them seriously at all.


Since the Yuan Clan rushed to die, they were not in a hurry to go over. Everyone stared at the teleportation array with burning eyes, waiting for the Yuan Clan to appear.

As for the scene behind the teleportation array, Yuan Jingtian and others knew nothing...

At this moment.

He and Yuan Fengtian, with the three thousand quasi-immortal emperors of the Yuan Clan, came to the Tianyuan Great World with great momentum.

"Is this the Jade Emperor World?"

"Yes, the spiritual energy of this world is so rich that it is terrifying. It is much stronger than the Yuanhuang World where my Yuan Clan is located."

"With such a strong world origin, I am afraid that even the Immortal Emperor can be born?"

"Strange, according to Yuan Qingshan's memory, the Jade Emperor World is just a medium-sized world that is being upgraded, and the world in front of me is obviously the structure of a high-level world."

"Could it be that Yuan Qingshan saw it wrong?"

"The Jade Emperor World is not a medium-sized world, but a high-level world that is being upgraded?"

"If it is a high-level world, then wouldn't there be an Immortal... Emperor here..."

When he walked out of the teleportation array, Yuan Jingtian immediately looked at the situation of this world.

However, you don't know until you see it, and you will be shocked when you see it.

The world origin of this world in front of him is so rich that it is many times stronger than the Yuanhuang World where their Yuan Clan is located.

This is definitely not the structure of a medium-sized world!


After discovering something was wrong, Yuan Jingtian's face changed immediately.

If it was a high-level world that was being upgraded, then there must be an Immortal Emperor here.

This was not something they could afford to offend...

"Something is wrong here, retreat!"

As if sensing the dangerous atmosphere, Yuan Jingtian made a prompt decision and issued an order to retreat.


Everything was too late!


Just as Yuan Jingtian's voice fell, a terrifying big hand suddenly crossed the void, carrying the unparalleled power, and punched through the quasi-immortal emperor army of the Yuan clan.

Wherever it passed, all the quasi-immortal emperors of the Yuan clan were killed on the spot.

At the same time.

Following the terrifying big hand, a mighty and majestic man holding a pagoda in his hand suddenly appeared in the teleportation array, blocking the way of the Yuan clan.

The man just stood in the void, and the breath and power he exuded made Yuan Jingtian and others involuntarily gasp.

"Want to leave?"

"You have to ask me, Xiong, whether I agree or not..."

The domineering voice resounded through the world.

"My Lord, how about I give you these three thousand Quasi-Immortal Emperors first, and I will attack the Yuan Clan's lair?"

Xiong Batian said with a smile.

"I don't think it's possible!"

"But since you want to show off, I can give you a chance."

"Let's compete to see who kills the most Quasi-Immortal Emperors; if you can beat me, I will give you a 10% discount coupon."


As the teasing voice fell, Xiao Qinglan's figure appeared out of thin air in front of Yuan Jingtian and others.

With him, there were eight thousand powerful Quasi-Immortal Emperors...

"How...is this possible?"

"Eight thousand Quasi-Immortal Emperors?"

"The Jade Emperor World...is it fake?"

Looking at the suddenly appeared Xiao Qinglan and the eight thousand Quasi-Immortal Emperors standing behind him, Yuan Jingtian and others suddenly widened their eyes and couldn't believe it.

Looking at their panic and fearful expressions, Xiong Batian sneered coldly.

"This is not the Jade Emperor World, but the Tianyuan World of Panshen Universe."

"Old man, you are in the wrong place!"


Panshen Universe?

When they heard these words suddenly, Yuan Jingtian and others fell into the abyss.

Unknowingly, they had left the Tianzui Universe and entered another universe.

"It's over, it's over now..."

Yuan Jingtian's face was like a bereaved mother.


He did not stay there and wait for death. After a brief shock and fear, he regained his consciousness.

"Let's fight our way out together!"


With a loud roar, Yuan Jingtian and Yuan Fengtian immediately rushed over with the three thousand quasi-immortal emperors of the Yuan clan.


They wanted to forcibly tear open a way out...

However, facing these quasi-immortal emperors in the Tianzui Universe, Xiao Qinglan, Xiong Batian and others sneered.

After a casual glance, Xiao Qinglan rushed straight into the Yuanhuang World.

Seeing this!

Xiong Batian was not to be outdone.


After crushing Yuan Jingtian and Yuan Fengtian to death, he followed Xiao Qinglan at the fastest speed. (End of this chapter)

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