"Win more?" Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Xin suspiciously.

  Su Xin explained the benefits to the two of them: "First of all, Ziqiao can look for a target, and Teacher Zeng can also take the opportunity to find one. My goal is very simple. I will advertise on DouShou APP and find video materials by the way."

  As for poaching talents, Su Xin didn't say anything.

  Lu Ziqiao likes to hold these activities the most, and immediately swore to promise: "Don't worry! I promise to find dozens of beautiful women to participate in!"

  Su Xin instructed: "Don't look for your ex-girlfriends who have ridden their horses! Be careful of Hu Yifei's rage!"

  "Understood! I'll go after I finish eating sushi!" Lu Ziqiao gave an OK gesture and continued eating sushi.

  Zeng Xiaoxian asked, "Where is the venue?"

  Su Xin thought for a while: "The apartment is definitely not good, it's better to set it in the bar, Mr. Zeng, this matter is left to you! Find Zhanbo for the expenses!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian made an OK gesture: "Don't worry, I'll go now!"

  Zeng Xiaoxian walked out the door, when Guan Gu walked in miraculously, looking like the end of the world.

  Zeng Xiaoxian said hello and went out, Guan Gu miraculously sat on the sofa without saying a word.

  At this time, Chen Meijia came out of the bedroom: "Guan Gu, you are back! I made sushi, you can try it!"

  After Chen Meijia finished speaking, she walked to the kitchen, only to see Lu Ziqiao eating the last piece of sushi with relish, Chen Meijia shouted, "Lu Ziqiao! Are you stealing it again?".

Chapter 56

  Lu Ziqiao put the last piece of sushi in his mouth and didn't pay any attention to Chen Meijia's roar.

  The decadent Guan Gu waved his hand miraculously: "Forget it! Give him some food! I want to tell you something!"

  The three looked at Guan Guqi, who said sadly, "I'm bankrupt!"

  "Ah!" Chen Meijia shouted in surprise, and walked to Guan Guqi's side and asked, "How can you go bankrupt?"

  "I put all my savings into the release book of Love Tripod, but the person in charge of the publisher had an accident, and the new person in charge refused to distribute my comics! So, I went bankrupt!" Guan Gu explained to everyone. a bit.

  Chen Meijia asked suspiciously, "What happened to the previous person in charge?"

  "I heard that I choked to death eating sushi!"

  Lu Ziqiao said comfortingly: "Don't be discouraged! If you can't get along in the comic circle, I can introduce you to an easy and profitable scientific experiment, which will definitely make money faster than you draw comics."

  "Ding ding ding ding!"

  As soon as Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, Guan Gu's magical cell phone rang.

  Guan Gu took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and then connected: "Hey! Xiaoxue, I happened to be looking for you on something!"

  The voice of Guan Gu's magical mobile phone was very low, and Su Xin did not hear what the other side was saying, but Guan Gu's magical face became even more gloomy.

  "Okay!" Guan Gu said miraculously, then hung up the phone and roared, "Let the storm come more violently!"

  Seeing Guan Gu's strange behavior, Chen Meijia asked worriedly, "Guan Gu, are you alright?"

  Guan Gu smiled very abnormally: "It's nothing! It's just that Xiaoxue broke up with me!"

  Chen Meijia continued to comfort Guan Guqi: "It's okay, isn't it just breaking up? There are many more beautiful and gentle women in this world than Xiaoxue!"

  Su Xin saw that Lu Ziqiao had finished eating, so he urged Lu Ziqiao: "Ziqiao, hurry up and find someone. Today, you will help Zhanbo select them. As long as you are young, don't care about height, size, fat or thinness, you can find them all."

  Lu Ziqiao wiped his hands: "I'll do things, don't worry!"

  Lu Ziqiao took out his mobile phone and walked outside while calling: "Er Pi!..."

  After Lu Ziqiao went out, Su Xin looked at Guan Gu Weiqi and asked, "Guan Gu! Do you need help?"

  Before Guan Gu could speak, Chen Meijia said first: "Of course I need it! Guan Gu is now in love and has failed in both careers. It's time for you to show your brotherhood."

  Su Xin thought for a while and asked, "How about you help me draw cartoons full-time, [-] yuan a month!"


  Guan Gu miraculously took out a short knife from under the sofa: "Our Guan Gu family has never accepted alms from others! The samurai who were defeated always had to cut their stomachs and commit suicide in order to retain their last dignity."

  Chen Meijia grabbed the short knife: "You're not a samurai, what kind of belly are you cutting!"

  Guan Gu looked at Chen Meijia strangely and speechlessly: "I don't want to cut my belly, I just want to sell the ancestral sword to Su Xin, and exchange some money to pay the rent, otherwise I won't even have a place to live!"

  "You said it earlier! I thought you were going to cut your belly!" Chen Meijia handed the knife to Su Xin.

  Su Xin didn't take the knife. If someone cut the abdomen with this knife, it would be disgusting.

  "Guan Gu, if you need money, I can lend it to you. You should keep this treasured knife for yourself!"

  Guan Gu picked up the knife miraculously: "You don't know the goods!"

  Su Xin was about to go to the bar to see how things were going. He looked at Guan Gu and asked magically, "We held an audition for fake girlfriends in the bar. Would you like to go? I can give you the status of a judge!"

  "I'm fine now, let's go have a look together!" Guan Gu thought for a while, stood up and followed Su Xin to the bar!

  The two walked out of 3602, and Chen Meijia followed them to the bar.

  When Su Xin and Guan Gu miraculously arrived at the bar, Zeng Xiaoxian had already emptied the bar and was moving things like tables away.

  Just as Su Xin was about to come forward to speak, the phone suddenly rang. Su Xin glanced at it, it was from the company.

  Su Xin left the bar, answered the phone and asked his subordinates to bring the advertisement to the front of the bar.

  Su Xin waited in front of the bar for a while. Two middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes walked over with a two-meter-high billboard, one with glasses and one without.

  Su Xin looked at the man with glasses: "Wang Kuo! You are fortunate to be a little bit harder today, and wait for someone here. If anyone wants to enter, let them download an APP first."

  Wang Kuo hesitated: "President Su! Will this affect the company's image?"

  Su Xin complained: "What's the impact? As far as our popularity is concerned, is there still room for influence? Take a good look at it, and don't miss anything."

  "Yes!" Wang Kuo reluctantly agreed.

  Su Xin walked into the bar and started to set up.

  After three o'clock in the afternoon, the bar was already full of people, and these people were chatting with each other.

  Su Xin and Lu Zhanbo were sitting on the jury's seat. Hu Yifei, Lin Wanyu and Chen Meijia stood not far from them. Su Xin looked at the time: "Zhanbo! It's almost time, we can start!"

  Hearing Su Xin's words, Guan Gu Qiqi and Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly sat on the judge's seat.

  "Let me go! Let me go!" Lu Ziqiao shouted as he walked to the judges' seat. .

Chapter 57

  Lu Ziqiao pushed aside the crowd and walked to the judges' seat and sat down: "It took a while to find someone! Let's start!"

  Su Xin looked at Lin Wanyu. At this time, Lin Wanyu was holding Su Xin's mobile phone to broadcast live on the DouShou APP. Lin Wanyu nodded to Su Xin, indicating that the live broadcast had already started.

  Su Xin looked at Lu Zhanbo: "Let's get started! Let me know if you see something good!"

  Lu Zhanbo nodded nervously: "Go! No. [-] stepped forward and introduced himself!"

  A middle-aged woman dressed in very earthy clothes stepped forward: "My name is Wang Cuifen, I am forty-two years old this year, and now I am a cleaner!"

  Everyone looked at Lu Ziqiao with a black line, and Su Xin asked speechlessly, "Ziqiao! How did you find someone?"

  Lu Zhanbo even frowned and complained, "She can be my mother!"

  Lu Ziqiao explained embarrassingly, "Maybe I accidentally sent her a message when I sent a group message. I made a mistake, let's see the next one!"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Wang Cuifen: "out! You are eliminated! Just go!"

  After speaking, Lu Ziqiao shouted to the crowd: "Auntie who is over [-] years old, don't make trouble! You don't have to try, just go!"

  After Lu Ziqiao finished speaking, more than a dozen people walked out of the bar with displeased expressions.

  "No. 2!" Su Xin called out to the next person.

  No. 2 is quite normal. After two hours of selection, five LSPs (you can check it if you don't know what it means), uh, five judges screened each other, and finally only five women were left.

  The five judges sat together to discuss, Lu Ziqiao suggested, "Why don't we talk to them and decide tomorrow morning?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian agreed with Lu Ziqiao's words very much: "I agree!"

  Su Xin glanced at the other four, Guan Gu was no longer depressed anymore, and Lu Zhanbo's eyes also glanced at the players from time to time, as if he was enlightened.

  Su Xin suggested: "This audition is money from Zhanbo, let him pick one first! Remember, we are professional judges, we can only interview, not unspoken rules."

  Lu Ziqiao smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, I understand!"

  After the five people discussed it, Lu Zhanbo looked at No. 3: "Wait a minute and pretend to have a date with me for dinner. I want to see your on-the-spot reaction ability! You can't just say a few words to reveal the secret!"

  Lu Zhanbo walked out with No. 3, and the two went on a mock date. Except for Su Xin, the others all found a candidate for audition.

  There was only one No. [-] left standing there and looking at Su Xin, Su Xin looked at the last person who was not chosen: "You are eliminated!"

  No. [-] looked at Su Xin with a bewildered expression: "You haven't tested it yet! I'm a professional actor."

  Su Xin waved his hand impatiently: "Don't you count B yourself? Everyone else has been selected, but you are not selected. How dare you say the test? Hurry up and go!"

  Hearing Su Xin's words on the [-]th, he was stunned for a moment, then chopped off his feet angrily, and walked out angrily.

  Hu Yifei walked up to Su Xin suspiciously and asked, "Why do I feel that you are holding this audition for fun and girls?"

  "I'm not! I don't get anything except wasting my time here!" Su Xin finished and took the phone that Lin Wanyu handed over.

  Hu Yifei pouted and pointed to the person standing at the door who was promoting the DouShou APP: "You advertised!"

  Su Xin looked at Wang Kuo and the two: "You are lucky today, clean up and get off work!"


  When Wang Kuo heard the boss's words, they neatly packed up the billboard.

  Su Xin turned to look at Lin Wanyu and Hu Yifei: "Do you want to participate in the audition? The prizes are very generous, and the reward has already accumulated to [-] soft sister coins!"

  "Fuck off!" Hu Yifei gave Su Xin a white look: "I'd better go and see Zhanbo's simulated dating! By the way, help him to see if there are any loopholes!"

  After Hu Yifei finished speaking, she took Chen Meijia away, leaving only Su Xin, Lin Wanyu, and some bar waiters.

  Su Xin walked to Lin Wanyu's side and put one hand on Lin Wanyu's shoulder: "Little girl, I, a professional judge, want to see your acting skills."

  Lin Wanyu's face became very red, she looked around quickly and saw everyone who didn't have an apartment, so she patted Su Xin: "Don't make trouble, let others see it badly!"

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