
Through Yin Si Ming's line of faith, the latest scene of Beidou Immortal Realm appeared in front of him in an instant.

At this moment.

From Lin Wudao's perspective, Yin Si Ming was leading a group of powerful men from the Dayan Immortal Kingdom, waiting intently on a majestic sacred mountain.

Behind him, Zhao Yuanshu and others stood...

Through the Eye of the Avenue, Lin Wudao also clearly sensed the tremendous changes in the Jade Emperor's world.


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Beidou Immortal Domain is more than a thousand times richer than before, and it is of higher quality and purer.

Between heaven and earth, various resources are springing up one after another like mushrooms after a rain.

"The upgrade speed of the Jade Emperor's Great World has indeed increased a lot. If this continues, I'm afraid it won't take more than three hundred years for it to be upgraded to a higher level world."

After observing carefully for a moment, Lin Wudao thought to himself.

Just after not seeing each other for a while, the Jade Emperor's world has undergone such huge changes, which he did not expect.

[System, the upgrade speed of the Jade Emperor World has suddenly increased. Is it because of the God of Supreme Purity? 】

he asked curiously.

【Yes! 】

[According to the original development speed, it will take about a thousand years for the Jade Emperor World to be upgraded to a higher world. 】

[However, the God of Supreme Purity can’t wait any longer! 】

[Therefore, he put many world origin beads into the Jade Emperor World to increase the speed of promotion. 】

[Only when the origin of the Jade Emperor's world becomes strong enough, can he send more powerful people into this world. 】

[Thereby sweeping away all heretical forces and controlling the faith and incense of the entire Jade Emperor World...]

The voice of the system sounded in my mind.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao frowned, and at the same time, he felt doubts rising in his heart.

He did not expect that it was this reason that caused the Jade Emperor World to speed up its upgrade.

[So, the God of Shangqing is not a native god of the Jade Emperor World? 】

【Yes! 】

[Host, please do not underestimate the God of Supreme Purity. He is far more mysterious and powerful than you think. 】

[Even more difficult to deal with than the Ancient Emperor God of the Yuan Dynasty. 】

[Although the Ancient Emperor God of Yuanshi is powerful, he is on the bright side, and the host is in the dark. It is not difficult to plot against him. 】

[However, the God of Supreme Purity is hiding in the darkness and behind the scenes, while the host is on the bright side. 】

[You will never know what kind of methods, what kind of power, what kind of strength the God of Supreme Purity has. 】

[The unknown is the most dangerous! 】

[Furthermore, the God of Supreme Purity in the Jade Emperor’s Great World is not the God of Supreme Purity in the true sense. 】

[This is just a more common one among his three thousand clones. 】

[In fact, the God of Supreme Purity is not this god’s name. His origin is definitely not as simple as what the host sees. 】

[You must be very cautious when dealing with the God of Supreme Purity...]

The sound of the system is full of reminders.


More mysterious and powerful than the Ancient Emperor God?

Lin Wudao felt a sense of awe in his heart.

[System, the Heavenly Sin Universe is just a place to exile the remnants of the old era. There are not many resources here at all. Why does the God of the Supreme Purity care so much about this place? 】

[Could it be that there are some shocking secrets hidden in the Heavenly Sin Universe? 】

Lin Wudao continued to ask.

He really couldn't figure out what purpose it was that made an ancient and powerful existence like the God of Supreme Purity entrenched in the Heavenly Sin Universe.

Is there anything here that can attract Him?

[The host's cognition always remains on the surface of things. Could it be said that there are no other possibilities besides chance treasures? 】

[Although there are no cultivation resources in Tiansin Universe, the creatures here are the greatest resources. 】

[For the gods of incense and fire, what they need most is not the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, but faith and incense. 】

[As long as you have enough faith and incense, you can control powerful divine power and power. 】

[As for the true intention of the God of Supreme Purity, this needs to be explored and understood by the host himself. 】

[Whether it is the Jade Emperor World or the Heavenly Sin Universe, they are only part of the divine domain controlled by the God of Supreme Purity. 】

[However, this is also the place where He cannot give up the most...]

Just part of the divine realm?

Listening to the system's narration, Lin Wudao's expression became more and more serious.


In his heart, the God of Supreme Purity has been placed in a very high position; but now it seems that he still underestimated the God of Supreme Purity.

The other party's mystery and power were definitely beyond his imagination.

Even the system solemnly reminded that it was conceivable that the God of Supreme Purity was many times more dangerous than the God of the Ancient Emperor.


If you want to play games with Him and plan the Jade Emperor's world, it will become very dangerous. If you are not careful, it will lead to disaster.

after all.

According to the meaning of the system, the God of Supreme Purity is entrenched in the Tiansin Universe, and must have a huge conspiracy, and it is absolutely impossible to give up the Jade Emperor World.

Once he participates in dividing the cake of the Jade Emperor's World, he will definitely be violently attacked and retaliated by the God of Supreme Purity.

at the moment!

It can only carry the Immortal King. After a while, I am afraid that the Quasi-Immortal Emperor will come.

Thinking of this, Lin Wudao's expression gradually became solemn...


He was not panicked or afraid.

Barefoot is not afraid of those wearing shoes!

If the day really comes when both sides are dead, even if he can't get a share of the cake of the Jade Emperor World, he will find a way to smash this bowl.

Since he can't eat the cake, the God of Shangqing can't eat it either...

What's more!

He is not without the opportunity and room for resistance.

It takes a certain amount of time for the Jade Emperor World to be upgraded to a higher world. Even if the God of Shangqing pushes it frantically from behind, it can't be completed overnight.

And this period of time is his opportunity to accumulate strength.

In addition.

Lin Wudao has more than one card to play. He still has the ability to really tear his face and smash the pot.

Thinking of this!

Lin Wudao's heavy mood suddenly became much lighter...


Just as he frowned and thought, suddenly, a burst of mighty divine power came from the distant sky.

He looked closely!

I saw that, accompanied by the mighty divine light, a magnificent divine bridge suddenly connected several fairy realms and descended to the border of Dayan Fairyland.

On the divine bridge that connected the sky and the earth, the mighty army of the Kingdom of God was traveling.

There was no end in sight...

And rushing at the forefront of the army of the Kingdom of God were hundreds of fairy kings.

There were more than 300 people!

Among them, there were even more than ten ancient fairy kings.

And behind the fairy kings were tens of thousands of ancient immortals and overwhelming true immortals.

"Is this the foundation and strength of the Shangqing God System? It is indeed extraordinary and powerful."

Looking at the mighty army of the Shangqing God System, Lin Wudao, who was secretly paying attention to all this, couldn't help but sigh.


The strength shown by the Shangqing God System is enough to be compared with the 100,000 guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It is even slightly better...

"Next, I'm afraid there will be a tough battle to fight."

While speaking.

Lin Wudao directly consumed 1 trillion flowers of luck and condensed an ordinary fairy king-level clone through the system.

This battle has to be fought by him, the great guardian of the God Kingdom.

At the same time!

Seeing the terrifying army of the Shangqing God System, the people and masters of the Dayan Fairy Kingdom took a breath of cold air.

Among the people present, except Yin Siming who was still calm, all the others showed extremely shocked and terrified expressions.

At this moment.

They were all frightened... (End of this chapter)

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