"Next, you must be ready to attack at any time."

"The Qingshan Kingdom must have more than this strength. Later, there should be a giant fairy king or a holy god above the third level to attack."

"Once they take action, you must follow immediately!"

"This time, we must see what level the strength and foundation of the Qingshan Kingdom is at..."

After a long silence, the God of Shangqing ordered in a low voice.

Hearing this!

The giant fairy kings and holy gods standing in the kingdom all bowed in response.

At this time, without the reminder of the God of Shangqing, they were all ready to attack at any time.


Just when the God of Shangqing issued the oracle, suddenly, a divine light swept across the void, turned into a divine messenger, and entered the Shangqing Kingdom.

"Report to the great god, according to the latest news, the Yuan clan immortal king of the Yuanhuang world has entered the Beidou Immortal Realm through the world cracks of the Chaos Ruins."

"Now, they should be behind the army of the Qingshan Divine Kingdom, secretly spying."

"It is possible that they are taking advantage of the fire to rob..."

The envoy of the god reported respectfully.

Yuanhuang World?

Yuan clan?

Hearing this, the God of Shangqing and the immortal king giants present all frowned.

"The Yuan clan is extremely ambitious. The entire clan is like a group of cosmic bandits, occupying and plundering world resources everywhere."

"I didn't expect that they would be allowed to enter the Jade Emperor World this time. According to the style of the Yuan clan, they will definitely not miss such a good opportunity."

"As long as we and the Qingshan Divine Kingdom are both defeated, the immortal kings hiding in the dark of the Yuan clan will take advantage of the situation."

"Moreover, the immortal kings of the Yuan clan are leading the charge, so now the entire Yuan clan probably knows the existence of the Jade Emperor World."

"Next, I'm afraid there will be a large number of strong people coming in one after another..."

A giant at the level of the Ultimate Immortal King said in a deep voice.

In his words!

He was full of anger and hatred for the Yuan clan!

It seemed that he had suffered losses at the hands of the Yuan clan before...


After hearing the name of the Yuan clan of the Yuanhuang World, the eyes of the God of Shangqing also became cold.


"The Yuan clan is no different from cosmic bandits. I killed their half-step immortal emperor ancestor last time, and it seems that they don't remember it."

"If this god hadn't been unable to spare any time, I would have destroyed it long ago!"

A cold voice sounded from the throne.

He also hated the Yuan clan. Almost every member of the clan was aggressive and robbed everything they saw.

Once, a half-step immortal emperor ancestor of the Yuan clan led the clan's strong men to invade a big world under his command, and was eventually killed by him.

That time!

The death of the half-step immortal emperor ancestor caused great damage to the Yuan clan, and it remained silent for three epochs.

However, what the Shangqing God didn't expect was that after three epochs, he met the Yuan clan again.


The other party wanted to plunder his kingdom of God again.

This made the Shangqing God full of murderous intent...

If he didn't have important arrangements for other big worlds and couldn't easily show his powerful strength, otherwise, he would have destroyed the Yuan clan long ago.

This time.

Since the Yuan Clan has come, the God of Shangqing is not going to let them leave the Jade Emperor World alive.

"Great God, the Jade Emperor World is now rapidly upgrading, the world barrier is very unstable, and there are space cracks everywhere."

"In addition, the Chaos Ruins is originally an extremely special place, which is why the Yuan Clan has an opportunity to take advantage of it."

"It is not ruled out that it will attract other powerful tribes to come."

"After all, a place that is about to be upgraded to a high-level world is undoubtedly a coveted piece of fat meat for those immortals."

"At present, the war of gods with the Qingshan Divine Kingdom is about to break out. If the Yuan Clan stabs us in the back at that time, the situation will be very unfavorable for my Shangqing Divine System."

"After all, the Jade Emperor World is still unstable at present, and can only carry the ultimate fairy king at most."

"The manpower we can mobilize is still relatively limited..."

A giant with the ultimate fairy king stood up and said.

In the words!

With a trace of worry.

However, for the situation he said, the God of Shangqing seemed very indifferent and calm.

"Hmph, if the Yuan Clan wants to take advantage of the situation, it depends on whether they have the ability to do so."

"If you don't know, it's fine. Since you know their existence, then have fun with them."

"Beidou Immortal Realm is the divine realm of Qingshan Divine Kingdom. If the Yuan Clan wants to take action, Beidou Immortal Realm will definitely be the first to bear the brunt."

"At that time, they will inevitably go to war with Qingshan Divine Kingdom. When they are almost done fighting, my Shangqing Divine System will take action to clean up the mess."

"It's just right. I can also further test the details of Qingshan Divine Kingdom through these bandits of the Yuan Clan."

"According to the current upgrade speed, it will take about three hundred years for the Jade Emperor World to be upgraded to a high-level world."

"Next, this god will continue to invest more world origins to increase the upgrade speed."

"In at most one year, the Jade Emperor World will be able to carry the power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. At that time, this god will settle the new and old accounts of the Yuan Clan together..."

The God of Shangqing said coldly.

Whether it is the Qingshan Divine Kingdom or the Yuan Clan, He will not let them go.

"Great God, should we temporarily abandon the Beidou Immortal Domain?"


"Let's retreat first, retreat to the dark, and wait and see; as long as we retreat, the Qingshan Divine Kingdom will definitely pursue us."

"Once the Qingshan Divine Kingdom expands its divine domain and the battle line is extended, it will definitely have no time to take care of it."

"At that time, those Yuan clans will surely be unable to resist and fight. It will be impossible not to fight."

"Wait, you all follow my orders."

"Use a Beidou Immortal Domain as bait, let the Qingshan Divine Kingdom and the Yuan clans' bandits fight each other, and we just sit and watch the show..."

The corners of the Shangqing God's mouth showed a playful smile.

The Qingshan Divine Kingdom wants to pick peaches, and the Yuan clan wants to take advantage of the fire. Why can't the Shangqing God system sit back and reap the benefits?


You can only gain if you give up...

For the Shangqing God's plan, the fairy king giants below also agree with it.

The origin of Qingshan Kingdom is mysterious, and its background and strength are unknown. The Yuan clan is an aggressive race that is not afraid of death.

If they fight, there will be a good show to watch.

Thinking of this!

Many immortal kings immediately turned their eyes to the Qingshan Kingdom army in Beidou Immortal Domain.

At this time.

They seemed to have anticipated that there would be a wonderful show next.

At the same time!

While many immortal kings of the Shangqing God System were calculating, there were also several pairs of eyes in the chaotic ruins far outside the Beidou Immortal Domain, secretly spying on the movements of the Beidou Immortal Domain.

I saw that on a sacred mountain on the edge of the chaotic ruins, there were twelve powerful figures, staring at the battlefield of the Beidou Immortal Domain intently.

His eyes revealed an extremely strong greed and desire for possession...

"Sir, this is actually a medium-sized world that is about to be upgraded. At this rate, it is estimated that it will be upgraded to a high-level world in three hundred years."

"I didn't expect that we have gone through so much hardship and wandered through various space cracks, and now we have finally achieved our goal."

"As long as we occupy this world, the foundation and strength of our Yuan clan will definitely be improved."

"It is even possible to give birth to a strong man at the level of the Immortal Emperor."

"This is a great achievement..."

In the crowd, a thin man with shifty eyes could not suppress his excitement and said excitedly.

Hearing this!

The middle-aged man in red, who was the leader, also clenched his fists.

"Yuan Shisan, you immediately draw the world coordinates of this world, and then bring this news back to the clan and inform the clan leader."

"Let them prepare manpower and be ready to launch a world war at any time."

"Yuan Shiba, you immediately find a secret place and build a large world teleportation array to prepare for the arrival of our clansmen."

"Others, assist from the side!"

"Remember, don't alert the enemy for the time being. There are two major forces fighting in the fairyland outside. When they are almost done, we will go out to clean up the mess."

"It's just right. We can also use them to see how deep the water in this world is..."

The red-clothed man Yuan Qingshan ordered in a deep voice.


Hearing this, the eleven immortals beside him all nodded respectfully.

And then.

They began to act separately.


The people of Qingshan Divine Kingdom did not notice the calculations and plans of Shangqing Divine System and Yuan Clan.

At this time!

Everyone, including Lin Wudao, focused their attention on the Shangqing Divine System army opposite.


After building up momentum, accompanied by a deafening roar of killing, the war between the two great divine systems completely broke out... (End of this chapter)

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