City: The Lottery Starts From Settling Down

Chapter 202: Explosion In Anger! 【Please Subscribe】

Chapter 202: Explosion in anger! [Please subscribe]

Xu Wenchang stopped Fang Sijin and Pan Guiyu from pulling him while explaining to his neighbor.

"I'm sorry, this is a household matter, I'm really sorry for disturbing everyone."

Then, Xu Wenchang saw Zhang Chengcheng taking pictures behind the crowd with his mobile phone, as if he was just watching the excitement and it was not a big deal.

At this time, he seemed to have heard Lu Yuan's reminder, and hurried forward to snatch Zhang Chengcheng's mobile phone.

"Zhang Chengcheng, what are you doing?" Xu Wenchang roared angrily.

But Zhang Chengcheng had long been on guard against Xu Wenchang, grabbed his cell phone tightly, turned around and ran away from the safety stairs.

At the same time, neighbors also gathered around and wanted Xu Wenchang to settle matters in their family.

Now Xu Wenchang was even less likely to chase Zhang Chengcheng, so he had to deal with the neighbors quickly. After talking for a while, he looked for an opportunity to turn around and enter the house.

When the fuss broke out, Xu Wenchang was furious.

After entering 02's home, he picked up the phone and immediately dialed Zhang Chengcheng's number to question him.

"Zhang Chengcheng, is this something you guys jointly did?"

However, Zhang Chengcheng didn't take it seriously and was very proud of it.

He even said confidently: "I am seeking justice for Fang's mother. Fang Sijin is so cruel to her mother. If you dare to do it, you must dare to do it."

Then he advised: "Brother, you and Fang Sijin are not the same person at all. If you are together, there will be no good results."

"Don't worry, I will cover your face when I put the video online later. I want this woman named Fang to be denounced by netizens.

Then he hung up the phone directly.

When Xu Wenchang saw the other party hanging up the phone, he almost exploded. He wanted to throw the phone away angrily, but finally he came to his senses.

However, at this time he also fell into anger and self-blame.

At the same time, Zhang Chengcheng kept his word and put the video directly online.

She took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, and then answered the phone: "Hello, Mr. Zhai!"

Seeing that the other party was blocking her, Fang Sijin could only say loudly: "Mr. Zhai just called me and suspended me. He gave me three days to restore the company's reputation. What do you want me to do?"

After a while, Xu Wenchang received a message from Zijian, telling him that the matter of store manager Fang had become a hot search topic.

"Also, I told you a long time ago that you should have settled this matter long ago, but you just didn't listen."

"Because of your incident, the company's image will suffer huge losses, and it will even suffer the same suppression. Do you know?"

After watching the video, her whole body was shaking with anger.

Xu Wenchang said with some guilt: "I'm begging you, please stop making trouble, okay? Zhang Chengcheng did this, and it's up to me to solve it."

Fang Sijin was extremely angry at this time. She pushed Xu Wenchang away desperately and shouted angrily, "Get out of my way, I will end it with her today!"

The store manager paused for a moment and could only apologize: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhai [I didn't expect such a trivial matter to alarm you. Just right."

Moreover, it quickly received a large number of likes and comments.

Xu Wenchang continued to persuade: "You can't solve the problem by doing this. Being impulsive will only make the matter more serious, you know?"

After finishing speaking, Zhai Yunxiao hung up the phone.

Fang Sijin also received a WeChat message from Lou Shangguan.

"When will we handle it properly and restore the company's reputation? When will we be reinstated?"

The store manager was very helpless and hurriedly explained: "Mr. Huo, you know the situation at home, and I have never had family affairs affect my work before.

Zhai Yunxiao asked with a cold tone: "Fang Sijin, what's going on between you and your mother?"

Even in a very short period of time, it was on the hot search list of Shanghai Hotline.

Zhai Yunxiao said sternly: "You think this is a trivial matter. The company spends money on advertising, but the traffic is not as high as your scandal. Do you think it is a trivial matter?"

After Xu Wenchang watched the video, he walked out and heard Fang Sijin talking on the phone, so he didn't go in to disturb him.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. I'm telling you now that you have been suspended. I only give you three days to quickly deal with these messy things in your family."

Then he continued: "Okay, let me ask you. After I became the vice president, you never made any major contributions under my command, and even kept causing me trouble, but I still defended you everywhere."

Hearing this, the store manager Fang also retorted with aggrieved emotion: "Brothers can turn against each other, and couples can divorce, but blood relations, you tell me how to end it?"

When Fang Sijin opened the video, it turned out to be the video of Pan Guiyu teasing and cursing her just now.

Xu Wenchang was afraid that something might happen to her, so he stopped her and said sternly: "Don't you think the matter is not big enough and embarrassing enough now?"

However, Zhai Yunxiao did not understand her, but said coldly: "Fang Sijin, find out your identity, are you questioning me?"

"What are you going to do?"

After stabilizing Fang Sijin's mood, Xu Wenchang took a long breath and opened the door to prepare to solve Pan Guiyu's matter. .

A video screen is also included.

But Zhai Yunxiao didn't listen to her explanation at all, and even scolded her harshly: "You only think about yourself now, have you ever considered the company's image?"

Seeing this situation, Xu Wenchang knew something was wrong and quickly stopped the other party. 880

However, after Fang Sijin put down the phone, sat there for a few seconds, then rushed out like crazy, trying to find Pan Guiyu to the death.

"My face has been completely humiliated by her, please leave me alone and let me out." Fang Sijin tried his best to push her away.

Fang Sijin had no choice but to slap her phone on the table angrily.

But at this time the phone rang, and the caller ID showed it was Zhai Yunxiao.

However, as a woman, how can she be promoted?

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