"Is this really the Great Ascension Pill that can improve your cultivation and strength?"

Lin Wudao looked at Li Qingtian with a strange look, half-smiling but not smiling.


"This is a rare elixir given by High God Xuanyin. It is something that countless creatures in the Bahuang Ancient City dream of. How can it be fake?"

"Basically, every ten thousand years, the Supreme God Xuanyin will give you a Great Ascension Pill. This is the supreme divine grace and good fortune."

"Chengdao, hurry up and take the Tao, and protect your own path for your father..."

Li Qingtian said hypocritically.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao suddenly laughed.

"Since this Great Ascension Pill is so precious, why doesn't the head of the family take it himself?"

"Perhaps, after taking the Great Ascension Pill, the head of the family will immediately ascend to heaven and get rid of all taboos and ominous things?"

"This... my father is already exhausted. Even the Great Ascension Pill can't save him."

"On the contrary, Chengdao, you need this item to enhance your own foundation and strength."

"This is what my father asked for specifically for you. Will I still harm you?"

Li Qingtian behaved seriously.

"That's it~"

"Since it's the master's kindness, I can't live up to it."

"It's just that, in my opinion, there is something wrong with this Great Ascension Pill? Why don't you give it a try first?"


The moment the words fell, Lin Wudao raised his hand and pointed lightly, and an unparalleled power suddenly surged out, forcibly imprisoning Li Qingtian in place.

Immediately afterwards.

In his extremely horrified eyes, Lin Wudao gently waved his sleeves and directly drove the so-called Great Ascension Pill into his mouth.

Force him to swallow it...


"Li Chengdao, you...what are you doing?"

Everything happens in an instant.

Faced with this sudden change, Li Qingtian was so frightened that he could no longer maintain his previous composure and calmness, and screamed at Lin Wudao with a crazy attitude.

at the same time!

He roared angrily and kept coughing, as if he wanted to spit out the meteorite pill he had swallowed.

However, how could Lin Wudao let him get his wish?

call out!

Just when Li Qingtian was panicking and frightened, Lin Wudao directly shot out a divine light to help him melt the Fallen Immortal Pill in his body.


In an instant, driven by Lin Wudao, the Meteor Immortal Pill began to burst out in Li Qingtian's body.


Accompanied by shrill and painful screams, under the magical effect of the Fallen Immortal Pill, Li Qingtian's cultivation began to fall crazily.

The fourth level of true immortality!

True Immortal Third Heaven!

The first level of true immortality!

Emperor of Heaven!

Great Emperor!

One great realm after another, falling constantly.

In just a moment, under the erosion of the meteorite pill, Li Qingtian's cultivation was reduced to nothing, and he became a mortal with no power to bind a chicken.


In addition to his own cultivation, most of his blood and vitality were also deprived of him.

At this time, Li Qingtian was very old, with a strong aura of decay and filth all over his body...

"Li Chengdao, you...you evil son, you...how dare you kill your father?"

Feeling the shocking changes in himself, Li Qingtian's old face was filled with endless fear and hatred.

But I was more shocked and disbelieving.

He knew very well Li Chengdao's strength. He was only a true immortal in the first level, and it was impossible to resist him.


Now he was not only out of his control, but also forcibly suppressed himself. This sudden change completely subverted Li Qingtian's cognition.

But in the face of his shock and hatred, Lin Wudao behaved very calmly.

"It seems that this so-called Great Ascension Pill is indeed worthy of its name. It can indeed make people ascend to heaven immediately."

"Originally, I wanted you to live for one more day, and wait until the ancestor worship ceremony tomorrow before taking action."

"However, since you can't wait any longer, I have no choice but to make it happen for you."

"Next, I will personally send you to heaven..."

Lin Wudao said with an indifferent expression.

"You...you evil son, I am your father...how dare you be so rebellious?"

Looking at Lin Wudao's calm look, Li Qingtian felt for the first time that this son was so strange and scary.

Faced with his incompetent rage, Lin Wudao ignored it.

After looking at him coldly for a few times, he grabbed his old body and strode out of the secret realm.


When he arrived at the gate of the secret realm, Lin Wudao raised his hand and punched out. The extremely powerful force directly shattered the gate of the secret realm.

This sudden huge movement immediately attracted the attention of Li Canghai, who was guarding the outside world.


"Li Chengdao, what did you do to the head of the family? How dare you...ah..."

When Li Canghai rushed into the secret realm, he suddenly saw a scene that shocked him.


Lin Wudao was holding Li Qingtian's body, striding over like a demon.

See this scene.

Although he didn't know what was going on, but out of loyalty, Li Canghai roared angrily and immediately raised his hand to kill Lin Wudao.


His cultivation and strength in the third level of True Immortal were no different from those of an ant in front of Lin Wudao today.


Before Li Canghai finished speaking, he was greeted by a cold and ruthless voice.

Immediately afterwards.

A ray of divine light hit him, not allowing him to resist or struggle at all. It directly destroyed his immortal body and wiped out the immortal spirit.

"All ancestors of the Li family, please come out!"

"Today, it's time for the Li family to change its owner..."

After killing Li Canghai who was blocking the road, Lin Wudao said expressionlessly.


With the blessing of powerful power, his voice spread throughout the Li family.

All of a sudden.

Many members of the Li family, as well as ancestors, clan elders, and even the god Li Yuancang, were all alarmed.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Accompanied by bright rays of light, hundreds of Li family members arrived outside the secret realm in just a moment.


It also includes the only remaining members of the Li family, the three ancestors of the fifth level of true immortals.

Even the third-generation ancestral spirit enshrined by the Li family manifested in mid-air.

"What...is going on?"

"The master of the house..."

Seeing Li Qingtian's old and miserable appearance, all the people present showed extremely shocked expressions.


Each of them focused their angry and ferocious eyes on Lin Wudao.

"Li Chengdao, what did you do to the head of the family?"

At this time.

In the crowd, an ancestor from the fifth level of the True Immortal Realm roared sternly.

"Well...actually I didn't do anything, I just let him try the effect of the Great Ascension Pill."

"Now it seems that the effect of the Great Ascension Pill produced by Xuanyin Shang Shen is indeed worthy of its name. After taking it, it can indeed make people ascend to heaven immediately."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

"How dare you kill your father?"

The thundering roar resounded through the sky!


The moment the words fell, the ancestor of the fifth level of True Immortal used all his strength to suppress Lin Wudao with a fierce palm.

Facing his soaring wrath, Lin Wudao seemed to have not seen it and always stood calmly.


Just when everyone thought that Lin Wudao was frightened, suddenly, a shrill scream sounded out of thin air.

I saw a huge, ferocious hand, packed with immense power and might, push through the void and hit the old ancestor hard.


With one punch, the entire immortal body of the ancestor of the fifth level True Immortal was blown up on the spot, turning into bloody powder all over the sky.

The fairies were also forcibly wiped out...

Dong Dong Dong~

When the bloody powder dissipated, in the horrified eyes of thousands of tribesmen, only three terrifying figures like gods and demons were seen, dragging coffins one after another, striding over in the air. (End of chapter)

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