City: The Lottery Starts From Settling Down

Chapter 201: Make A Big Fuss! 【Please Subscribe】

Chapter 201: A big fuss! [Please subscribe]

After sending Uncle Yan's family of three out of the store, the two parties also agreed to sign the contract at the store tomorrow and then move to the new store.

As for the situation at home, Yan Junjun also said that the house was originally purchased by the old couple in full.

As long as he becomes stubborn, his wife will not dare to say anything.

Of course, if Yan's father and Yan's mother are willing to move out and rent a house in the future, that will be their business.

Thinking about it, the couple will definitely do this.

However, now that we have found a shop, the rent will be much less, and we can defer payment for a few months. It can be said that the matter has been resolved satisfactorily.

Yan Junjun is no longer a thing, but he still has a conscience in the end. "820" is willing to support two elderly people in the future. After all, his parents have devoted their lives to him.

After the family of three left, Lu Yuan received a system prompt.

"Ding dong, the trapped host has completed helping others and welcomes guests."

"Ding dong, get one thousand experience points and get an extra draw!"

Lu Yuan just nodded when he heard the system prompt, not happy.

If it weren't for the system, he wouldn't have wanted to take care of it.

Of course, he also said that he would let people supervise Yan Junjun and let him take care of the two old people.

After the store became quiet, everyone laughed.

Although things were solved a bit differently, it was generally good.

The most important thing is to awaken Yan Junjun's conscience so that he can honor his parents in the future.

At least they won't kick out their old parents who have worked hard all their lives.

Moreover, there is also the protection of property rights.

All this was done by Lu Yuan.

Everyone couldn’t help but give Lu Yuan a thumbs up.

"Okay, Xiao Lu, let the son of the Yan family see how hard it is for his parents to raise him so big. It's time to repay him!" Lao Xie patted Lu Yuan on the shoulder and praised.

"Xiao Lu is like a bull, just send someone to grab that Yan Junjun!" Loushanguan said with admiration.

Manager Fang also smiled and patted Lu Yuan on the shoulder, but said nothing.

Then, he very enthusiastically invited Pan Guiyu out for a good meal, and gave him some advice on how to deal with Fang Sijin.

I have known Uncle Yan and his wife for many years. Not only are they relatives, they are also familiar elders and friends.

"That's natural, Lu Yuan is a rich man in our store!" Zhu Xianxia laughed: "I was worried about what to do before, but Xiao Lu said he would handle it, and I felt relieved at that time.

"Okay, the old couple won't have to work so hard in the future. Xiao Lu will sign the contract for the shop tomorrow, and things will come to a successful conclusion." Xu Wenchang said with a smile.

Finally, Xu Wenchang said to Lu Yuan: "Thank you!"

All she wanted now was to get into the house quickly.

The person who pulled her was naturally Pan Guiyu, and the corridor was also crowded with neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

It was also said that Zhang Chengcheng met Pan Guiyu soon.

He is such a person, very attentive to his friends.

Lu Yuan smiled and waved his hand: "No, by the way, I think you and Manager Fang should pay attention to the situation at home. If your man meets Pan Guiyu, something might happen."

Fang Sijin couldn't help frowning and seemed worried.

"Yes!" Pan Guiyu nodded lightly..

Hearing what he said, Xu Wenchang was stunned for a moment, and seemed to realize something, and his face couldn't help but sink.

This is not a compliment, but I feel very satisfied with being able to handle it this way.

Before Fang Sijin could react, Pan Guiyu grabbed her and started crying.

When she got off work, she was going to wait for Xu Wenchang in the rental house, but she saw Pan Guiyu blocking the door.

From the manager's point of view, it was indeed a bit embarrassing to have so many neighbors watching, but what kind of embarrassing scene had she never seen before? So she was not moved at all and let others have their say.

"Look, everyone, it's her. I worked hard all my life to bring her up, provide her with food, clothing, and education. But now that she has established herself in a big city, she no longer recognizes her parents.

Zhang Chengcheng expressed some concern and after roughly understanding Pan Guiyu's situation, he couldn't help but think: the enemy of his enemy is his friend.

"Only Lu Yuan can handle this matter in such an elegant manner, throwing it out in a shop." Jiu Bawu couldn't help but smile.

Being able to put an end to the matter, he would naturally like to thank Lu Yuan.

Pan Guiyu raised his eyes and saw Zhang Chengcheng, and asked the same question: "Who are you?"

I was stunned for a moment, thinking I was going the wrong way, but then I looked and saw that I was right!

On the elevator, Xu Wenchang couldn't help but said: "Lu Yuan just mentioned to me that Zhang Chengcheng and your mother bumped into each other. I'm afraid there might be trouble. Don't run into them when you go up!"

Just at this time, the elevator door opened, and as soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she was grabbed by someone.

"What?" Zhang Chengcheng looked confused at first, then realized: "Are you that Fang Sijin's mother?"

Pan Guiyu's eyes lit up after hearing this and he agreed.

He was really afraid that Zhang Chengcheng would cause trouble and it would be really troublesome.

The store manager here was so angry that he started fighting with Pan Guiyu, trying to get rid of him.

In the evening, Xu Wenchang and manager Fang went home from get off work.

I couldn't help but ask: "Who are you [Why are you blocking the door when you have nothing to do?"

"You guys give the review a 5.4! For such an inhumane daughter, I traveled all the way to see her in a car, but I was not even allowed to come in. Do you think she is a human being..."

Then he seemed to be thinking about himself and said: "Oh, I see, you are my daughter's future sister-in-law, right!?"

After reacting, he quickly stepped forward to stop the mother and daughter from pulling. .

Xu Wenchang was a little dumbfounded, thinking of Lu Yuan's reminder, but now that things were like this, he was a little overwhelmed for a while.

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