City: The Lottery Starts From Settling Down

Chapter 200 Awakening Conscience! 【Please Subscribe】

Chapter 200 Awakening Conscience! [Please subscribe]

At this time, Uncle Yan's bun shop was crowded with people, including spectators, previous customers, and two business people.

There may also be whistleblowers among them.

Maybe I saw the bedding that the couple put in the store and thought it was definitely unhygienic, so I called the industrial and commercial department.

Regarding fines and store closures, Aunt Yan had no choice but to argue, but the industry and commerce also acted in accordance with regulations.

Xu Wenchang and the manager of the store ran over, and they could only understand the situation first and see how the specific industrial and commercial affairs would be handled.

The industrial and commercial personnel said: "The bun shop cannot be occupied by people."

Aunt Yan said aggrievedly: "We didn't want to live here. We didn't live here before, but we were still looking for a house, so we stayed for a day..."

The industrial and commercial staff could only wave their hands and say: "Listen to me, Auntie, we must move out immediately. After cleaning and disinfection, we can resume normal business."

There were tears in Aunt Yan's eyes, but she could only hold back for the sake of her face: "We have a disinfectant that disinfects every day, several times a day. I also understand the principles of food safety.

The industrial and commercial staff said helplessly: "Please don't embarrass us? Auntie, please don't make any noise, okay?"

Xu Wenchang was also very helpless about this. After all, this was indeed a violation of regulations, and there was no problem at all with the industrial and commercial handling.

The store manager looked very bad and felt that Uncle Yan's son was really nothing.

The old couple paid for the house they bought, but not only were they not allowed to live in it, they were even kicked out.

Now there's something going on at the Baozi Shop, and no one is around.

Of course, it's also possible that Uncle Yan and his wife didn't tell their son at all.

Xu Wenchang saw it all and had no choice but to step forward to calm the old couple's mood.

"Okay, okay, auntie, don't get excited."

Loushanguan also quickly stabilized Aunt Yan and said: "Auntie, please calm down first.

Xu Wenchang first said to the industrial and commercial people: "Can I say a few words?"

"Okay" The other person is not impersonal.

Xu Wenchang said to Uncle Yan and his wife: "Uncle and aunt, you two comrades also act in accordance with the rules. If we violate the rules, we must actively cooperate with them."

Uncle Yan and his wife don't want to make a fuss. They have closed their shop. Not only can't they do business, they don't even have a place to live. Do they really want to live on the street?

At this moment, the Yan family's son finally arrived.

However, it seemed that someone had brought him here, with a somewhat reluctant look on his face.

When he saw his parents negotiating with industrial and commercial people, they almost got into a fight. With so many people watching, he didn't want to step forward at all.

After all, it's too embarrassing to be in public.

However, several strong men behind him slapped him on the shoulder and pushed him forward.

"Son, you, why are you here? Go back quickly, your mother and I will take care of it?" Uncle Yan shouted when he saw his son coming.

Lu Yuan, who was standing aside, was speechless when he heard Uncle Yan say this.

He walked forward, grabbed Yan Junjun's shoulders, and said coldly: "Isn't it easy to see your parents? [They rely on this bun shop to support a piece of shit like you."

"Don't you want to say something?"

Then Lu Yuan increased the force in his hands, causing Yan Junjun's shoulder blades to make a cracking sound. The pain made him almost scream, but he did not dare to scream and could only grit his teeth to hold back.

"I, I didn't drive my parents out because we couldn't live in the house anymore." Yan Junjun defended while enduring the pain.

Yan Junjun was four or five years older than Lu Yuan, but Yan's father did not dare to say anything to Lu Yuan, so he had no choice but to say: "Don't, don't, don't embarrass the child!"

Yan Junjun said: "Mom and dad, don't worry, I'll pay the rent."

After sitting down, Aunt Yan couldn't bear it anymore and started crying.

Uncle Yan and his wife took the shop information in a daze.

"I went back and told them. Besides, the property rights of the house are in your hands, so they don't dare to say anything." Yan Junjun said quickly.

Then Lu Yuan looked at Uncle Yan and his wife and said, "Now, I'm afraid the landlord of the shop will no longer rent a store to you."

"Xiao Lu, let him get up first. Let's go back to the store and talk." Xu Wenchang motioned to Lu Yuan and asked him to let go of Yan Junjun.

Now Yan Junjun truly realizes his unfilial piety.

0Please give me flowers...

Then after reacting, he thanked Lu Yuan: "I really don't know how to thank you."

Aunt Yan glanced at Lu Yuan carefully and wanted to help her son, but she didn't dare to step forward.

"Okay, listen to Aunt Xu." Uncle Yan and his wife said quickly.

With their son's guarantee, Uncle Yan and his wife felt relieved.

Xu Wenchang, Manager Fang and others saw this and did not stop it.

Later, the business people closed the shop.

Uncle Yan, his wife and son went to Jingyi Store.

This matter has come to a successful end.

"Well, I happen to have a shop that I haven't rented out, so I can reduce the price appropriately, and the rent can also be postponed for a month or two."

Lu Yuan snorted coldly and pushed Yan Junjun down to his knees again.

"Don't worry, I won't default on the rent, and I will take good care of my parents in the future. Thank you!" Yan Junjun said to Lu Yuan sincerely.

"Dad, Mom, my son is sorry for you, my son is wrong."

Then he said: "You must have a certain degree of doting on your children. You should always let them pay something. From now on, the money you earn from business will be used as pension money."

In response, Aunt Yan could only look to Xu Wenchang for help.

Partly because of being suppressed by Lu Yuan, and partly out of genuine shame.

Seeing Aunt Yan's pleading look, Xu Wenchang said softly: "Well, in today's situation, business can't be done. Let's sit in the store first and discuss what to do!"

Perhaps Lu Yuan's method was a bit coercive, but it also awakened Yan Junjun's conscience and let him know that someone was supervising him and asking him to abide by what he said. .

Then the family was extremely grateful to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan said calmly: "It's a good thing that your conscience hasn't been eaten by dogs."

Especially the store manager, he felt that this was the right thing to do.

"The location of the shop is not bad. I think your business will be better if I come here." Lu Yuan said after handing the information to the couple.

Then he pointed at Yan Junjun and said, "But he must pay the money. I will have someone supervise him."

Before Uncle Yan could speak, Yan Junjun took the initiative and knelt down and said, "Mom, Dad, my son is unfilial. You move home first today, and we will think of something else."

"Speak!" Lu Yuan looked at Yan Junjun coldly.

With that said, Zhu Xianxian was asked to bring over the information on the storefronts for rent hanging in Jingyi store and show it to Uncle Yan and his wife.

"But where is your daughter-in-law and your mother-in-law?" Uncle Yan hesitated and said.


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