The two drove to the radio station. Su Xin knew that there would be a big traffic jam on the Central Ring Road, so he bypassed the Central Ring Road. When the two arrived, Guan Gu Magic and Chen Meijia had already arrived by subway.

  Su Xin walked to the rest area, asked for a cup of coffee, and then began to study computer viruses. Half an hour later, Su Xin also studied most computer viruses, combined the advantages of these viruses, and added his own ideas.

  The general direction was determined, Su Xin continued to type the code, perfecting the virus while typing the code.

  At this time, Lin Wanyu's cell phone rang, and Lin Wanyu glanced at it: "Mr. Zeng is calling!"

  Lin Wanyu answered the phone: "Mr. Zeng! Where have you been?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian's helpless voice came from the phone: "We encountered a big traffic jam. Seven cars rear-ended in a row, blocking the road! I'm trying to figure out a way now!"

  "Okay! Hurry up, the broadcast will start soon!" Lin Wanyu said, then hung up the phone.

  Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin suspiciously: "Su Xin! How did you know there was a traffic jam?"

  Su Xin's hands kept moving, and he casually said, "I'm a priest! I don't know anything about this. How can I be a priest?"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he continued typing the code. When Chen Meijia heard the traffic jam, she immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call.

  Guan Gu asked suspiciously, "Mika, who are you calling?"

  Chen Meijia said with a smile: "Call the traffic station and provide them with road information and gifts."

  When the call was connected, Chen Meijia smiled and said, "It's me again, what are your prizes today..."

  Lin Wanyu was a little bored waiting, so she sat not far from Su Xin and watched Su Xin type the code.

  Two hours later, Su Xin stretched: "Finally done!"

  Lin Wanyu brought Su Xin a cup of coffee: "What software were you making just now?"

  Su Xin took a sip of coffee: "I made an APP. In order to prevent the leakage of customer information, I made a special protective wall."

  Lin Wanyu also knew a little about computers, and asked suspiciously, "Why don't you sell those well-known protective nets?"

  Su Xin explained patiently: "General firewalls are mainly defensive, but my firewall is mainly attacking. As long as it detects an attack, it will release a virus. This virus is also specially made, and I don't have it either. [-]% sure that the virus can be lifted!"

  Lin Wanyu nodded blankly. She didn't quite understand this. Su Xin looked at the time and asked, "Mr. Zeng hasn't come yet?".

Chapter 54

  "It hasn't arrived yet! The producer just found a substitute, and I spent money to clear that person!" Lin Wanyu felt a little distressed about her money after she finished speaking.

  Su Xin thought for a while. If he went to participate in TV and pushed his own app, wouldn't it be free to play a wave of advertisements?

  As Su Xin was thinking, Lisa Rong hurried over: "Where's Zeng Xiaoxian? Why hasn't he come yet?"

  Su Xin stretched out his hand to say hello: "Sister Rong!"

  Lisa Rong was stunned when she saw Su Xin: "It's you! Where is Zeng Xiaoxian?"

  Su Xin has never contacted Zeng Xiaoxian, how could he know where he is now, so he said casually: "Mr. Zeng is still on his way, and he will be there in about an hour!"

  "Another hour? I've already helped him fight for two hours, and if I delay it any longer, I'll miss the broadcast time!" Lisa Rong looked a little anxious!

  Suddenly Lisa Rong thought of something and looked at Su Xin: "Can't wait any longer! Just you! Follow me to the live broadcast room! You pretend to be Zeng Xiaoxian! No one has seen him anyway."

  After speaking, he pulled Su Xin to the live studio: "Makeup artist, put on his makeup!"

  Su Xin waved his hand and quickly refused: "No need! I never wear makeup!"

  Lisa Rong heard Su Xin's words and didn't force it, so she pushed Su Xin into the live broadcast room and shouted, "Start!"

  Su Xin started without any precautions, and in desperation, he could only learn Zeng Xiaoxian's strange moves and take the stage.

  "The good man is me! I am Zeng Xiaoxian! Zeng Xiaoxian strongly recommends everyone to use the DouShou short video app! Whoever uses it can say yes!"

  Under the stage, Lisa Rong looked at the director with a bewildered expression: "Is there any sponsorship from this company?"

  The director said blankly: "Maybe... yes!"

  A hostess came up and started to greet Su Xin.

  Su Xin first chatted with the hostess about business, and by the way, he mentioned his APP.

  The hostess saw that Su Xin had been advertising, but she had no choice but to let Su Xin perform her talents, and she took the opportunity to read out some sponsored advertisements.

  Su Xin's outstanding talents are only those few, so he asked the host for a guitar and then began to sing.

  Su Xin's intermediate singing is similar to that of first-tier singers, but Su Xin sings songs from another world.

  After Su Xin finished singing, he promoted another wave of APPs, and stated that he would release many new songs in the APP after five days.

  All the people present didn't know when this Douhou app sponsored the show, but the main actors have been advertising, and they can't say anything!

  After the live broadcast, Su Xin dragged Lin Wanyu away to prevent Lisa Rong from getting into trouble for him.

  Lisa Rong did look at the sponsors afterwards, and there was no sponsorship from shaking hands, but Lisa Rong didn't dare to make a big issue. After all, she was a producer, and she was responsible for any problems.

  In order not to take responsibility, Lisa Rong chose to hide it and not report it, but Zeng Xiaoxian was not so lucky. He was scolded by Lisa Rong for more than an hour.

  The next day, Su Xin first found an office and spent another [-] million to buy a server. After the connection was established, Su Xin started setting up the APP.

  It took Su Xin three days to successfully put the app on the shelves.

  After Su Xin put the app on the shelves, he found some well-known advertising companies to advertise, and the money spent on going to Su Xin was almost the same.

  Su Xin found Du Jun and sold the comics that Du Jun had drawn to the previous buyer. This time the price was higher, [-] million.

  Su Xin got the money to find someone to renovate the office, and also found some professional operation and management personnel. Since Su Xin's company has already advertised, it is considered a well-known name, so a group of professionals was successfully recruited.

  Su Xin spent another half a month arranging the arrangement together, and then went back to the apartment.

  Because Su Xin has to deal with the company's affairs every day, Lin Wanyu is left out, and Lin Wanyu is very angry.

  Su Xin first accompanied Lin Wanyu to the playground, and then watched a movie. The two of them didn't go back to the apartment at night and stayed outside for one night.

  After Su Xin coaxed Lin Wanyu, the two walked back to the love apartment. As soon as they walked into the 3601 living room, they saw Lu Zhanbo sitting depressed on the sofa.

  Zeng Xiaoxian and Hu Yifei were chatting, Hu Yifei saw the two coming in and said aloud: "Wan Yu! You came back just in time! Zhanbo wants you to do me a favor!"

  Lin Wanyu looked at Lu Zhanbo suspiciously: "What help?"

  Lu Zhanbo hesitated for a moment, then hesitantly said, "Can you pretend to be my girlfriend?"

  When Su Xin heard Lu Zhanbo's words, his face immediately darkened. Just as he was about to speak, Lin Wanyu first refused: "No!"

  When Lu Zhanbo heard Lin Wanyu's words, he seemed to have been dealt a huge blow, with a look of doubt and depression in his life.

  Lin Wanyu looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously: "What's wrong with Zhanbo? Why did he suddenly ask such a question?"

  Hu Yifei patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder and said sympathetically, "Zhanbo's competitor has found a girlfriend and is going to give Zhanbo dog food. Zhanbo wants to find a fake girlfriend to prevent himself from being disgraced."

  Su Xin suddenly remembered that Lu Zhanbo's competitor was also a computer talent. He was from a poor family and could learn computers by himself. He even surpassed Lu Zhanbo. Lu Zhanbo was a top student majoring in computer science. talent.

  The number of words to create a company is too much. I am afraid of being scolded, so I will skip it quickly. If you have any objections, you can say it in the comment area, and I can change it. Opinions are limited to noon tomorrow. .

Chapter 55

  In order to win over the talents, Su Xin decided to help Lu Zhanbo attack Zhao Wuliang, and then came forward to win over himself. Su Xin looked at Lu Zhanbo and volunteered, "Look for me for this trivial matter!"

  "Hey!" Several people looked at Su Xin with contempt.

  Lu Zhanbo looked at Su Xin with disgust: "I'm a normal person!"

  Su Xin looked at a few people with a black line, and complained: "I am also a normal person, I mean I help Zhanbo find a girlfriend, uh! Maybe one is not reliable, don't worry, I will help you arrange a suitable one for you. You, let's hold an audition for girlfriends first!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian shouted excitedly: "I want to be a judge!"

  When Hu Yifei heard that she was looking for a girlfriend for Lu Zhanbo, she would naturally not object: "I'll give you two thousand soft sister coins! It's helping Zhanbo!"

  "OK!" Su Xin heard that someone was investing, so naturally he would not object. Su Xin looked at Lu Zhanbo: "Zhanbo, how much did you pay?"

  Lu Zhanbo asked with an embarrassed expression: "It's not good to have a girlfriend in the audition!"

  Su Xin emphasized: "It's a fake girlfriend, but it's possible to become a real girlfriend, and you are also one of the judges!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian immediately stretched out his hand to sign up: "I will give out a thousand, and I will also be a judge!"

  Su Xin nodded: "Counting you, there are already three judges now, Zhanbo is responsible for all the expenses of the event, and the judges' money can be used as a bonus, perfect!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he called his company and asked them to make a billboard of the shaking hand app and send it to the love apartment.

  Seeing that Lu Zhanbo was still hesitating, Su Xin said earnestly, "Zhanbo! Do you want to see your opponent throw dog food in front of you?"

  "Of course not!" Lu Zhanbo shouted immediately.

  Su Xin patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder, then looked at Zeng Xiaoxian: "Mr. Zeng, let's go to Ziqiao to prepare for a primary election!"

  "Okay!" Zeng Xiaoxian happily followed Su Xin to 3602.

  Lu Zhanbo saw that Su Xin had already started to prepare, but he had no choice but to agree!

  Hu Yifei patted his head and said sadly, "I hope they don't do anything!"

  Lin Wanyu sat opposite Hu Yifei: "I think it should be interesting!"

  On the other side, Su Xin and Zeng Xiaoxian walked to the living room of 3602. At this time, Lu Ziqiao was stealing the sushi made by Chen Meijia.

  "Zi Qiao!"

  Hearing Su Xin's voice, Lu Ziqiao was startled. Seeing that it was Su Xin, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's you!"

  Su Xin walked to Lu Ziqiao's side and picked up a piece of sushi to taste. It tasted good, and Zeng Xiaoxian also tasted one.

  Lu Ziqiao immediately picked up the sushi: "That's all!"

  Su Xin took a piece of paper on the table and wiped his hands: "We have something good for you!"

  When Lu Ziqiao heard Su Xin's words, he immediately refused: "Don't ask me to do business again! Last time you asked for scalpers, which caused me to be blocked by the entire scalper group. Now I have to line up all night to buy tickets for girls."

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, he stood up and was about to leave, but Su Xin stopped Lu Ziqiao: "It's a good thing, we're going to help Zhanbo hold an event for the audition of fake girlfriends! You know a lot of people, so I'll leave it to you to find them. !"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin with amazement: "You're a helpless person who would take the initiative to help others?"

  Su Xin said solemnly: "Put a knife in both sides for the brothers, and do not ask for benefits!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian made a statement to dismantle Su Xin: "Then you also let people from your company make billboards?"

  Su Xin looked embarrassed: "The people Ziqiao is looking for must be young and beautiful. My company has just developed, and I still need young people to understand more. Why not do this kind of win-win thing! "

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