
"Shangqing God System actually sent so many immortal kings and ancient immortals. Is it worth them to mobilize so many troops for just a Beidou Immortal Realm?"

"Such a terrifying force is probably enough to sweep across the entire Jade Emperor World, right?"


Looking at the mighty army of the Shangqing God System, Zhao Yuanshu couldn't help but take a breath and said in horror.

The overwhelming true immortals, tens of thousands of ancient immortals, and many immortal kings made the people of Dayan Immortal Country scalp numb.

At this moment.

Their weak power, against the Shangqing God System, is like hitting a rock with an egg.

Facing the shock and fear of Zhao Yuanshu and others, Yin Siming was also a little shocked, but his expression was extremely calm and indifferent.

After all!

Although the power displayed by the Shangqing God System is powerful, it is just a small scene compared to what he saw in the City of All Heavens and the outside world.

"This time, the Shangqing God System came specifically to target our Qingshan Divine Kingdom. The Shangqing God must have known that we are an alien God System."

"This time, the Shangqing God System sent such a powerful lineup to test the strength and details of our Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"But you don't need to worry or be afraid. Although the Shangqing God System is powerful, our Qingshan Divine Kingdom is not a vegetarian."

"The great god has sent the army of the Divine Kingdom to come, and it is estimated that it will arrive soon..."

Yin Siming said in a deep voice.

The speed of the Jade Emperor World's upgrade suddenly accelerated, and he also sensed an unusual breath.

During this period, they have been expanding the Divine Domain in the Beidou Immortal Domain. Such a big movement naturally cannot be hidden from the Shangqing God System.

What's more!

Before in the Cangyuan World, the Bodhi Divine Kingdom of the Shangqing God System had fought with the Qingshan Divine Kingdom once.

From that time on, the Shangqing God System should have noticed that the Qingshan Divine Kingdom had infiltrated the Jade Emperor World.


This time, the Shangqing God System mobilized a large army to come here, and the main purpose was to test the details of the Qingshan Kingdom.

"Grand Heavenly Master, do you think this is just superficial strength? Does the Shangqing God System have a backup plan?"

"Since they launched a war of gods, they must have been prepared long ago."

"The current army of true immortals, ancient immortals, and immortal kings should only be the vanguard. Behind the army, there may be more powerful beings, watching in secret."

"Even the Shangqing God of the Shangqing God System may also be paying attention to the movements here..."

At this time!

Zhao Yuanshu seemed to have thought of something, and asked Yin Siming with a serious face.

"That's for sure!"

"The upgrade of the Jade Emperor World was almost entirely driven by the God of Shangqing. He invested a lot of resources here to increase the speed of the upgrade."

"It seems that the God of Shangqing attaches great importance to the Jade Emperor World."

"He spent so much effort and cost to promote the upgrade of the Jade Emperor World to a higher world, and naturally he will not let others reap the benefits."

"Therefore, the God of Shangqing will definitely pay attention in secret. Once the situation on the battlefield changes, he may take action himself."

"According to the current development of the Jade Emperor World, the God of Shangqing is probably no less than the fourth-level holy god..."

Yin Siming frowned and replied.


Fourth-level holy god?

Hearing this, the horror and solemnity on Zhao Yuanshu's face became more intense.

In fact!

Everything is indeed as Yin Siming guessed. In the void behind the army of Shangqing God, a magnificent kingdom of gods is indeed reflected.

In the kingdom of God, an ancient and domineering god sat high on the throne. His sharp and deep eyes penetrated several fairy domains and quietly watched the development of the situation in Beidou Fairy Domain.

Below his throne, many powerful figures stood respectfully, including the Eternal Fairy King, the Supreme Fairy King, and several Ultimate Fairy Kings.

This domineering god was the supreme god of Shangqing God System, the God of Shangqing.

"Great God, the divine domains of Qingshan Kingdom are basically some low-level worlds, and there are few true immortals. This shows that the god rank of the God of Qingshan is not very strong."

"The army we sent this time is enough to take down Beidou Fairy Domain..."

A Supreme Fairy King broke the quiet atmosphere and said.

In his opinion, it was a bit of a waste of talent for Shangqing God System to send so many strong men and armies to attack Beidou Fairy Domain.

The Qingshan Divine Kingdom only encompasses many low-level worlds. Even if it is strong, there is a limit.

It is impossible to fight against them!

He is not the only one who thinks so. Many immortal king giants present think so.


Facing the contempt of this immortal king giant, the God of Shangqing shook his head indifferently.

"The Qingshan Divine Kingdom is not that simple!"

"Before, the God of Bodhi suffered a great loss. The kingdom and divinity were eroded and polluted by strange forces."

"If this god had not cut off the faith of the Bodhi Divine Kingdom in time, I am afraid that it would pollute the entire Shangqing Divine System."

"But even so, the God of Bodhi was still forcibly polluted and died by that strange evil substance."

"That kind of strange power is very difficult for even this god. If it comes from the God of Qingshan, it is enough to prove the other party's extraordinaryness."

"In addition, the Qingshan Divine Kingdom was able to invade the Tianzui Universe from the distant Panshen Universe. Its magical powers and means are not something that ordinary gods can do."

A majestic and indifferent voice sounded from the throne.

Hearing this!

The immortal king giants standing below instantly understood the meaning.

"Great God, do you mean that the Qingshan God is not just a simple low-level god?"

"It is very likely that the Qingshan Divine Kingdom is just an avatar created by Him?"

A great giant with an extreme immortal king spoke.


"Since the other party can invade the Jade Emperor World, his god rank and status must be high."

"Although I don't know the specific origin of the Qingshan God, the Jade Emperor World was managed by this god with great difficulty, and it will soon be upgraded to a high-level world. Naturally, I can't let Him pick peaches."

"Just wait and see. If nothing unexpected happens, the Qingshan Divine Kingdom will definitely send a powerful army of the Divine Kingdom..."

The Shangqing God said lightly.


At the moment when his voice fell, a mighty divine light suddenly broke through the sky of Beidou Immortal Realm.


Under the gaze of many immortal kings, tens of thousands of ancient immortal armies descended on the border of Dayan Immortal Kingdom.

In terms of momentum and strength, they are not inferior to the army of Shangqing God System.

In fact, they are even more powerful!

"Eighty thousand ancient immortals of the tenth heaven, eighty-eight ordinary immortal kings, ten ancient immortal kings..."

Looking at the Qingshan army that suddenly descended, the immortal kings in Shangqing God Kingdom showed surprised expressions.


Although the number of the Qingshan God Kingdom's army is relatively small, the strength of the army is very strong.

The cultivation of those ancient immortals has all reached the extreme of ancient immortals; the same is true for ordinary immortal kings and ancient immortal kings.

The power displayed by the Qingshan God Kingdom alone is enough to fight against them.

"Qingshan Divine Kingdom, it really can't be underestimated!"

"Next, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle..."

The expressions of the crowd gradually became serious.

Since Qingshan Divine Kingdom has put up such a powerful battle, there must be a more powerful existence behind them.

At that time!

The situation on the battlefield will probably continue to escalate.

The Eternal Immortal King, the Supreme Immortal King, and even the Ultimate Immortal King may all take action.

Compared to the shock and surprise of many immortal king giants, after seeing the Qingshan Divine Kingdom's army coming, the God of Shangqing frowned slightly.

"War Godpower!"

"The God of Qingshan actually also holds this divine power? It's really surprising..."

The God of Shangqing muttered secretly.

At this time!

From the ancient immortal army of Qingshan Divine Kingdom, He sensed the familiar breath of divine power.

What surprised and puzzled Him in particular was that the war divine power used by the God of Qingshan seemed to be much more powerful than Him.

"Could it be that the divine right of war that I stole is incomplete?"

At this moment!

The God of Shangqing began to doubt his divine right... (End of this chapter)

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