Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1172 Enemies meet on a narrow road, what a coincidence!

The great world of Zhenxuan!

This is the origin world of the ninth lineage of the Taishang Immortal Clan.

call out!

Accompanied by Emperor Ye Qing, Lin Wudao did not go directly to the ancestral land of the Taishang Immortal Clan, but came to the Taishang Ninth Line.

"Where is Murong Jue, the leader of the Ninth Lineage Clan?"

After arriving at the Zhenxuan World, Emperor Ye Qing directly let out a majestic fairy sound that resounded throughout the world.


Under the mighty power of his Great Universe Titled Ancient Immortal Emperor, the entire Zhenxuan World trembled violently.

"Who dares to break into my Supreme Immortal Clan!"


Along with rays of bright fairy light and unrivaled fairy power, many powerful auras suddenly emerged from all directions in the Zhenxuan world.

In just a few breaths, eight ancient immortal emperors arrived in front of them, carrying their vast immortal power.

The leader!

Surprisingly, it was the clan leader of the Ninth Lineage, Murong Jue!


"Where did the thief come from, how dare you..."

"Hey, it turns out that my little friend is here. Murong Jue didn't come far to greet you. I hope you can forgive me."

Just when one of the Ancient Immortal Emperors was about to go berserk, Murong Jue hurriedly stopped him, and then greeted Lin Wudao with a smile.

"Clan leader, who is this person?"

Everyone was shocked to see Murong Jue being so polite and even a little humble.


Asked in succession.

Murong Jue did not explain to the inquiries from the surrounding Ancient Immortal Emperors, but warmly greeted Lin Wudao and Emperor Ye Qing into the Xiaoyun Immortal Palace.

See this scene.

All the elders of the Ancient Immortal Emperor Clan present looked at each other, but they could only suppress their shock and confusion.

They are not fools. Since even Murong Jue is so polite, the other party must have a lot of background.


They definitely can't afford to offend the Supreme Immortal Clan!

When they thought of this, everyone took a deep breath and dispersed one after another.

the other side!

Under Murong Jue's greeting, Lin Wudao and Emperor Ye Qing came to Xiaoyun Immortal Palace.

"Clan Chief Murong, I am so presumptuous in this sudden visit, please forgive me."

"Haha, you're welcome, little friend!"

"As long as you want to come, the Supreme Immortal Clan is always welcome..."

Murong Jue was as enthusiastic as ever.

To this.

Lin Wudao also smiled.

As the clan leader of Taishang's Ninth Line, Murong Jue's qualifications are still very strong, and he has now reached the realm of the Ancient Immortal Emperor of Heaven.

We are not far away from embarking on the road to transcendence!

"Clan Chief Murong, I came to the Taishang Immortal Clan this time mainly for the matter of the Origin Stone."

"Before, Patriarch Murong, you once said that the Destiny Immortal Emperor of your Taishang Immortal Clan, as well as the founder, all died and disappeared because of the Origin Stone."

"Moreover, there is still a trace of the Origin Stone in the ancestral land of the Taishang Immortal Clan."

"So, I would like to ask Patriarch Murong to take me to the ancestral land to see..."

After some pleasantries, Lin Wudao went directly to the topic.

The Stone of Origin?

Hearing this name, Murong Jue was startled at first, but then he understood what Lin Wudao was talking about.

"It turns out that thing is called the Origin Stone!"

He secretly remembered the name.

"My dear friend, in fact, I, the Supreme Immortal Clan, don't know much about the Origin Stone."

"In the ancestral land of my Taishang Immortal Clan, there is only an ordinary stone slab with the pattern of the Origin Stone carved on it."

"Besides, the pattern is still incomplete!"

"Therefore, if you want our Taishang Immortal Clan to help deduce its traces, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"After all, even the First Ancestor and the Immortal Emperor of our clan cannot deduce the specific whereabouts of the Origin Stone, let alone us."

“So, little friends, it’s better not to have too high expectations, so as not to be more disappointed when the time comes.”

"However, if my little friend wants to go to the ancestral land of my Taishang Immortal Clan, I can also introduce you to him."

"These are all small things..."

Murong Jue replied pleasantly.

"In that case, I would like to thank Patriarch Murong."

"This time, I am just going to take a look. As for whether I can find clues to the Origin Stone, it depends on God's will."

Seeing Murong Jue agreeing so readily, Lin Wudao also had a smile on his face.

In fact!

In his heart, he really didn't have high expectations.

The clues to the Origin Stone are not so easy to find...


The three of them chatted briefly for a while and then walked out of Xiaoyun Immortal Palace together.


Just as they were setting foot on the fairy boat, preparing to go to the great world of Huntian where the ancestral home of the Taishang Immortal Clan was, suddenly, a ray of fairy light landed in front of Murong Jue.

The person coming is Li Xuanyin!

"Clan leader, I just received a message from the Huntian Immortal Palace. The First Ancestor asked you to go to the ancestral land of the Huntian World immediately."


Such a coincidence?

Murong Jue and Lin Wudao were startled when they heard Li Xuanyin's words.

They were just about to go to the ancestral land of Huntian World, but unexpectedly, a message came from there.

Could it be that the ancestral land of the Taishang Immortal Clan already knew they were coming?

Lin Wudao was secretly surprised.

Compared to his surprise, Murong Jue didn't think that much, and he didn't think there was any connection between the two things.

Maybe, it's just a coincidence...

"The first ancestor sent an order to go to the ancestral land. Do you know what it means?"

"Well... I made some inquiries, and according to the messenger, it seems that a big shot from the League of Justice is here."

"Based on the description, it should be Ying Xuanfeng who is in charge."

"This time, he probably came to our Supreme Immortal Clan to raise an army to punish him."

"After all, the League of Justice seemed to have lost a quasi-immortal emperor of the universe in the Great Emperor's Cemetery..."

Li Xuanying replied respectfully.

At the end of the day!

He also cautiously glanced at Lin Wudao next to him, with a strong fear in his eyes.

Justice League?

Ying Xuanfeng?

Upon hearing this name, Lin Wudao's eyes narrowed instantly.

"Haha, we really are enemies on a narrow road!"

"I didn't expect that I would meet you in the Taishang Immortal Clan. This is a big fish..."

A fierce murderous intent emerged in his eyes.

As the fourth level of the City of All Heavens and the person in charge of the Alliance of Justice, Ying Xuanfeng is definitely a big shot.


Such a person usually stays in the City of All Heavens, but now that he is seen in the Taishang Immortal Clan, he must not be let go.

We must kill the majesty of the Justice League...

The Justice League can send people to take revenge on their evil trio, and he can also find people to take revenge on the Justice League.


This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for revenge!

Think of this.

Lin Wudao immediately began to make calculations secretly.

Soon, he had a plan in mind to kill Ying Xuanfeng...

"Clan Chief Murong, can you go to the ancestral land later?"

"I suddenly thought of something and need to deal with it; don't worry, it won't take too much time."


"If you have something to do, little friend, feel free to go and do it first. It won't be too late for me to go to the ancestral land later."

Murong Jue always maintained a gentle smile.

Although I don’t know what Lin Wudao is planning to do, it must be related to the League of Justice.

"Could it be that he is planning to deal with Ying Xuanfeng?"

Murong Jue was secretly shocked.

When this thought emerged, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This time!

I'm afraid something big is going to happen again...


He can't stop it either!

"Qing Emperor, please go to the Mythical Alliance and ask the Moon Worshiping Immortal to help out."

"The League of Justice has a grudge against me. Since we met the person in charge of the fourth heaven today, we must kill him."

"I'm worried that Ying Xuanfeng is not here. Just in case, I have to ask the Moon Worshiping Immortal Lord to come forward."

"Let her curse Ying Xuanfeng to death!"

Lin Wudao secretly transmitted the message.


"I'll go!"

After hearing Lin Wudao's instructions, Emperor Ye Qing nodded and disappeared in a flash.

"Clan Chief Murong, let's go back and continue drinking tea."

"Huh? Oh, okay..."

Looking at Emperor Ye Qing's leaving figure, Murong Jue sighed helplessly, and then returned to Xiaoyun Immortal Palace with Lin Wudao.

at the same time!

Emperor Ye Qing also returned to the Mythical Alliance as quickly as possible. (End of chapter)

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