"Hey, Emperor Qing, didn't you follow the young master to the Supreme Immortal Clan? Why did you come back so soon?"

Mythical Alliance!

Hua Baiyue, Yan Zhaoshen and others were drinking tea and chatting. When they saw Emperor Ye Qing walking in suddenly, they were suddenly surprised.

"We in the ninth line of the Taishang Immortal Clan learned an important news. Ying Xuanfeng, the leader of the League of Justice next door, is currently in the ancestral land of the Taishang Immortal Clan."

"Although I don't know what Ying Xuanfeng did when he went to the Taishang Immortal Clan, the Justice League sent people to take revenge on the young master before. This time we met him. The young master is ready to teach the Justice League a profound lesson."

"According to Young Master's opinion, Ying Xuanfeng may not have come in person, and I am afraid that he will escape, so I am asked to come back and find you, Fellow Moon Worshiper, to surround and kill Ying Xuanfeng."

"Curse him to death..."

Emperor Ye Qing replied with a faint smile.

Curse to kill Ying Xuanfeng?

Hearing this, Hua Baiyue also showed a surprised look.

"Since the young master has spoken, let's go to the Taishang Immortal Clan immediately without further delay."

"Over the years, the League of Justice has indeed become too arrogant and domineering, and it needs to be taught a lesson."

"Moreover, the person in charge, Ying Xuanfeng, often stays in the League of Justice. Now that he suddenly descends to the world, this is indeed a golden opportunity."

Say it!

Hua Baiyue put down the tea cup in her hand and turned to leave with Emperor Ye Qing.

"Wait, let me go and take a look too."

"That Ying Xuanfeng, as the leader of the Fourth Heavenly Alliance of Justice, must have extraordinary means and magical powers."

"If he is allowed to escape, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity."

"It just so happens that my Tengu clan is proficient in the power of time and space. There is no creature more powerful in time and space than us."

"I'll go with you, it's safer!"

"When the time comes, even if Ying Xuanfeng has all-powerful abilities, he will never be able to escape from under my nose."

At this time!

Yan Zhaoshen suddenly stood up and said.

Hear this.

After Emperor Ye Qing and Hua Baiyue thought for a moment, they both nodded in agreement.

"Well, Fellow Daoist Yan, please come with us!"

"Taihao Immortal Emperor, as the Destiny Immortal Emperor of the Xuanhuang Universe, you will make too much noise when traveling."

"Please, please stay in the Mythical Alliance for the time being. We will come as soon as we go..."

Hua Baiyue apologized and said to Immortal Emperor Taihao.


"You guys go and do your work. It's a rare time for me to come to the City of All Heavens, so I can go out and walk around."

Immortal Emperor Taihao replied nonchalantly.

To this.

Hua Baiyue nodded slightly, and then left the City of All Heavens with Yan Zhaoshen and Emperor Ye Qing.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Emperor Ye Qing and the others moved very quickly, and in just a moment, they arrived at the Zhenxuan World.

Feeling the powerful power, Lin Wudao and Murong Jue immediately walked out hand in hand.

"Sir, let me introduce you. This is Yan Zhaoshen of the Tengu Clan of the Zhenwu Universe."

"This time, after hearing the young master's instructions, he also wanted to come over and help."

Emperor Ye Qing introduced with a smile.

"I've seen Emperor Zun!"

Although he had already met Yan Zhaoshen, Lin Wudao still pretended to bow.

after all!

His current identity is not the Great God of Qingshan, nor is he the Supreme Lord of the East.

"No, no, no, no, sir, you are too polite!"

"I can't bear your gift..."

Seeing Lin Wudao saluting him, Yan Zhaoshen was also nervous and frightened, and hurriedly dodged away.

Although his cultivation is far stronger than Lin Wudao, their identities are vastly different.

He dare not offend the supreme junior!


Lin Wudao also had a good relationship with the high priest, and he did not dare to act arbitrarily.

the other side.

Hearing Lin Wudao's address to Yan Zhaoshen, Murong Jue suddenly took a breath of air.

The eyes looking at Yan Zhaoshen were full of infinite awe and horror...

"Hiss, is he the Emperor?"

"What is the origin of this young man? He actually wants to show respect to even a powerful person at the emperor level?"

"Isn't he a wicked trio?"


Murong Jue was extremely shocked. The more he got to know Lin Wudao, the more he felt unfathomable.

"Even the emperor-level experts have been invited. This time, Ying Xuanfeng is probably doomed..."

Murong Jue sighed secretly in his heart.

Lin Wudao and others saw his reaction, but ignored it.

"Clan Chief Murong, if there is nothing else, let's go to the Great World of Huntian right now?"

"Huh? Okay...ok."

After hearing Lin Wudao's words, Murong Jue woke up from the shock.

Without any hesitation or hesitation, he immediately opened the teleportation array of the big world and left Zhenxuan World with Lin Wudao and others.

The great world of Huntian, the Supreme Immortal Clan!

at this time.

In an ancient and magnificent fairy palace, an old man in red with a demeanor as deep as the abyss was sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed, chatting with an elegant man in black clothes.

"Master Ying, you have always been in charge of the Alliance of Justice. Today you suddenly visited our Supreme Immortal Clan. Could it be that you are here to raise an army to punish us?"

"I heard that you, the League of Justice, lost a quasi-immortal emperor of the universe some time ago?"

"This has nothing to do with my Supreme Immortal Clan."

The old man in red took a sip of tea and spoke calmly.

His name is Murong Dayu, he is the first ancestor of the Taishang Immortal Clan, and he is also the most powerful being.

His cultivation has reached the first step on the road to transcendence.


The Taishang Immortal Clan, as the former Destiny Immortal Clan, is more powerful than other Immortal Clan in the Panshen Universe, both in terms of strength and foundation.

In the three-thirds of the land of Panshen Universe, even if the emperor comes in half a step, they have ways to deal with it.


For Ying Xuanfeng, the person in charge of the fourth heaven, Murong Dayu did not show any fear or fear, but was very calm and calm.

"Haha, the immortal is joking."

"What happened before was because we, the League of Justice, underestimated the enemy's methods and strength, which led to some mistakes."

"It's just a quasi-immortal emperor of the universe. To us, the League of Justice, he is nothing."

"If one dies, just raise another one."

"The reasons for everything have nothing to do with the Supreme Immortal Clan!"

"This time, I came here uninvited, mainly because I want to ask the Immortal Lord something."

Talking time!

Ying Xuanfeng spread his palm, a ray of fairy light bloomed, and then the pattern of a broken crystal appeared.

"Can the Immortal Lord recognize this thing?"

Ying Xuanfeng asked with a faint smile.


Looking at the incomplete spar pattern that appeared, Murong Dayu's expression suddenly changed as he was enjoying tea leisurely.

His attention was instantly attracted...

"Master Ying, where did you get such a thing?"

"Or have you seen it?"

Murong Dayu's expression became extremely serious, and his pair of deep and sharp eyes stared at Ying Xuanfeng.

To this!

Ying Xuanfeng nodded with a half-smile.

"I have indeed seen this thing!"

"Before, I heard that there were clues and traces of this thing in the ancestral land of the Taishang Immortal Clan, so I came to take a look."

"I would like to ask the Immortal Lord for your convenience!"

"As long as the Immortal Lord allows me to see the clues in the ancestral land, from now on the Justice League will serve the Supreme Immortal Clan for free for a cosmic era."


Free service for a cosmic era?

Even Murong Dayu was shocked when he heard this condition.

Although he knew that the origin of the Origin Stone was unusual, he did not expect that the Justice League would attach such importance to it.

It can be seen from this!

The Origin Stone must also be extremely important to them.

Think of this.

Murong Dayu couldn't help but think deeply...

"A cosmic era is not enough, we must have a cosmic era!"

There was a long silence!

Murong Dayu raised his head again and said in a deep voice.


Faced with his conditions, Ying Xuanfeng agreed without even thinking about it.


Seeing him agreeing so readily, Murong Dayu couldn't help but frown.

He felt that his conditions were still too low.


Now that you've agreed, it's hard to go back on your word.

"Master Ying, come with me!"


He will lead Ying Xuanfeng to the ancestral land of the Taishang Immortal Clan.


At this moment, a clan elder who was cultivated as an Ancient Immortal Emperor of the Imperial Way hurriedly arrived in front of him, riding the immortal light.

"Informing our ancestors, the ninth clan leader Murong Jue is here."

"In addition, we also brought several guests..." (End of Chapter)

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