
"After practicing the Taiqing God-Being Technique, it is really difficult to create the Heavenly Dao Dharma Body."

"One hundred thousand ancient immortals, plus one hundred ordinary immortal kings, and ten ancient immortal kings. Such a huge amount of incense has only solidified one percent of my god's true form."

"According to this progress, if you want to completely create the true form of the god, I'm afraid it will require the faith and incense of the entire Great Wilderness Fairyland..."

Feeling the changes in the god's true body, Lin Wudao sighed helplessly.

Although he had known for a long time that after practicing the Taiqing God-Being Technique, it would be very difficult to condense the true form of the gods, and he was mentally prepared.


One hundred thousand ancient immortals plus one hundred and ten immortal kings, such majestic incense, only condensed one percent of the gods' true form.

Such a result exceeded Lin Wudao's expectations.

It can be seen from this.

It is not that easy to cultivate the true form of a god. Unless the Great Wilderness Fairyland is brought under the rule, it may be possible.

"Take one step and see one step!"

"According to the current situation, Xianlin Land will definitely not be able to pass through for the time being. We can only take advantage of this period to take down the Jade Emperor World and Tianxiao World first."

"The Jade Emperor's World is about to be upgraded to a high-level world, and the Tianxiao World is also a medium-sized world."

"As long as we knock them down, with the help of the majestic faith and incense, we can cultivate the body of heaven in one fell swoop."

Lin Wudao secretly thought in his heart.

He already has a clear plan for his next actions and developments.


Just when Lin Wudao was frowning in deep thought, suddenly, he seemed to sense something, and a faint suspicion flashed in his eyes.


He sensed the prayers of Tushan Cangyue and the Third Forbidden Lord Chongjuan, and they were very eager.

"Did something happen to Tianxiao World?"

Lin Wudao frowned.

Talking time!

He immediately sent a ray of divinity and true spirit to the world of Tianxiao through the established thread of faith.

Xuantian Fairy City!

At this time, under the auspices of Shang Jun, a magnificent temple had been built in the center of the Xuantian Immortal Domain.

At the highest point of the temple, stands the statue of God Zhu Rong.


When Lin Wudao came with his vast divine power, Tushan Cangyue, Chongjuan, Shangjun and others were praying devoutly in the solemn and magnificent temple.


The void outside the temple seems to have become darker than before, and the world is filled with terrifying evil substances.

"Abyssal breath?"

Looking at the changes in the outside world, Lin Wudao frowned even more tightly.

At this moment!

He seemed to have guessed what happened when Tushan Cangyue and the others prayed to him.

"Welcome the great god to come!"

"Welcome the great god to come!"

"The God of Supply has arrived!"

Just as Lin Wudao was observing the changes in the forbidden land, under the leadership of Tu Shan Cang Yue, Chong Yan, Shang Jun and others began to kowtow with extremely respectful gestures.

See this.

Lin Wudao gave a faint hum.

"Cang Yue, what happened to the world of Tianxiao? Why did such a strong abyssal aura suddenly erupt?"

he asked directly.

"God Qi, the abyss has invaded the world of Tianxiao!"

Tushan Cangyue looked solemn.

Abyss invasion?

Upon hearing this, Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel slightly shocked, even though he had already made speculations.

Abyss, synonymous with mystery and evil!

Before this, he had had brief contact with abyssal species and clearly knew how ferocious and terrifying they were.

It’s so pervasive!


Because of the abyss demonic species brought by the Huntian Ancient Kingdom, the Great World of Tianxiao was eroded by the abyss and polluted twenty-four fairy realms, turning them into forbidden lands.


The abyss material has completely exploded, and I'm afraid it won't be long before all the creatures in the forbidden land will be assimilated by the abyss and reduced to abyssal species.

Think of this.

Lin Wudao's face also became serious.

"what is going on?"

"Although the abyssal material was also eroding before, the pollution rate was not fast. Why did it suddenly erupt now?"

he asked in a solemn voice.

"The great god, according to what Chongjun said, is Tu Yu, the first forbidden lord of the forbidden land, who has returned from the abyss."

"Today, Tu Yu has been completely eroded and assimilated by the power of the abyss, and has become an abyssal species."

"Moreover, Tu Yu also opened the door to the abyss and built a passage between the human world and the abyss."

"Right now, a large number of abyssal species are surging out of the abyss and pouring into the human world."

"In addition, a large amount of abyssal breath also passed through the abyss gate and entered the human world crazily."

"Under the erosion and pollution of the abyss breath, half of the twenty-four fairy realms in the forbidden land have been destroyed."

"Even the Second Forbidden Lord Ying Yuan has completely thrown himself into the embrace of the abyss and became an abyss species."

"Now, the First Forbidden Lord Tu Yu and the Second Forbidden Lord Ying Yuan are sweeping towards the Eight Immortal Realms with a large number of abyssal species..."


The moment the words fell, Tushan Cangyue raised his hand and shot out a divine light, condensing a detailed map in mid-air.

Above, the offensive routes of Tu Yu and Ying Yuan, the two forbidden masters, were clearly recorded.

Lin Wudao took a closer look and saw that the first forbidden master Tu Yu was attacking the East Pole Immortal Territory, while the second forbidden master Ying Yuan was attacking the North Pole Immortal Territory.

The East Pole Immortal Realm is the easternmost of the Eight Immortal Realms; the North Pole Immortal Realm is the northernmost of the Eight Immortal Realms.

They are not very far from Xuantian Immortal Realm!

Once the East Ji Immortal Territory and the North Pole Immortal Territory are breached, the Xuantian Immortal Territory will be the first to bear the brunt...

"It looks like the situation is very serious."

Looking at the map condensed by Tushan Cangyue, Lin Wudao's expression became more serious.

The invasion of the abyss is a greater threat than the Jade Emperor's superior world.

If the world of Tianxiao is invaded by the abyss, then all the surrounding worlds will suffer.

The first one to be polluted must be Cangyuan World!


The invasion of the abyss must be stopped no matter what...

"The First Forbidden Lord Tu Yu and the Second Forbidden Lord Ying Yuan, what are their strength levels?"

"Also, what are the strengths of those evil species from the abyss?"

Lin Wudao asked calmly.

The more critical the situation is, the more important it is to remain calm and not lose control.


As the highest belief among everyone, he couldn't even show the slightest panic.

If even he is confused, fighting against the abyss will be a joke...

"Great God, according to my subordinates' understanding, the First Forbidden Lord Tu Yu has become the Ancient Immortal King. With the blessing of the power of the abyss, his strength can reach the ultimate level of the Ancient Immortal King."

"The Second Forbidden Lord Ying Yuan also became the Immortal King, but he is weaker than Tu Yu."

"As for those abyssal species, they basically come from the first layer of the abyss and the second layer of the abyss."

"The strength of the species on the first level of the abyss, the supreme emperor!"

"The strongest species in the second layer of the abyss is the Ancient Immortal!"

"Nowadays, the door of the abyss has not been fully opened, so most of the abyssal species that have come to the human world are true immortals and below."

"As for the ancient abyss immortals, their number is less than 10,000..."

Chongyu replied in a deep voice.

Hearing his words, a hint of surprise flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

The strength level of the Abyss seems to be similar to that of the City of All Heavens.

"How many levels are there in the abyss?"

"This... subordinate has never been to the abyss, so he doesn't know how many layers there are."

Chongyu shook his head with a wry smile.

His knowledge of the abyss is also very limited.

"Great God, now the abyss has begun to invade the world of Tianxiao on a large scale. The most urgent task now is to eliminate these abyssal species that have come to the human world."

"Then, close the gate of the abyss!"

"Otherwise, once the world of Tianxiao is occupied by the abyss, it will definitely use it as a stronghold to erode and pollute the surrounding world."

"The great world of Cangyuan will definitely bear the brunt. When the time comes, hundreds of millions of people in the Kingdom of God will all suffer..."

Tushan Cangyue's solemn voice interrupted Lin Wudao's contemplation.


"Cang Yue, you are right. The top priority is to repel the invasion of the abyss, and we cannot allow the abyss to continue to erode and expand."

"It just so happens that I have just cultivated an ancient immortal army of 100,000 people, which was originally used to attack the Jade Emperor's World."

"Since the situation in Tianxiao World is critical, let's use them to resist the invasion of the abyss first..."


As he spoke, Lin Wudao shot out a divine light, opening the door to the world.


He moved all the 100,000 imperial guards he had just recruited to the world of Tianxiao... (End of this chapter)

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