Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1212 The God Seed from the Absolute Beginning, bestows the Dharma!

One hundred thousand ancient immortals?

Seeing the large number of figures that suddenly appeared outside the temple, Chong Juan, Shang Jun and others' eyes widened instantly, their eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

Even Tushan Cangyue felt a little surprised...

The people in front of them include one hundred thousand ancient immortals; in addition, there are one hundred ordinary immortal kings and ten ancient immortal kings.

With such a powerful force, the success rate of resisting the invasion of the abyss will be even greater.

"Great God, abyssal species possess the characteristics of immortality and are very difficult to suppress and destroy."

"Although the one hundred thousand ancient immortals in front of us are powerful, they are only pure human beings. If they want to fight against the mysterious abyssal species, they may not be able to do it."

"Furthermore, the abyssal aura carried by abyssal species cannot be resisted and tolerated by human beings."

"If you want to fight against abyssal species, you must first solve the erosion and damage of abyssal materials..."

Tushan Cangyue looked at it for a moment, then said thoughtfully.

Regarding her words, Lin Wudao nodded in agreement.


"Abyssal species are mysterious and powerful, and the power of the abyss is extremely difficult to deal with. The methods of human beings basically do not pose much of a threat to them."

"Therefore, if you want to resist the invasion of the abyss, you must rearm and transform."


The moment the voice fell, Lin Wudao opened his palms slightly, and then under everyone's gaze, an ancient and magnificent unparalleled sacred mountain appeared.

The vast and bright divine light illuminated the world in all directions.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Under the illumination of the sacred mountain, the aura of the abyss that permeated the heaven and earth seemed to have encountered a nemesis, and began to melt quickly like snow in spring.

Wherever the sacred mountain shines, all the aura of the abyss is washed away.

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly became energetic!


Everyone's eyes were fixed on the unparalleled sacred mountain in Lin Wudao's hands, with longing and longing in their eyes.

Although Lin Wudao saw their reactions, he ignored them.


As he pointed out gently, the Taichu Holy Mountain on his palm trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, waves of pure divine power swept forward like a tide, covering everyone inside and outside the temple.


Under the surprised gazes of everyone, a mysterious golden seed condensed in his body.

The divine light it blooms illuminates the body and soul...


Under the wash of Taichu's divine power, all the abyssal aura on their bodies was removed, and their entire bodies seemed to have been washed.

Both his qualifications and foundation have been slightly improved!


That mysterious golden seed can still continuously absorb the divine power of the sacred mountain, seemingly endlessly.

"Great God, this seed is..."

Chongjun was the first to ask about the confusion in his heart.

at this time.

Under the illumination and washing of the divine power of Taichu Mountain, his body, which was about to be assimilated, actually recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a moment, most of the abyss aura stained on his body was eliminated.

Both the immortal body and the immortal spirit are returning to their normal state.

Seeing this huge change in himself, Chong Yan suddenly started to tremble with excitement.

He felt as if he had been reborn!

"This God has planted an Absolute God Seed in your bodies. Its greatest function is to eliminate the weirdness and evil in the world."

"At the same time, it is the nemesis of abyssal matter!"

"This god will plant the seed of the primordial god into your bodies. With the protection of its divine power, you don't have to worry about being corroded and polluted by the abyssal materials."

Lin Wudao's majestic voice resounded inside and outside the temple.

The nemesis of abyssal matter?

Upon hearing this, everyone present was immediately excited.

This so-called Absolute God Seed is equivalent to adding a talisman to them.

"The Absolute God Seed can only guarantee that you will not be eroded by the abyss, but it does not allow you to fight against abyssal species."

"In addition to the primordial god species, I will also bless you with powerful divine power to inflict fatal damage to abyssal species."

Say it!

Lin Wudao set his sights on Tushan Cangyue.

"Cang Yue, as the high priest of the kingdom of God, now that the abyss has invaded, I have given you the power to exercise my divine power, divine laws, and divine spells."


As Lin Wudao's voice sounded, he gave Tushan Cangyue the absolute divine power, the divine power of space, the divine power of mending the sky, the divine power of devouring, the divine power of plundering, and the divine power of possession.

Before that!

Although Tushan Cangyue has the power to exercise many divine rights, it does not include absolute divine authority and space divine authority.

Absolute divine power is one of Lin Wudao's most powerful trump cards as a god.

With the blessing of absolute divine authority, the power of other divine authorities will be infinitely amplified.

Theoretically speaking, mastering absolute divine power is equivalent to mastering powerful divine power and power.

Even gods with the most rubbish qualifications and strength, like Lord Lingyun, can soar to the sky through absolute divine power.

As the top manager of Qingshan Divine Kingdom, Tushan Cangyue had not been given absolute divine power by Lin Wudao before.


The abyss invaded, and the situation in each world was treacherous. He needed someone to help him share the pressure.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Lin Wudao gave Tushan Cangyue absolute divine power, spatial divine power, and other divine rights under his control.


Although she controls all divine power, as a human being, she only has the power to exercise divine power.

The real controller of divine power is Lin Wudao himself.

All divine authority, divine power, and divine power all originate from him...

He can give divine authority and power, and he can also take them all back.

"Abyssal species have characteristics that are difficult to erase. Cang Yue, you can destroy them all at once by using your absolute divine power to bless the divine power of destruction."

"Similarly, this god also gives you the power to engrave the power of the gods. You can bless all kinds of powerful divine powers to the people of the world, thereby giving them powerful power."

"As the high priest, this is one of your responsibilities."

"Next, Cangyue, you will command fifty thousand ancient immortals, one hundred ordinary immortal kings, and ten ancient immortal kings, and go to the Arctic Immortal Realm to resist the second forbidden master Yingyuan."

"As for the Dongji Immortal Territory, I will send the Great Protector of the Kingdom of God to resist the First Forbidden Lord Tu Yu."

Lin Wudao arranged in a deep voice.

"Thank you, God!"

Feeling the sudden appearance of several divine powers in her soul, Tushan Cangyue came back to her senses after a brief period of surprise.

Even with the knowledge of the Moon God, she was amazed by the heaven-defying power of absolute divine power.

This divine power is simply a subversive existence.

"By the way, this time the door of the abyss opens, you will inevitably face abyssal species at the level of ancient immortals."

"In order to ensure your safety and at the same time give you strong combat power, you are taking this god's Taichu Holy Mountain with you on this trip."

"In addition, this god will give you another supreme method..."

Talking time!

Lin Wudao waved his big sleeves, and Taichu Divine Mountain instantly shrank to the size of a palm, floating quietly in front of Tushan Cangyue.


at the same time.

After the Taichu Sacred Mountain, Lin Wudao raised his hand and pointed out, and engraved the Taogu Supreme Dharma Seal on Tushan Cangyue's soul.


In order to avoid arousing Tushan Cangyue's suspicion, he changed the name of the Taoist Supreme Dharma to Qingshan Supreme Dharma.

"The supreme law of Qingshan?"

Feeling the sudden appearance of the supreme method, the surprise and astonishment in Tushan Cangyue's eyes became more intense.


As she thought, waves of vast power surged out of her body, making her feel extremely powerful.

In an instant, his cultivation level directly rose to a great level, reaching the tenth level of the True Immortal.

"Great God, it seems that the Evil Trio and the rest of them have similar methods that can improve their cultivation and strength."

After feeling it carefully, Tushan Cangyue suddenly spoke.


Upon hearing this, Lin Wudao knew that she was overthinking... (End of Chapter)

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