"The evil trio, each of them has a strong identity and background, which is not comparable to ordinary human beings."

"Therefore, it is not surprising that they have methods to improve their cultivation and combat power."

"This supreme method given to you by this god requires an extremely powerful body to control and perform. Even if ordinary people obtain it, they will not be able to practice it."

"Cang Yue, you have practiced the great magic of the ancient times and condensed the true body of the great world, so you meet the conditions."

"Okay, now the abyss is coming fiercely, the top priority is to suppress them and close the door to the abyss."

"Chongxuan, you will go to the North Pole Immortal Realm with the high priest; Shang Yi, you will go to the East Pole Immortal Realm with the Great Protector later..."

Lin Wudao commanded majestically.

After saying that, he waved his big sleeves suddenly, and a man in black with a tall body and a cold breath appeared out of thin air in the temple.

This person is clearly the clone of the ancient Immortal King condensed by the system.

"Ye Zhetian, now the Abyss is invading the Tianxiao World. You should immediately command the fifty thousand ancient immortals and go to the East Ji Immortal Domain to resist. You must suppress them and then drive them out of the Tianxiao World."

"Obey the oracle!"

Lin Wudao pretended to be respectful.

Ancient Immortal King?

Looking at the sudden appearance of the 'Great Protector of the Kingdom of God', Tushan Cangyue's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

In the Qingshan Divine Kingdom, this Great Protector can be said to be very mysterious. He was previously sent to the Twelve Mountains of the Imperial Road to succeed the emperor.

After the Human Emperor Taoism existed in name only, Ye Zhetian disappeared.


Tushan Cangyue thought that Ye Zhetian was practicing in the Twelve Mountains of the Imperial Way, and at most he could only have the cultivation level of the Emperor of Heaven.

However, what she didn't expect was that when they met again, Ye Zhetian actually had the cultivation level of the ancient immortal king.


Chongxuan, Shangjun and others in the temple also looked at Ye Zhetian with surprise and curiosity.

Lin Wu ignored their scrutiny.


After a slight silence, he used the power and will of the Great Demon God Qingshan to bless the people present and the hundred thousand ancient immortals outside the temple.

It mainly includes the five divine powers: absolute war, absolute defense, absolute life, absolute killing, and absolute destruction.


With the blessing of divine power, everyone's cultivation level has skyrocketed by half a realm, and their bodies and bodies have become stronger than ever before.

Vitality and resilience have also been strengthened...

Everyone exudes fighting spirit and murderous intent, stirring up the storm in the sky.

Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

"Set off!"

As the words fell, he immediately led Fifty Wangu and Zhurong High Priest Shang Jun as Ye Zhetian, the great protector of the Kingdom of God, and left Xuantian Ancient City in a furious manner.

See this scene.

Tushan Cangyue did not hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, he led the remaining fifty thousand ancient immortals, as well as a hundred ordinary immortal kings, and the ten ancient immortal kings, towards the North Pole Immortal Realm.

All of a sudden!

A large-scale world war has begun...

Broken Sky Mountain Range!

An ancient fairy mountain that spans the East Pole Immortal Realm and the North Pole Fairy Realm. It is like a peerless natural moat, cutting off the connection between the major fairy realms.

call out!

An hour later, under the leadership of Lin Wudao, the fifty thousand ancient immortals under his command built a Great Wall-like protective barrier on the Duantian Mountain Range.

It extends from the easternmost part of the East Pole Fairyland to the northernmost end; it connects with the North Pole Fairyland.

At this moment!

In the world north of the Broken Sky Mountain Range, the terrifying and evil black energy surged under the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

These black gases are all dark matter in the abyss, and they are crazily eroding the vitality and origin of the great world of Tianxiao.

Through the Eye of the Great Dao, Lin Wudao can clearly observe that the vitality and origin of the world of Tianxiao are constantly decreasing.

And the abyssal material that spewed out is constantly getting stronger after being eroded and devoured crazily.

The world north of the Duantian Mountain Range has basically been polluted.

At a glance, life is extinct!

Seeing this horrific scene, Lin Wudao was shocked in his heart.

Although he had long known the horror of the abyss, he still couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the scene after the abyss erupted.

Wherever the abyss passes, everything will be swallowed up and assimilated...

"Great Protector, I heard from Chongjun that the First Forbidden Lord Tu Yu has completely transformed into an abyssal species and has the ultimate power of the Ancient Immortal King."

"We don't have any spare Ancient Immortal King, can we withstand it?"

At this time!

Shang Jin asked with worry on his face.

"Are you questioning the great god's oracle, or are you questioning my strength?"

"How can I take this person in my eyes even if it's just an abyssal species that is the ultimate form of the ancient Immortal King?"

Lin Wudao looked contemptuous.

at the moment.

He also maintains the powerful power of the Ancient Immortal King's clone. Not to mention that Tu Yu is just the Ancient Immortal King. Even if he is the Eternal Immortal King, he cannot change the world.

Lin Wudao still has this kind of confidence!

"But the Great Protector..."

Seeing Lin Wudao's extremely confident look, Shang Jin seemed to be ready to say something.


However, just as he opened his mouth, suddenly, waves of great ominous power came from the distant sky.

Take a closer look.

I saw waves of terrifying black clouds, carrying an extremely terrifying and extremely evil majestic momentum, sweeping over the sky and covering the sun.

Those black clouds are all composed of abyssal species, covering the entire world, with no end visible at a glance.


The abyssal species with the lowest strength all have the level of the Great Emperor...

As for the powerful abyssal species, they have reached the level of Immortal King or even Ancient Immortal King.


"Why are there so many?"

Seeing the overwhelming Abyss army sweeping in, Shang Jun on the side suddenly took a breath of air, his eyes full of shock and horror.

Although these abyssal armies are basically at the Great Emperor, Heavenly Emperor, and True Immortal levels, there are simply too many of them.

Anything, when the quantity reaches a certain level, will become a great terror.

at this time!

Looking at the menacing abyssal army, Shang Yi's expression became more solemn than ever before. He clenched the halberd in his hand tightly, his eyes filled with determination.

That way.

It seems that he is ready for a fight to the death...

Compared to Shang Jun's shock and horror, Lin Wudao's expression was much calmer and calmer.

Although the number of the abyssal army far exceeded his expectations and imagination, it did not make him panic or scared.


After a few cold glances, his cold eyes focused on the front of the abyss army.

I saw a man in red wearing a blood-colored robe and holding a blood-colored sword sitting on a fairy boat made of white bones.

His whole body exuded a cold and bloodthirsty aura of terror.


There is also an extremely strong power of the abyss...

"The First Forbidden Lord Tu Yu!"

Looking at the man in blood-clothed clothes, Lin Wudao instantly knew his identity and origin.

Astonishingly, it is the most mysterious first forbidden master in the forbidden land, Tu Yu.

Think of this.

He immediately began to observe carefully with the eyes of the great road, wanting to see the essential difference between the abyssal species and the creatures in the world.

[Name: Tu Yu]

[Identity: Lord of the second level of the abyss]

[Cultivation: Ancient Immortal King]

[Rank: Lower Lord (Legendary)]

[Vision: The devil’s sun shines in the sky]

[Exercise: "Great Sun Demon Sutra\

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