"Great God, according to the information I have gleaned through the Eye of Destiny and the blessing of the Moon God, there are three stages in my Great Dao Title Tribulation."

"Furthermore, when I passed through the tribulation, it seemed that it was the time when the divine world was being promoted, so I got a glimpse of part of the scene."

"My Great Dao Title Tribulation mainly consists of three stages: the Great Tribulation of the World, the Great Tribulation of Mending the Sky, and the Great Tribulation of Killing Life."

"The great tribulation of the world is mainly to test my true body of the great world, which will be presented in the form of thunder tribulation."

"Although it is not as terrifying as Wu Aotian, it is not much weaker."

"As for the second stage of the Heaven-Mending Tribulation, it is led by the will of the Great Dao, and a medium-sized world is temporarily constructed for me to protect."

"At that time, under the dominance of the will of the great road, many human beings under the ancient immortals, incense gods, cosmic bandits, abyssal species, etc., and even the messengers of the great road evolved by the will of the great road, will come to attack this medium-sized world. "

"Once I am killed, or the world collapses, or is even destroyed, the tribulation will be considered a failure."

"In the third stage of the killing calamity, I need to kill a cosmic-level ordinary immortal king in a medium-sized world..."

Tushan Cangyue told the story of the Tribulation Transcendence that she had spied on.

Hear this!

Both Yin Si Ming present and Lin Wudao, who was aloof, frowned secretly.

They have all personally experienced the great tribulation.


Listening to the situation described by Tushan Cangyue, they all felt very troubled.

Everyone's catastrophe of being banned from the avenue is different!

Tu Shan Cang Yue's Great Dao Title Tribulation was not as simple as Wu Gaotian's, and the levels they targeted were also different.

Wu Daotian, since he created martial arts by himself, tested more of the foundation of his physical body, as well as his own will, wisdom, cause and effect, etc.

As for Tushan Cangyue, as the Lord of the Great World and the high priest of the Qingshan Divine Kingdom, what she is testing is her own strength and her control over the world.

"The great calamity of the world, using your foundation and background, plus the authority of the lower world, to create the true body of the great world."

"The first stage shouldn't be difficult!"

"The second stage of the Heaven-Mending Tribulation requires the protection of a medium-sized world. By then, the authority of your world lord will be unavailable."

"You can only rely on your own strength to survive the disaster!"

"By the way, can you use this god's divine power and magic when you are going through the tribulation?"

Lin Wudao was silent for a while and asked slowly.

Hear the words!

Tu Shan Cang Yue sighed and shook her head.

"I haven't seen anything about this, but it should be possible."


"It is naturally good to be able to use my divine power and magic. If you cannot use it, I will use other methods to temporarily make you a god of incense."

"Then, let you use this god's divine power and magic."

"In this way, there should be a high degree of confidence that the second stage can be overcome."

"As for the third stage of the killing catastrophe, it is necessary to kill ordinary immortal kings at the cosmic level, which is a bit difficult."

"This, I will help you think about it carefully..."

Lin Wudao said thoughtfully.

Tu Shan Cang Yue's real body of the big world has become very powerful with the blessing of many great powers of the big world.

Although it is not as good as his own Taoist true body and Wu Daotian's martial arts true body, it is still no problem to withstand the supreme Taoist law.

By the time!

With the blessing of the ancient supreme law, her cultivation can reach the tenth level of the True Immortal.

On this basis, coupled with the divine power of 'Absolute War', the mighty power of the Three Thousand Worlds, and the power of the Moon God's Dharma, it should not be difficult to confront the Immortal King.

However, it is not that easy to suppress the Immortal King of the Universe...


Tushan Cangyue herself didn't know how many ordinary immortal kings in the universe she would face.


Lin Wudao didn't dare to make a hasty decision!

This matter requires careful preparation...

"Cang Yue, regarding your Grand Avenue Title Tribulation, I will carefully plan for you and strive to get you a complete Avenue Title."

"Thank you, God!"

Hearing that Master Qingshan wanted to personally help her plan, Tushan Cangyue was deeply moved.

To this.

Although Lin Wudao saw it, he didn't say much.

"Next, Lin Jiuxiao, try to complete the prototype of the true form of the Great Dao, and then go to the Taiqing Ancient Clan."

"Cang Yue, the world of Divine Desolate is about to be upgraded, and the Qingshan Divine Kingdom is about to start preparations."

"I have ten low-level resource worlds here from Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu. Adding the ones given by Ren Woxing before, there are a total of twenty-six low-level worlds."

"Next, take the people of Qingshan Divine Kingdom to these twenty-six lower worlds to develop the resources inside."

"It must be formed as incense in the shortest possible time and incorporated into the divine domain of Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"These things must be completed within one year!"

"Yin Si Ming, you will assist the high priest..."

Lin Wudao continued to give instructions.

"Obey the oracle!"

"Obey the oracle!"

Upon hearing the order, Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming immediately bowed and responded.


Lin Wudao gave instructions and arranged some other things, and then removed his mind and consciousness from the statue and returned to his own body.

at this time!

The crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu were still discussing their future tribulations.

"When are you two planning to survive the great tribulation?"

"In less than a year, the world of Shenhuang will be upgraded. If you survive the tribulation and become an immortal before the upgrade, you will be able to benefit from the upgrade of the world of Shenhuang and save a lot of time in cultivation. "

"If we wait until the world of Shenhuang is upgraded, the pattern of heaven and earth will change drastically, and many ghosts, ghosts, and snake gods will emerge. If we want to overcome the disaster, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"So I think it's better to ban your title sooner rather than later..."

Lin Wudao said seriously.

Regarding his suggestion, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu nodded in agreement after some careful consideration.

"Well, we really need to prepare as soon as possible!"

"Right now, both Wu Daotian and the Great Heavenly Master have obtained the title of Great Dao, and I'm afraid the High Priest will be there soon."

"While the pattern of the world of Shenhuang has not changed, we really have to overcome the disaster as soon as possible. When the time comes, after we become immortals, we can just make a profit."

"Qin Daofu, when do you think it's more appropriate for us to go through the tribulation?"

"In other words, how much time do you need to prepare?"

The crazy Taoist turned his head and looked at Qin Daofu.

Hear the words!

Qin Daofu was silent for a moment, then raised his head.

"In half a year!"

"I will take advantage of this period of time to consolidate my foundation and heritage."

"Next, I plan to go to the Underworld Universe and come back in half a year..."

The underworld universe?

Upon hearing Qin Daofu's plan, Lin Wudao and Mad Taoist looked at him in surprise, and nodded thoughtfully.

They knew that Qin Daofu must have strong connections and background in the underworld universe.

If you go there, you will definitely get greater opportunities and good fortune...

"Well, in that case, it's decided!"

"In half a year, Pindao will be waiting for you at Jiutian Tower."

"However, before you go to the underworld universe, let's dispose of the corpses on hand first."

"no problem!"

Qin Daofu happily agreed.

"Brother Ren, what about you? What are your plans next?"

"As for me, I should go somewhere else to practice. I'll be back when you guys go through the tribulation."

"All right!"

"Then let's make an agreement. See you in half a year..."


Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu greeted Lin Wudao, then left the City of All Heavens and went to the Land of Divine Tombs to dispose of the corpse.

As for Lin Wudao, after pondering for a while, he first issued a decree to Emperor Ye Qing as a supreme being.

Then, as Ren Woxing, he went to the Taishang Immortal Clan with him.

Next up!

He is going to ask for clues about the Origin Stone... (End of this chapter)

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