Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1241 With a wave of his hand, everything was reduced to ashes!

"The origin of the great worlds in the Tianzui universe has indeed been weakened. Even the most powerful advanced great world cannot give birth to an Immortal Emperor."

"Besides, the Immortal Emperor of the Tianzui universe is one level weaker by nature, and cannot be compared with the Immortal Emperor creatures of other universes..."


Yuanhuang Great World!

After entering here, Xiong Batian and Xiao Qinglan both looked at this world carefully.

At this time.

They could clearly feel that the origin of the world of Yuanhuang Great World had been weakened a lot, even the most ordinary advanced great world in its universe was a step behind.

It is impossible to give birth to an Immortal Emperor!


Even the creatures at the level of Immortal Emperor are far inferior to those in other universes...

"Batian Immortal Lord, let's get started next."

"I am the titled Quasi-Immortal Emperor of the Great Universe, and you are the titled Quasi-Immortal Emperor of the Origin Universe. I'll let you start first."

"If you can beat me, I'll add a 10% discount coupon."

Xiao Qinglan said with a smile.

Hearing this!

Xiong Batian was not polite, he immediately took a step forward and disappeared on the spot.

At this moment.

He had already locked the powerful aura in the Yuanhuang world through the powerful immortal spirit.


In just a moment, Xiong Batian crossed many immortal realms and came to the ancestral temple of the Yuan clan.


"This aura... is it the Quasi-Immortal Emperor?"

Yuan Clan Hall!

Feeling the powerful and unfamiliar aura of Xiong Batian, Yuan Zhaolin, who was practicing attentively, suddenly changed his expression.

He basically knew the Quasi-Immortal Emperor of the Yuan clan.

What's more, this sudden aura was very strange, he had never seen it before.

It can be seen from this!

The other party is not from the Yuan clan!

"Did Yuan Jingtian and the others have an accident? The Quasi-Immortal Emperor of the Shangqing God System invaded?"

Thinking of this.

Yuan Zhaolin flashed to the void, and his sharp and deep eyes instantly looked around.


"I didn't expect that there is a half-step immortal emperor in the Yuan clan? He does have some background and strength."

"In addition, there are nearly three thousand quasi-immortal emperors?"

Just as Yuan Zhaolin was concentrating on looking, suddenly, a plain voice sounded from behind him.

Hearing this!

The hairs on Yuan Zhaolin's body stood up instantly, and an unprecedented panic and fear suddenly swept over his body.

He didn't realize that someone appeared behind him...


"Who dares to break into my Yuan clan...ah..."

When Xiong Batian's voice sounded, Yuan Zhaolin took out an immortal sword at the fastest speed and slashed it backhandedly.


Although his reaction was fast and he used all his strength, he was not faster than Xiong Batian.


Just when he was fighting desperately, Xiong Batian suddenly sacrificed the pagoda in his hand, and the vast and unparalleled immortal power directly smashed Yuan Zhaolin's immortal sword.


A fierce and incomparable finger fell on him.


Xiong Batian's finger fell, and the powerful force did not give Yuan Zhaolin any chance to resist, and pierced his immortal body fiercely.


In a shrill scream, under the gaze of many quasi-immortal emperors of the Yuan clan, Yuan Zhaolin's immortal spirit was forcefully wiped out.

"You are too weak!"

"If it was a quasi-immortal emperor from other origin universes, I might be a little afraid."

"But the quasi-immortal emperor of the Tianzui universe is completely incomparable..."

Xiong Batian said lightly.

Now, after Lin Wudao's creation, his foundation and strength have been unprecedentedly improved.

Even if it is a titled quasi-immortal emperor at the level of the origin universe, Xiong Batian may not take it seriously.

It is easy to kill a quasi-immortal emperor of the Tianzui universe.

"Next, it's your turn..."

After killing Yuan Zhaolin with one finger, Xiong Batian put his body into the storage bag, and then looked at the other quasi-immortal emperors of the Yuan clan.


"The ancestor was crushed to death by a finger, run!"

"It's over! My Yuan clan is finished..."


Seeing the most powerful ancestor in the clan being crushed to death by Xiong Batian with a finger, countless Yuan clan creatures in the Yuanhuang world suddenly showed unprecedented panic and fear.

Everyone was running around frantically.

Even those quasi-immortal emperors were no exception!


In the face of absolutely powerful force, all resistance is futile.

Looking at those Yuan clan quasi-immortal emperors who were fleeing in a hurry, Xiong Batian was not polite at all. His big hand directly encompassed half of the Yuanhuang world and grabbed those quasi-immortal emperors who were fleeing frantically.


He exerted a little force with his five fingers and directly extinguished the immortal spirits of those quasi-immortal emperors...


At the same time.

When Xiong Batian took action, Xiao Qinglan on the other side was not idle either. Compared with Xiong Batian who only targeted quasi-immortal emperors, he grabbed half of the world's creatures in his hands.

Then, his extremely powerful immortal spirit locked all the Quasi-Immortal Emperors in his palm.

Using his divine thoughts as swords, he killed all those Yuan Clan Quasi-Immortal Emperors.


Seeing Xiao Qinglan's method, Xiong Batian was also shocked. The difference in strength between them was too great.


Just when they were suppressing all the quasi-immortal emperors of the Yuan clan, a large amount of immortal light swept across the distant void.

A moment later.

Xiao Xuandao led many quasi-immortal emperors and came to the front.

"Immortal Lord, all the people of the Yuan clan in the outside world have been suppressed and killed."


Xiao Xuandao waved his hand and piled the bodies of Yuan Jingtian and others on the ground.

Seeing this, Xiao Qinglan nodded with satisfaction.

"You stay here and count and sort out all the resources of the Yuan clan and the Yuanhuang world."

After that.

Xiao Qinglan put all the bodies of the quasi-immortal emperors into the storage bag, and then left the Yuanhuang world with Xiong Batian.


"Tsk tsk~"

"The foundation and strength of the Penglai Immortal Clan are indeed much stronger than before."

"The quasi-immortal emperors of the Tianzui Universe are no threat to them at all."

"If the bodies of nearly 6,000 quasi-immortal emperors are collected, I believe they can also make a fortune."

Dayan Temple!

Looking at everything that happened in the Yuanhuang World, Lin Wudao nodded secretly.

The foundation of the Penglai Immortal Clan has indeed improved a lot.

In addition.

The Taihao Immortal Clan is basically bound to the Penglai Immortal Clan, which is also a good thing.

He can imagine that according to the development of the Penglai Immortal Clan, the Taihao Immortal Clan will definitely become its affiliated immortal clan in the future.

"If the Penglai Immortal Clan can be incorporated into my Qingshan Divine Kingdom, that would be great..."


A bold idea emerged in Lin Wudao's heart.

However, he just thought about it and didn't dare to attack the Penglai Immortal Clan.

After all.

Behind the Penglai Immortal Clan stands the Kunlun Immortal Emperor.

Although the Kunlun Immortal Emperor ignored everything, it didn't mean that she wouldn't pay attention to the Penglai Immortal Clan.

If he attacked the Penglai Immortal Clan, he would definitely not be able to pass the Kunlun Immortal Emperor.

"Report to the Great God, Immortal Lord Qinglan and Immortal Lord Batian are here!"

Just as Lin Wudao was thinking, suddenly, he heard Tushan Cangyue's voice.

Look carefully!

At this moment, Xiao Qinglan and Xiong Batian have come to the Jade Emperor World through the teleportation array in the Chaos Ruins.


This time, they are not the real body, but a condensed Immortal King clone... (End of this chapter)

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