Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1185: Create the top ten true bodies and become the only one!

Name: Lin Wudao

Identity: The Great Demon God of Qingshan, the Evil Trio, the Invincible East, the Tenth Supreme, and the Great Demon God of Taiyin

Dao title: Daogu Great Emperor

Cultivation: Tenth Level of Heavenly Emperor

Talent: Eye of the Avenue, Supreme Avenue (Emperor of Heaven)

Constitution: True body (+2)

Bloodline: Dao True Blood, Dao Ancient True Blood

Root Bone: Dao Supreme Bone, Dao Ancient Supreme Bone

Kung Fu: "The Supreme Sutra of the Great Dao", "The Supreme Sutra of the Ancient Dao"

After reaching the tenth level of the Emperor of Heaven, Lin Wudao habitually checked his own information.


When he opened the system panel, he was surprised to find that the current information had changed dramatically.

at the same time.

After cultivating the prototype of Daogu's true body, a mysterious power that was completely different from that of Daogu's true body began to flow throughout his body.

That mysterious power contained extremely ancient and grand mysteries and principles. Even Lin Wudao, as the master of the body, could not sense any information about that power.


When Daogu's true body began to take shape, Lin Wudao clearly felt that his foundation and combat power had suddenly improved to a large level.

"At the beginning, the system once said that the power of the Dao True Body and the Dao Ancient True Body can be superimposed on each other."

"Two prototypes of the real body at the Dao level are superimposed on each other, and the power that bursts out is by no means as simple as one plus one."

"Right now, relying on the Stone of Origin and the promotion of the Ancient Dao Wushang Dharma, my cultivation level can reach the tenth level of the Ancient Immortal."

"If I add the power of the Dao True Body, the Dao Ancient True Body, and the great power given by the Dao Title, I can kill even the ordinary Immortal King in the universe."

Lin Wudao's eyes bloomed with an extremely bright light.


The system asked him to practice two supreme methods. Although it consumed a lot of luck points, the power it brought in the end was also extremely powerful.

until today.

He finally experienced the magic and power brought by the Supreme Dao Sutra and the Supreme Dao Sutra.


What confused Lin Wudao was that after cultivating the prototype of Daogu's true form, his physique could no longer be understood.

[System, what does true body +2 mean? 】

[Does it mean that I have both the Dao True Body and the Dao Ancient True Body? 】

Lin Wudao asked curiously in his heart.

【Yes! 】

The system gave an affirmative answer.

[System, since there is True Body +2, shouldn’t there be +3, +4, +5 and so on? 】

At this time.

Lin Wudao seemed to have thought of something, with an incredible look on his face.

At this moment!

He remembered that the system had mentioned before that the Dao True Body and the Dao Ancient True Body were just the beginning.

Could it be said that in addition to the Dao True Body and the Daogu True Body, he will gather more true bodies in the future?

The system greatly appreciated Lin Wudao's shock and confusion.

[The host is finally smart! 】

[The Supreme Sutra of the Great Dao represents the laws of the present world; the Supreme Sutra of the Ancient Dao represents the laws of the past. 】

[The Taoist Supreme Sutra is not the only past dharma. There are many others like this. 】

[Therefore, the host's future cultivation path will become more difficult, but with every step forward, its own foundation, heritage, and strength will be sublimated to an unprecedented level. 】

[On the road of cultivation, the closer you are to the end, the more difficult it will be to go further. 】

[Whether it is the Lord of Myth or the Lord of the Other Side, they all come here step by step. 】

[All strength is gradually built up from the lowest foundation. 】

[Looking at the creatures in the world, no matter how evil they are, they cannot reach the sky in one step and reach the pinnacle of cultivation. 】

[The foundation of this life cannot support them to reach a higher level. 】

[For example, Wu Daotian, whom the host is familiar with, although he created martial arts with his supreme talents, it is simply impossible to reach the highest level in this world. 】

[So, this is the meaning of practicing and integrating various true bodies. Everything is to help the host accumulate a stronger foundation. 】

[Only by laying a stronger foundation can we go further on the road of cultivation in the future. 】

[Compared to the infinite future, all the difficulties and obstacles we have experienced so far are not worth mentioning. 】

[This is the true attitude of a seeker...]

The system said in a deep voice with a hint of reminder and lesson.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao was also greatly shocked!

Now, he seems to understand the painstaking efforts of the system.

[Although practicing and integrating various powerful real bodies can continuously improve one's own foundation and potential, there must be a limit to everything, right? 】

[How long will it take to cultivate my true body before it ends? 】

Lin Wudao asked with a sigh.

If the fusion of the true body never ends, he will never be able to climb to the highest level for eternity.

[The more real bodies the better, but it depends on the foundation and quality. The host only needs to cultivate the top ten most powerful real bodies. 】

【When the time comes, you will be the only one! 】


The top ten most powerful true bodies?

Lin Wudao secretly took a deep breath, and the pressure in his heart suddenly reached an unprecedented level.

at the moment!

It was already very difficult for him to cultivate only two true bodies. If he were to cultivate the ten most powerful true bodies, he couldn't even imagine how much luck it would take.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time!"

"If you are so pure, everything will be fine..."

he consoled himself.

Think of this!

Lin Wudao felt himself carefully again, then disguised himself as Li Chengdao, and then went to the Taiyin Demon Mountain through the gate of the world in the natal kingdom.

"Li Zangtian, Tu Jiuyou, and Wang Xuanzhi, the three of you will follow me to the Bahuang Ancient City."

"In the land of Xianlin, my identity is Li Chengdao, the bastard of the Li family in the ancient city of Bahuang."

"You three are all followers recruited by this young master."

"Do you understand everything?"

Taiyin Temple!

Lin Wudao, who was disguised as Li Chengdao, gave serious instructions to Li Zangtian and the others.

"Yes, Master!"

After hearing the order, Li Zangtian and the others nodded respectfully.


Lin Wudao explained some other things, then took out a fairy boat and walked out of the Taiyin Demonic Mountain with them.

Bahuang Ancient City!

As an ancient fairy city under the Xuanyin Demon Sect, it has already experienced endless years of baptism and erosion, and time has given it endless vicissitudes.

Although it is only a city, in terms of vastness, it is larger than the ten Qingshan Kingdoms combined.

In the ancient city of Bahuang, there are many gods and gods, and the gods are crisscrossed.

Basically, any family or force worships incense gods.

Incense and Shinto are the only tone here!

The Li family!

Although the family controls eight low-level worlds, when it comes to heritage and power, it is basically out of reach in the Bahuang Ancient City.

It's just a small, humble family...

call out!

Three days later, after a long journey, Lin Wudao and his party finally returned to Bahuang Ancient City.

After briefly browsing the local customs and customs here, he returned to his home in Bahuang Ancient City according to Li Chengdao's memory.

An extremely large and beautiful villa!


Just as Lin Wudao was curiously looking at the Jinxiu Villa in front of him, suddenly, a surprised voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Turn around and take a look!

I saw a vigorous old man in gray clothes, driving a fairy light, appeared in front of him.

at this time.

The other party was looking at himself with surprise...

"Li Baigui, the third level of the True Immortal!"

Looking at the old man in gray in front of him, relevant memories immediately emerged in Lin Wudao's mind.

Li Baitu was Li Chengdao's most loyal servant. He was brought over from his mother's clan by Li Chengdao's mother.

at the same time!

He is also the only person Li Chengdao trusts... (End of chapter)

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