"It's really greedy! Back then, we were forced to live and we were extremely short of money and only asked for a hundred. Are young people now so immoral?"

  Jie Liuzi looked at Su Xin with contempt.

  "You're not even older than me! How dare you say that I'm a young man? Let me tell you, my shoes are hundreds of thousands. If you two are young and have no money, I would have at least [-]!"

  Zhuge Dali couldn't stand it anymore, he walked to Su Xin and started to explain the shoes for going to the street.

  "If I'm not mistaken, your shoes are produced by Luoling, or a product on the production line. Judging from the material, they should be the cheapest, and you can buy them at roadside stalls!"

  Jie Liuzi's face changed, what's the origin of this woman?Can you guess this?

  "Where is the little girl movie, what do you know, I'm an authentic imported shoe!"

  Zhuge Dali wanted to say something, but Su Xin pulled her to his side.

  "For this kind of professional porcelain touch, you have to find a professional to help!"


  Zhuge Dali looked at Su Xin suspiciously.

  Su Xin nodded, took out his mobile phone, and pretended to make a call.

  "Professionals are uncles of the police! Back then, we were educated to correct our evils!"


  When Jie Liuzi saw that Su Xin was going to call the police, he panicked immediately and looked around as if he was looking for something.

  Su Xin made a phone call, and Jie Liuzi immediately said when he saw that things went beyond his plan.

  "You hang up first! Let's talk!"

  Su Xin shook his head with a smile on his face.

  "I have nothing to chat with you, let's talk to a professional!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, the phone was connected, and Xiao Qing's voice came from the phone.

  "What's matter?"

  "Captain Xiao! I..."

  Before Su Xin finished speaking, Jie Liuzi ran wildly and ran out, and at that speed, he was stunned by the people who were eating melons around him.

  Xiao Qing's displeased voice came from the phone.

  "How many times have I said it! Call me my wife!"

  Su Xin saw that Jie Liuzi ran away, so he didn't talk about business.

  "I just wanted to ask if you're here yet!"

  Xiao Qing looked at the time with a black line.

  "It's been more than an hour, and I should be here even if I'm walking. You're calling for this boring question, right?"

  "Well! I'm just asking, since you're here, work hard and I'll see you later!"

  After Su Xin finished speaking, he hung up the phone and took Zhuge Dali to the rest area.

  On the other side, Jie Liuzi was afraid of being caught, so he ran outside quickly and bumped into a thin young man as soon as he left the theater.

  Jie Liuzi was about to start scolding, but he swallowed the words again when he saw the young man's appearance.

  "Zhao Shao! Why are you only here now!"

  Zhao Shao looked at Jie Liuzi suspiciously.

  "Am I late? I came as planned! In order to play this heroic rescue of beauty, I specially hired a professional actor and learned the famous Tang's acting method!"

  Jie Liuzi said with a bit of bitterness and hatred.

  "Young Master Zhao! You're too late! The two of them didn't talk about martial arts, but they actually called the police! I had no choice but to retreat strategically!"


  Zhao Shao looked at Jie Liuzi suspiciously.

  "Apart from Dali, who else? Men or women?"

  "And her boyfriend. I had already moved the emotions of the people around me, but as soon as the man called, I had to run away!"

  Jie Liuzi didn't notice Zhao Shao's gloomy face and continued talking.

  Zhao Shao's face became more and more gloomy, and finally he shouted directly.

  "Waste! If you don't have enough success, if you fail, get out of here!"

  Jie Liuzi saw Zhao Shao looking like he was about to hit someone, hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously.

  "Zhao Shao! My luck and hardship?"

  Zhao Shao's eyes widened, and he roared angrily...  

  "Go away! Things are messed up, but you're embarrassed to ask for money?"

  Jie Liuzi immediately ran into the distance and ran away without looking back.

  Zhao Shao looked outside and shouted.


  A short, fat man came running with a bunch of flowers in his hand, with a mean smile on his face.

  "Young Master Zhao! What are your orders?"

  Zhao Shao directly grabbed the collar of Xiao et al's clothes with both hands and roared.

  "Dali has a boyfriend, why didn't I know?"

  Xiao et al looked at the angry Zhao Shao with a bewildered expression.

  "She has a boyfriend? Impossible! I asked a lot of people, even her best friend. She really doesn't have a boyfriend!"

  Zhao Shao shouted with red eyes.

  "I gave you [-] soft sister coins, and you inquired about a fake news?"

  Xiaowai looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say, but in Zhao Haitang's murderous eyes, Xiaowai's potential burst out, and his brain worked extremely fast.

  "Master Zhao! Are you sure she has a boyfriend? Could it be a misunderstanding? If she really has a boyfriend, how could her best friend not know?"

  Zhao Haitang was stunned when she heard Xiao Wait's words, and let go of Xiao Wait.

  "That's right! It might be the misunderstanding of the street guy! I must see it with my own eyes!"

  After Zhao Shao finished speaking, he took the flower in Xiao et al's hand.

  "Go back to school first! I'm going to see for myself. Not to mention she doesn't have a boyfriend, but she does. Even if she gets married, I won't give up!"


  Xiao et al looked at Zhao Shao in shock and asked with an incredible look. ⊙▽⊙

  "Zhao Shao! What's the difference between you and Cao thief???"

  Zhao Shao glared at Xiaowai, and a gentle smile flashed on his face.

  "You know a hammer! Since seeing her at the gym, she's been like a spring breeze blowing into my heart."

  Zhao Shao felt wrong when he was talking, and glared at Xiaowai.

  "What's your business? Don't inquire about things you shouldn't inquire about."

  "I didn't hear anything, I didn't know anything! Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here?"

  Xiao et al nodded quickly, then looked around with a confused look, and then walked into the distance.

  Zhao Shao nodded with satisfaction.

  "Although he is greedy for money, he is still very discerning!"

  Zhao Shao sighed with emotion, then sorted out his clothes, tucked his hair with his hands, and walked into the cinema with flowers! .

Chapter 343

  In the cinema, in the rest area, Zhuge vigorously held Su Xin's arm, resting his head on Su Xin's shoulder, and the two chatted.

  Zhuge Dali watched the couples walk into the theater with movie tickets, recalled his past experiences, and spoke softly.

  "Su Xin! Do you know? I used to follow you secretly. When I saw you eating with other people and watching movies together, I was so envious, so envious of them!"

  When Su Xin heard Zhuge Dali's words, a hint of surprise flashed on his face.

  "You're still following me secretly? Why didn't I find out?"

  Zhuge Dali thought about what he was thinking, and replied with a wide-eyed smile.

  "We've met many times, but you just didn't recognize me."

  Su Xin turned to look at Zhuge Dali and asked curiously.

  "When did you start paying attention to me?"

  Zhuge vigorously stopped Su Xin, and a sweet smile flashed on his face.

  "It was a long, long time ago! I was still young at that time, so I couldn't hurt you, otherwise I would have..."

  Su Xin: ⊙﹏⊙

28 Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali with a little rejoicing.

  "It's fortunate that you were merciful, otherwise I would definitely be in prison!"

  Zhuge nodded vigorously with a serious look on his face.

  "Indeed! In fact, I had a chance to be with you two months before our relationship was confirmed, but I couldn't hurt you. At that time, I was still,,, small."

  Su Xin was very fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, nothing happened at that time, otherwise it would be abolished.

  "Dali! In fact, I'm not that noble, you don't have to put yourself in a very low position! We are all equal!"

  Zhuge shook his head vigorously and said with a firm look.

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