Yuanhuang Great World!

At this time, in the ancient and magnificent Yuan Clan Hall, the current Yuan Clan leader Yuan Jian and the three half-step immortal emperor ancestors of the Yuan Clan were discussing matters.

The atmosphere on the scene seemed a bit depressing and solemn...

"Yuan Jian, didn't you say before that you found a medium-sized world that was being upgraded? No news has been sent back yet?"

A blue-clothed ancestor broke the quiet atmosphere and asked Yuan Jian in a deep voice at the bottom of the hall.

Hearing this!

Yuan Jian quickly stood up from his seat.

"Reporting to the ancestor Jingtian, a clan member reported that a medium-sized world that was being upgraded was indeed found in the outer void of the Yuanhuang Great World."

"I have sent Yuan Li, a quasi-immortal emperor of the first level, to explore that medium-sized world. I believe that there will be news coming back soon."

Yuan Jian reported respectfully.

"Well, this matter must be done quickly!"

"The strength and foundation of our Yuan clan are still too weak. If we want to give birth to an Immortal Emperor, we can only encompass more large worlds."

"A medium-sized large world that is being upgraded, as long as it is attacked, will become a high-level large world in the future."

"At that time, according to the origin of the two high-level large worlds, if they are melted into one, there is a great chance that an Immortal Emperor can be born."

"If we can't take it, then destroy it!"

"Even if it means extracting the origin of the world, we must let our Yuan clan grow rapidly."

"In the past, the Shangqing God System killed a half-step Immortal Emperor of our Yuan clan. This hatred is irreconcilable."

"Only when our Yuan clan gives birth to an Immortal Emperor can we seek revenge from the Shangqing God System."

"This matter is related to the future and development of our Yuan clan. There must be no mistakes. We must take down that big world at all costs..."

Yuan Jingtian said in a deep voice.

When he mentioned the Shangqing God System, his eyes burst with rage and murderous intent. He wished he could become an Immortal Emperor right now and seek revenge on the Shangqing God System.

He personally experienced the battle three epochs ago and almost died.


Yuan Jingtian hated the Shangqing God System.

"Don't worry, ancestor. It's just a medium-sized world. With Yuan Li's cultivation as a quasi-immortal emperor, it is enough to suppress it."

"At this time, I'm afraid good news is on the way..."

Yuan Li said confidently.

A medium-sized world, at most, can only have the life of an extreme immortal king. A quasi-immortal emperor like Yuan Li can burst the world if he goes there.


In his opinion, once Yuan Li goes to the Jade Emperor World, he can easily conquer the entire world.

Yuan Jingtian and others also agree with Yuan Li's words. .

At this moment!

They all dreamed of conquering the Jade Emperor World and being promoted to the Immortal Emperor in the future.

However, the wish was beautiful, but the reality was cruel.

"Clan leader, something big happened~"

Just as Yuan Yan made a solemn promise to Yuan Jingtian and others, suddenly, an anxious voice came from the distant void.


Then, under the gaze of Yuan Yan and others, an old man in gray hurriedly came to the Yuan Clan Hall.

"Yuan Yuan, you are so panicked, but what big change has happened in the Soul Hall?"

Yuan Yan asked hurriedly.

Hearing this.

Yuan Yuan nodded hurriedly.

"Clan leader, the soul lamp of Yuan Yu, the quasi-immortal emperor, has gone out. In addition, the soul lamps of Yuan Shisan and others have also gone out."


The soul lamps of Yuan Yu and others have gone out?

Hearing this suddenly, Yuan Yan was slightly startled and his brows furrowed.

"How could this happen?"

"Yuan Yu has the cultivation and strength of a quasi-immortal emperor. He was just attacking a medium-sized world. How could he suddenly die?"

"Could it be that the medium-sized world that is being upgraded has already given birth to a quasi-immortal emperor-level creature?"

Yuan Yu's face gradually darkened.

He had just vowed in front of Yuan Jingtian and the other three ancestors that he could take over the Jade Emperor World.

However, less than half an hour after he said it, he was slapped in the face.

The soul lamp went out, which meant that Yuan Yu and others had died in the Jade Emperor World.

This result made Yuan Yu a little unbelievable!

Not only him.

Even the three great ancestors of the Yuan clan frowned tightly...

"It seems that something has gone wrong."

"Since Yuan Yu is dead, it proves that there are at least quasi-immortal emperor creatures in that world."

"What did the people who explored the way before do? They didn't even know whether there was a quasi-immortal emperor in a world?"

At this time

An old ancestor in red clothes beside Yuan Jingtian asked coldly.


Seeing the old ancestor getting angry, Yuan Jian was frightened and fell to his knees.

"Ancestor, please calm down. It was indeed my fault for not considering this matter carefully, which resulted in the loss of a quasi-immortal emperor."

"I will send more and stronger people to explore the details of that big world..."

After that.

Yuan Jian was ready to send a more powerful quasi-immortal emperor to the Jade Emperor World.


Just as he turned around, a ray of fairy light passed through the distant void, and then a bloody figure stumbled to the Yuan Clan Hall.

"The head of the family, it's Yuan Qingshan!"

"The news about that big world was sent back by him; in addition, Yuan Qingshan is also the only survivor who went to that big world."

"He must know what happened..."

Looking at the figure that appeared outside the Yuan clan hall, Yuan Yuan immediately reported to Yuan Qian.


He brought Yuan Qingshan, who was covered in blood, to Yuan Jingtian and others at the fastest speed.

After a look, they found that Yuan Qingshan's bones were almost all broken, and his cultivation had fallen to the realm of true immortals.

All this indicated that he had suffered a heavy blow in the Jade Emperor World.

"Yuan Qingshan, what happened in that big world? How did Yuan Li and the others die?"

Yuan Qian asked coldly, suppressing his anger.

Hearing the familiar voice, Yuan Qingshan raised his head with difficulty. When he saw that it was Yuan Qian, he burst into tears.

"Clan leader, we met people from the Shangqing God System in that medium-sized world."

"Yuan Li and the others... they were all killed by people from the Shangqing God System."

"Clan leader, those damned bastards from the Shangqing God System are so hateful. You must avenge Yuan Li and the others, woo woo..."

Yuan Qingshan cried bitterly.

Shangqing God System again?

Upon hearing this name, Yuan Jian, Yuan Jingtian and the other three ancestors all showed resentful expressions.

"What a Shangqing God System! This hatred and grudge, my Yuan clan must avenge."

Yuan Jingtian roared angrily.


The moment the voice fell, he suddenly stretched out his big hand, grabbed Yuan Qingshan in his hand, and then began to perform the secret technique to search his soul.

After a moment,

Yuan Jingtian opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely cold...

"That big world is called the Jade Emperor World, and it is indeed a medium-sized big world that is being upgraded."

"However, it will be upgraded soon and can bear the power of the tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor."

"Yuan Li and the others were indeed attacked by the Shangqing God System, and the one who attacked was the great protector of the Shangqing God System."

"It was a Quasi-Immortal Emperor named Jiang Huanzhen..."

Yuan Jingtian told all the information he knew from the soul search.

The Jade Emperor World?

Can it bear the tenth level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor?

When they heard this, the other two ancestors narrowed their eyes.

"How powerful is the power of the Shangqing God System in the Jade Emperor World?"

"Well, it seems that the other party has just entered the Jade Emperor World and has not yet gained a foothold."

"As long as we act quickly and send enough people over, we may not be afraid of them..."

Yuan Jingtian answered in a serious voice.

"In this case, we should hurry up and go there without delay. We must not let the people of Shangqing God System seize the initiative."

"This time, since we have discovered it, we must tear off a piece of fat meat."

"Leave a half-step immortal emperor to sit in the clan, and the other two will lead the army to attack the Jade Emperor World."

The red-clothed ancestor said decisively.

His words were recognized by Yuan Jingtian and another half-step immortal emperor.

"Okay, let's do it!"

"Yuan Zhaolin stays in the clan, and Yuan Fengtian and I will lead the three thousand quasi-immortal emperors in the clan to attack the Jade Emperor World."


"No problem!"

The two ancestors Yuan Zhaolin and Yuan Fengtian responded readily.

After that.

Yuan Jingtian immediately asked Yuan Jian to gather the three thousand quasi-immortal emperors of the Yuan clan, and then rushed to the teleportation array arranged by Yuan Qingshan.

This time.

They brought out half of the elite and strong men of the Yuan clan in order to tear off a piece of fat meat before the Shangqing God System.


What they don't know is that Yuan Qingshan's memory has been tampered with by Lin Wudao.

Everything is wrong!

At the same time.

Far away on the other side of the teleportation array in the big world, Xiao Qinglan has prepared manpower and is waiting for the teleportation array to open... (End of this chapter)

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