Guan Gu magically saw Su Xin's casual clothes, and asked suspiciously, "Are you wearing this to the comic party?"

  Su Xin explained speechlessly: "Of course not! I'm going for a morning run! Why do you get up so early? The appointed time is nine o'clock, and it's only seven o'clock now!"

  Guan Gu glanced at Chen Meijia's room miraculously, and then said with a sinister smile: "I'm trying to avoid Meijia! Let's go early, when we come back, she will be too late no matter how much trouble she makes!"

  Su Xin asked suspiciously, "Where's your secret weapon?"

  "Alas!" Guan Gu sighed miraculously, his face full of sadness: "Don't mention it! She accepted the puppy! But she still attended the party."

  After Guan Gu magically finished speaking, he began to urge Su Xin: "Go and change your clothes! Let's go quietly!"

  Su Xin nodded, helplessly walked back to the room and changed into a formal suit, bringing the business card that was expedited printing yesterday.

  Su Xin and Guan Gu miraculously walked out of 3602 quietly, and it was not until they stepped into the elevator that Guan Gu miraculously felt relieved: "No accident, that's great!"

  Su Xin looked at Guan Gu's magic in confusion: "As for that? Meijia is not a monster!"

  Guan Gu looked like he was constipated, and then began to pour out bitter water: "You don't know, Mika is the most incompetent assistant I have ever seen, helping me iron my clothes, and as a result, I burned six pairs of pants, even I Now this one is something I have quietly hidden to avoid Mika's poisonous hands!"

  At this time, the elevator arrived, and the two got off the elevator. Since they had to find Du Jun, Su Xin's car was inconvenient, so the two planned to take a taxi.

  Su Xin asked suspiciously as he walked, "Why didn't you fire her?"

  Guan Gu's miraculous face showed a helpless expression: "Do you think I don't want to? I told her a few days ago that she was crying and making trouble directly in my studio, and I didn't draw a cartoon all day. ."

  Su Xin looked at Guan Gu's miraculous sympathy: "It's not easy for you!"

  Guan Gu miraculously said with a sad face: "It's all tears when she talks too much. She often misplaces the paint, and puts the scraps and finished products together, sometimes..."

  Guan Guwei has always complained about Chen Meijia, and he was still complaining when he got in the taxi. It was not until Du Jun was picked up that Guan Guwei stopped complaining.

  The three arrived at the party place earlier than expected, and the three of them had breakfast before entering the party place.

  Guan Guqiqi and Du Jun introduced many comic publishing houses and comic companies to Su Xin. Su Xin found a company with a good reputation and sold the copyright of Du Jun's comics for [-] million.

  After Su Xin settled the matter, it was already noon. The three of them ate together. Su Xin told Du Jun another cartoon and asked him to drive out before the end of the month.

  After dinner, Du Jun had something to do, so he left first. Su Xin drew up the contract and found a company to buy the copyright. After signing the contract, Su Xin handed over the manuscript of the comic to the other party. After receiving the transfer, he sent Du Jun two more messages. million bonus.

  Su Xin has always firmly believed that if you want the donkey to run, you must feed some grass, and the bonus that should be given should not be stingy.

  After finishing everything, Su Xin and Guan Gu miraculously took a taxi back to the apartment.

  Guan Gu miraculously sat in the co-pilot and asked with a puzzled look: "Su Xin! How does your brain grow, how can you come up with so many good comics."

  Su Xin casually said, "Genius is always different. The main reason why you feel that I'm very good is... You are too stupid to be a cartoonist."

  "..." Guan Gu was miraculously silent, and he began to doubt whether he was right or wrong in choosing to paint.

  "Ding! Flickering success, grade A to get intermediate software programming!"

  "Lying ~ trough ~"

  When Su Xin heard that the reward from the system was exactly the technology he had dreamed of, he couldn't help but throw a punch.

  "Heifers take a plane - the cows are in the sky!"

  A huge amount of knowledge was transferred into Su Xin's memory. In Guan Gu's miraculous eyes, Su Xin first spit out fragrance, then waved his hands excitedly, and finally covered his head and did not speak.

  The taxi driver who was driving saw clearly through the rearview mirror and asked worriedly, "Is your friend not mentally ill?".

Chapter 52

  When Guan Gu miraculously heard the taxi driver's words, he quickly explained: "Don't worry! My friend is normal!"

  Guan Gu looked at Su Xin, who was sitting in the back row, worriedly. At this time, Su Xin received a lot of knowledge and needed time to deal with it. After all, a person must have a little buffer time to suddenly receive so much knowledge.

  The taxi driver asked tentatively, "Friend, are you a foreigner?"

  Guan Gu looked at the taxi driver in surprise: "How do you know?"

  The taxi driver smiled mysteriously: "Your words are very distinctive, and you know you are a foreigner as soon as you hear them."

  Guan Gu smiled and said proudly, "I'm from Dahekou, and I learned Chinese by myself, and it's not very good."

  "You are from Dahekou!" The driver made a sharp turn and drove onto the viaduct.

  Guan Gu didn't notice that something was wrong, and continued to chat with the driver. After a while, Su Xin had already received the knowledge. Su Xin glanced around, and it was not the way back to the apartment at all: "What is this?"

  Guan Gu looked back at Su Xin miraculously: "Are you all right? We are going back to the apartment!"

  Su Xin looked at the taxi driver and threatened, "I know the way, I'll call the police if you detour again!"

  Hearing Su Xin's fluent Chinese, the taxi driver asked suspiciously, "Aren't you from Dahekou?"

  Su Xin looked at Guan Gu Weiqi in a daze: "Have you reported yourself to your family again?"

  Guan Gu has a question mark on his head: "Blow up the door? I didn't blow up the door!"

  Su Xin sighed silently, then looked at the taxi driver: "Master, don't go around, it's not this ghost, you will pay."

  The taxi driver glanced at the rear-view mirror, then drove to an exit: "Let him go for your sake this time, don't let me touch him next time, or I'll have to take him around the city. Thirteen laps on the road."

  Su Xin didn't expect to get into the angry youth's car.

  After a while, the taxi drove to the door of the love apartment, and the driver glanced at the meter: "One hundred and six!"

  "Nani?" Guan Gu looked at the taxi driver in shock: "We also took a taxi in the morning, only fifty soft sister coins! You actually tripled?"

  The taxi driver pouted and looked at Guan Gu miraculously: "If you were alone, you wouldn't be able to leave without a thousand dollars today!"

  Su Xin gave the driver two hundred soft sister coins: "Master! Don't look for it!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he took Guan Guqi to the love apartment, and Guan Guqi shouted angrily: "It's obviously his detour, why did you give him money?"

  "You said that you are from Dahekou. It would be good if you didn't take him around thirteen times. Fortunately, I found out early and only made one circle." Su Xin continued to walk towards the apartment after finishing speaking.

  Guan Gu was stunned for a moment, then shouted: "I want to protest, this is discrimination!"

  Su Xin ignored Guan Gu's miraculous, but continued walking.

  Guan Gu shouted twice in wonder and resentment, seeing that no one paid any attention to him, so he followed Su Xin in despair.

  The two walked to 3601, and as soon as they entered the living room, they saw Zeng Xiaoxian walking at a weird pace, waving his hands from time to time.

  Guan Gu miraculously threw the bag in his hand on the sofa and cursed angrily: "Fuck!"

  Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian suspiciously and asked, "Mr. Zeng! What's wrong with you?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian stopped when he saw Su Xin and the two: "I'm going to be on TV. Let's practice the movement of entering the venue. What's wrong with Guan Gu?"

  Su Xin sat on the sofa and explained: "Guan Gu reported his home in the car, and we were taken around by the driver!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hand nonchalantly: "What a big deal! I was only taken around in a circle!"

  "I circled the whole city. Fortunately, I found out that something was wrong in time, otherwise we would still circle the city now."

  "..." Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Guan Gu's miraculous speechlessly, and then persuaded earnestly: "Guan Gu, don't report to yourself when you go out in the future!"

  At this time, Lu Ziqiao hurried in and walked directly to Su Xin and asked, "Su Xin! Are you Xiao Qing's informant?"

  Su Xin knew that Lu Ziqiao was talking about scalpers: "I'm not an informant, but that scalper organization was targeted. If I hadn't reacted quickly, let alone the concert, I'm still drinking tea at the police station!"

  Lu Ziqiao breathed a sigh of relief: "I was startled, I thought you were an informant!"

  "Ding! Ding!"

  Everyone's cell phones rang, and Lu Ziqiao took out his cell phone to see that it was sent by Zeng Xiaoxian.

  Lu Ziqiao asked suspiciously: "Mr. Zeng! We are here, you don't need to send us a message, right?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian was not embarrassed at all, but said with a smile: "I'm a mass post! In case someone doesn't know that I'm going to be on TV!"

  Guan Guqi took the mobile phone and complained: "Then there is no need to send so many! I received three messages by myself!"

  "I'm afraid you won't be able to see it, so let's not talk about this. How about you look at my entry method?" Zeng Xiaoxian started to concave after speaking!

  Su Xin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian's strange way of entering the venue, and was really unable to complain.

  After a few perfunctory words, Su Xin went back to the room. After returning to the room, Su Xin turned on the computer and started writing programs. .

Chapter 53

  Su Xin's intermediate software programming skills are much better than most people in the world. Except for some top people, no one can break the anti-theft software made by Su Xin.

  Su Xin first produced the software for shaking hands short video. It was very late when Su Xin finished programming the software. Su Xin's daily routine was very regular. Unless there was an urgent matter, Su Xin went to bed on time.

  Su Xin first cooked some meals by himself, and when he was eating, he heard Chen Meijia's voice in Guan Gu's magical room, and seemed to be blaming Guan Gu for not taking her to the comic party.

  Su Xin finished his meal amid the quarrel between Guan Guqi and Chen Meijia, then washed up and went back to his room to sleep!

  The next morning, Su Xin brought a breakfast to Lin Wanyu after the morning run as usual, and then hurried back to the room to continue coding. Su Xin wanted to create a complete set of anti-theft software to prevent user information from leaking.

  Su Xin plans to get an interception software that integrates attack and defense, which can not only prevent user information from leaking, but also automatically counterattack. As long as someone invades, the virus will be automatically released.

  Su Xin stopped after finishing the interception and alarm. Su Xin wanted to make the virus worse, and began to search for some virus information on the Internet.

  "Su Xin! Teacher Zeng and the others have already left!" Lin Wanyu walked into Su Xin's room and began to urge Su Xin.

  Su Xin looked at Lin Wanyu suspiciously: "Let's go? Where are we going?"

  Lin Wanyu walked over to Su Xin and closed the laptop: "Of course it's about Teacher Zeng being on TV! He asked us to be the guests and set the mood for him."

  Su Xin patted his head: "I almost forgot! You should call Teacher Zeng and the others, and don't take the Middle Ring Road, there is a big traffic jam!"

  "Ah!" Lin Wanyu took out her mobile phone in surprise and called Zeng Xiaoxian.

  The phone rang twice and it was connected.

  "Hey! Mr. Zeng, don't take the Middle Ring Road, there is a big traffic jam!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian's unconcerned voice came from the phone: "We are on the Central Ring Road now. There is no obstruction here, and there is no traffic jam at all. Don't listen to other people's nonsense! Come on, too!"

  After Zeng Xiaoxian finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Lin Wanyu looked at Su Xin helplessly: "They are already on the Central Line, there is no traffic jam!"

  Su Xin heard that Zeng Xiaoxian was already on the Central Line, so he turned on the computer: "Then we don't need to go! Teacher Zeng can't reach the radio station, so it's useless for us to go!"

  Lin Wanyu closed Su Xin's computer again: "They don't have traffic jams! Let's go quickly!"

  Su Xin was entangled by Lin Wanyu and couldn't type the code at all, so he packed up, then walked to the garage with his notebook and Lin Wanyu.

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