"Sir, you are finally back!"

"A few days ago, many people in the Li family were spreading rumors that you had encountered an accident outside, but I still didn't believe it."

"Now that I see the young master returning safely, I can finally let go of my worries..."

Li Baicheng said with joy and excitement.


He had been living in panic and fear, and now he was very surprised to see Li Chengdao come back intact.

As for Li Bailu's worries, Lin Wudao just smiled and didn't say much.

According to what I know from memory, Li Chengdao is usually a taciturn person with a cold and withdrawn personality.

Except for Li Bailu, he had no much interaction with other members of the Li family.


He and his biological father, Li Qingtian, were like strangers...

"By the way, sir, who are these?"

Just as Lin Wudao was recalling Li Chengdao's interpersonal relationships, Li Baitu suddenly looked at Li Yantian and others, with scrutiny and doubt in his eyes.

"Uncle Li, these are my friends. They are coming to Jinxiu Villa to stay for a few days."

Lin Wudao replied lightly.

"Oh, it turns out he is a friend of the young master. Please come in quickly."

"Now that you've come to Jinxiu Villa, just treat this place as your own home, haha..."

Li Baicou greeted with great enthusiasm.

Say it!

Under his leadership, Lin Wudao and his party walked into Jinxiu Villa.

"Uncle Li, did anything big happen to the Li family during the few days I left?"

The main hall of the villa!

Lin Wudao sat directly on the front seat, took a sip of tea, and then asked Li Baicheng.

"Sir, I was just trying to tell you about this."

"During your absence, the eldest son Li Chengxiao has returned to the Li family from the Xuanyin Demon Sect."

"Furthermore, the ancestors, the head of the family, and all the clan elders have discussed and decided to hold an ancestor worship ceremony tomorrow and announce the eldest son as the next head of the Li family."

"Young master, now that you are back, you can attend the ancestor worship ceremony on time..."

Li Bailu sighed and said.

Talking time!

The look in his eyes that looked at Lin Wudao clearly revealed a hint of sigh and helplessness.

He had watched Li Chengdao grow up since he was a child, and Li Baici was naturally very clear about his thoughts and ideas.


Since ancient times, the Li family has followed the eldest son inheritance system in order to avoid family chaos caused by the issue of successors.

Li Chengdao's qualifications and strength are the undisputed number one among the many heirs and clan members of the Li family.


Over the years, he has also made many contributions to the Li family, just because he wants to compete for the position of the head of the family.

But no matter how good he is, he can never be recognized by Li Qingtian and others and become the head of the Li family.


In Li Baicou's view, all Li Chengdao's efforts were in vain.

"Sir, how about we go back to the lady's natal family?"

"Although the Mei family and the Li family are sworn enemies and even expelled the young lady from the family, the young lady is the apple of the eye of the Mei family and the most favored by the ancestors of the Mei family."

"Young master, you are the only bloodline of the young lady. Now that the young lady is gone, it should be better for you to go to the Mei family than to the Li family."

"Nowadays, the Li family seems to be harmonious on the surface, but the various branches are fighting fiercely. If you continue to stay here, I'm afraid it will be affected."

"It's better to retreat bravely and leave this place of right and wrong in time."

"If you go to Mei's house, maybe the sea and the sky will be brighter..."

There was silence for a while!

Li Bailu persuaded him earnestly once again.

He has said this matter many times in front of Li Chengdao, but it has never been accepted by Li Chengdao.

Mei family?

Hearing Li Bailu mention this family power, Lin Wudao showed a thoughtful expression.

The Mei family in Bahuang Ancient City is a family that is not much different from the Li family in terms of strength, but in order to compete for resources, the relationship between them is on the same level.

The struggle between the two families has lasted for tens of millions of years!

At first!

Everyone in the Mei family strongly opposed the marriage between Mei Ruohan and Li Qingtian, but Mei Ruohan insisted on having her own way.

For this reason, the Mei family directly kicked her out of the house.

Later, Li Qingtian abandoned Mei Ruohan in order to compete for the position of the head of the family, causing Mei Ruohan to die in grief and anger.

With the death of Mei Ruohan, a family war even broke out between the Mei family and the Li family, and the hatred between them deepened.


The Mei family also approached Li Chengdao many times and wanted to take him back to the Mei family for training, but Li Chengdao refused.

Now, when Lin Wudao heard Li Baicou mentioning the Mei family, the grievances between the two families could not help but appear in his mind.

"The Mei family, Ai Wu and Wu Xia, seems to still have a friendship for Li Chengdao."

"With this relationship, the Mei family can fight for it."

"After all, in the hands of the Mei family, they also control eight low-level worlds, which can be considered a good asset."

Lin Wudao secretly thought in his heart.

Li Chengdao wanted to hang himself on the tree of the Li family, but Lin Wudao didn't think so.

In his eyes, both the Li family and the Mei family are part of his future resources.

"Uncle Li, I will seriously consider your words."

"Now that the Li family has made a decision, there is no need for me to continue wasting my efforts."

"Perhaps if we get out of this vortex, we will achieve greater things..."

Lin Wudao sighed and replied in Li Chengdao's tone.

Hear this!

Li Bailu suddenly showed an excited smile.

"Sir, I will contact the Mei family now. I believe they also want you to go back."

Say it.

Li Bailu left Jinxiu Villa happily.

Looking at his old back as he left, Lin Wudao couldn't help but think of Han Qingshan who was far away in the divine world.

The old days!

He also had the same experience as Li Chengdao, and he grew up relying on the protection of loyal old servants around him.

Moreover, he and Li Chengdao are both lucky...

One has the care of his mother clan, the other has the system by his side, and he has laid a huge foundation for the Kingdom of God.

"I wonder how Uncle Han is doing now. Has he become emperor?"

"After you finish what you are doing, find some time to go back and take a look..."

Think of this!

His thoughts were brought back to reality, and he fell into deep thought.

Tomorrow, the Li family will hold an ancestor worship ceremony. At that time, Li Qingtian will announce in public that Li Chengxiao will succeed the family head.

In this case, it certainly cannot allow them to succeed.

"Li Qingtian and Li Chengxiao are just little people. They can be easily crushed to death at any time."

"On the contrary, the gods enshrined by the Li family will definitely appear at the ancestor worship ceremony tomorrow."

"Moreover, Li Yuancang is also a god of the Xuanyin Divine System. He can use him to muddy the waters of the Bahuang Ancient City."

"At the same time, let's test the strength and details of the Xuanyin Divine System..."

Lin Wudao silently planned in his heart.

Thinking about this!

An idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Li Zangtian, you will disguise your identity tomorrow, dig up the Li family's ancestral graves in public, and kill the gods worshiped by the Li family."


After hearing the instructions, Li Zangtian and the other three nodded respectfully.

"Master, why don't you just kill all Li Qingtian and others? Then wouldn't it be more convenient for you to take over the Li family directly?"


"It's too rough to act like that."

"Since I want to develop my faith, I must have others sincerely support me. In addition, I also need to attract other forces through the Li family."

"Then, catch them all in one fell swoop!"

"When the time comes, when the Li family is leaderless, if I, as the Taiyin Demon God, give them hope, the Li family will definitely be grateful."

"Then, believe in this god devoutly!"

"In this way, I have taken over the Li family and developed followers. At the same time, I have expanded the divine domain and collected incense. Why not?"

"If, as you said, we simply and brutally kill all the Li family's rebels, wouldn't it take more time and effort to conquer them?"

"In that case, the gain outweighs the loss..."

Lin Wudao shook his head and said.

He also thought about solving the problem directly through violence, but this would not be in his interests.

The most important thing is that he doesn't have that much time to slowly conquer and wait.

The Ancient Emperor God of the Yuan Dynasty is about to pass through the Great Tribulation of Transcendence. He must control one of the divine realms before the Tribulation.

Bahuang Ancient City is undoubtedly the best choice to help him gain a foothold in the land of Xianlin.

Think of this!

Lin Wudao directly spent 300 million flowers of luck to put on a new disguise for Li Zangtian and the others, and hid them in the Bahuang Ancient City.

As for himself, he was in Jinxiu Villa, waiting for the arrival of the ancestor worship ceremony the next day.


The plan couldn't keep up with the change. When night fell, an uninvited guest suddenly came to Jinxiu Villa.

"On the order of the family leader, Li Chengdao is sent to the clan to discuss matters!"

Just as Lin Wudao was making arrangements for tomorrow's plan, suddenly, a loud voice came from outside Jinxiu Villa.

call out!

Along with the sound of this voice, a ray of fairy light cut through the dark night, turned into a golden sword, and flew straight towards Lin Wudao.

"Li Qingtian came to discuss matters with me?"

His big hand stretched out and grabbed the golden sword. Lin Wudao showed an extremely surprised look.

At this time, Li Qingtian suddenly came to discuss matters with him, which seemed a bit unreasonable.

after all!

The relationship between Li Chengdao and Li Qingtian is not harmonious...

"What exactly is Li Qingtian going to do?"

He thought for a long time and couldn't think of an answer.


To be on the safe side, Lin Wudao summoned Li Zangtian and the three of them back.

"You go to Qinglong Ridge, the ancestral homeland of the Li family, to lie in wait, and follow the instructions of this god."

"Perhaps you should take action in advance..."


Lin Wudao briefly explained a few more words, then drove the fairy boat and headed towards the Li family according to the route in his memory.

Li family!

Located under the Buried Dragon Mountains at the southern end of Bahuang Ancient City, adhering to the spiritual veins of the Buried Dragon Mountains, it occupies a beautiful and beautiful place for cultivation.

After a while.

When Lin Wudao arrived at the Li family manor in his fairy boat, he saw an old man in red already outside the gate, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Li Canghai, the third level of true immortality!"

This person.

He is Li Qingtian's old servant and the chief steward of the entire Li family. Today, he has served two generations of family heads.

"Third Young Master, the head of the family has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Please come with me!"

After seeing Lin Wudao arriving, Li Canghai's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise and surprise, and he even frowned secretly.

That way.

It seemed that he was very surprised that Li Chengdao was not dead.

"Lead the way!"

Lin Wudao noticed Li Canghai's strange look, but he didn't take it seriously.

He just responded lightly.

Seeing Li Chengdao being so arrogant, Li Canghai also snorted coldly, and then walked into the manor with a puff of sleeves.

About half a quarter of an hour later, under the leadership of Li Canghai, Lin Wudao came to a secret realm in the back mountain.


When Lin Wudao entered the secret realm, the door to the secret realm suddenly closed.

at the same time.

Li Canghai also stood guard at the door outside the secret realm...

Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao became more and more surprised.

"Is Chengdao here? Come and sit!"

Just as Lin Wudao was speculating on Li Qingtian's purpose, suddenly, a majestic and weak voice sounded in his ears.

Take a closer look!

In the attic in the center of the secret realm, there was a middle-aged man in mysterious clothes, watching him quietly.

The man's whole body was surrounded by a strong ominous aura, his vitality was constantly passing away every moment, and his brows showed a sign of weakness.

"Li Qingtian?"

"It seems that he is really going to die..."

Eyes swept across!

Lin Wudao instantly grasped Li Qingtian's situation. According to his current condition, he might not survive more than half a year.


He relied entirely on the elixir to support himself.

"I wonder why the master summoned me late at night?"

call out!

Taking one step forward, Lin Wudao instantly appeared in front of Li Qingtian and asked lightly.

Facing his indifferent attitude, Li Qingtian couldn't help but frown, and then sighed heavily.

"Chengdao, do you really want to make the relationship between you and my father so tense?"

"I admit, I was the one who felt sorry for your mother at the beginning."

"However, for the benefit of the family, there are some things that cannot be changed by my will."

"I know that you have been complaining and hating me. Over the years, I have indeed failed to fulfill my responsibility as a father."

"Right now, I am being eroded by taboos and ominous things. I have run out of energy and my life is about to perish."

"So, I plan to make some compensation to you during my final moments to make up for my debt to you..."

Li Qingtian said with a gentle expression.


Want to make it up to me?

Lin Wudao became even more surprised when he suddenly heard this.

According to Li Chengdao's memory, Li Qingtian acted domineeringly and decisively, putting interests first in everything, and family ties were not important in his eyes.


To suddenly change gender is obviously not in line with his style.

"How are you going to make it up to me?"

He didn't understand Li Qingtian's intention, but Lin Wudao was not in a hurry and continued to respond calmly.

He believed that Li Qingtian's fox tail would definitely be exposed.


Just after he finished speaking, Li Qingtian turned over his hand and took out a jade box. When he opened it, he saw that it contained an elixir wrapped in fairy light.

"This is the Great Ascension Pill given by High God Xuanyin. It condenses the essence of heaven and earth, as well as the essence of the sun and moon. After swallowing and refining, it can improve the cultivation level of the true immortal realm by three minor realms."

"This item was originally prepared for the successive heads of the Li family, but thinking that I owe you a lot to you mother and son, I specifically asked my ancestors for this Great Ascension Pill."

"This is how I compensate you!"

"Chengdao, your contribution to the Li family over the years has been seen by my father and the entire Li family."

"This Great Ascension Pill is not only your father's kindness, but also the family's compensation for you."

"In the future, if you are willing to stay in the Li family, you can go to the eight great worlds and serve as the leader of one side."

"If you don't want to stay in the family, you can go out and work on your own, or go to the Mei family."

Li Qingtian said with a guilty look.


Great Ascension Pill?

Seeing the lies spun by Li Qingtian, Lin Wudao couldn't help but sneer secretly.

If he didn't have the Eye of the Great Dao, which could see through all living things in the world, if it were Li Chengdao himself, it is very likely that he would really be deceived by Li Qingtian.

The so-called elixir in front of me is not a great ascension elixir at all, but a meteorite elixir.

Although it has the appearance of the Great Ascension Pill, its medicinal effect is completely opposite to that of the Great Ascension Pill.

As long as you take this Meteorite Pill, all your cultivation in the True Immortal Realm will be reduced to nothing in an instant.

Li Qingtian is not trying to compensate him, but wants to destroy him... (End of chapter)

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