"Su Xin! I'm sorry, it's all because of my selfishness, but don't worry, I'll go back to see you after I finish studying!".

Chapter 341

  "it is good!"

  Su Xin didn't care so much about whether Lin Wanyu returned to China, so he just replied lightly.

  Su Xin didn't care whether Lin Wanyu came back because he didn't like Lin Wanyu, but Su Xin knew Lin Wanyu, and even if she returned to China, she would not stay long before going to other places.

  Lin Wanyu was a little surprised when she heard Su Xin's words. ⊙﹏⊙

  "Your expression is wrong! When we chatted before, you always reprimanded me for going abroad. Why don't you care this time?"


  Su Xin made up a random reason and prevaricates for a while.

  "Maybe I'm mature, look at it!"

  Lin Wanyu looked at the screen suspiciously, and tapped her chin with her right index finger.

  "I feel something is wrong, but I can't say what's wrong!"

  Su Xin looked at the screen and teased, then changed the subject.

  "You're always thinking! Let's talk about other things! Have you talked to Yifei?"

  Lin Wanyu immediately became wide-eyed and nodded slightly excitedly.

  "We've talked a few times, but I didn't expect that I'm about to become a aunt at such a young age! Don't forget to send me photos after the baby is born!"

  Talking about Hu Yifei and the baby, Su Xin's eyes flashed with tenderness.

  "Okay! I'll send it to you then!"

  The two chatted for a while, and while they were chatting, the phone suddenly switched the screen, and a caller ID appeared.

  "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Su Xin saw that it was Zhuge Dali on the phone, and immediately turned his head to look outside. Zhuge Dali was wearing a light blue skirt, standing pretty in front of the cinema with the phone.

  Su Xin hung up the phone and looked at Lin Wanyu who was on the phone.

  "Wanyu! I have something to do, let's talk another day!"


  Lin Wanyu was a little depressed and angrily complained about Su Xin.

  "Normally you don't contact me, but now it's hard to contact me, and you'll hang up after just a few words."

  "I really have something to do, so let's talk in two days!"

  "Okay! You remember to contact me, and don't forget to miss me, take care of yourself!"

  Lin Wanyu didn't make trouble unreasonably, and after a few words, she hung up the call!

  Su Xin saw Lin Wanyu hang up the call, stood up, and walked out of the cafe after paying the money.

  Zhuge Dali, who was standing in front of the cinema, did not see Su Xin. Instead, he kept looking towards the road, as if he was waiting for something.

  Su Xin walked behind Zhuge Dali and asked like a prank.

  "Beautiful girl! The weather is so sunny today! Do you want to go to the movies with your brother and discuss life?"


  Zhuge Dali heard Su Xin's voice behind him, and shouted in fright.

  Zhuge Dali turned back to see Su Xin looking at him with a mocking expression, his face flushed, and he replied softly.

  "Okay! But after watching the movie, you have to take care of me for the rest of your life!"

  Su Xin saw that the people around him were staring at him in amazement, and stretched out his arms proudly.

  Zhuge Dali took Su Xin's arm knowingly, and the two walked to the cinema.

  Standing not far from the two, a man with a leather bag looked like a street boy.

  "I think back then, my brother also picked girls like this, what's the fuss about!"

  After speaking, he looked around the crowd with contempt, and then went to the cinema, and took out a scorpion, pretending to smoke, but was stopped.

  On the other side, Su Xin took Zhuge Dali to the ticket office.

  "Dali! What movie do you want to see?"

  Zhuge Dali looked around and found that there were no good movies, but Zhuge Dali saw the movie an hour later, his eyes lit up, and he pulled Su Xin to the ticket office excitedly.

  When Su Xin saw that Zhuge Dali was actually pulling him to run, he was instantly filled with a question mark.

  "Dali! What good movie have you seen? In such a hurry?"

  Zhuge vigorously pulled Su Xin to line up and said excitedly.

  "I just saw a documentary, which is a remake of my idol Mr. Planck's life experience, including the laboratory video he used!"

  Su Xin looked at Zhuge Dali with a question mark.

  "Planke? Didn't you say I was your idol? What the hell is this Planke?"

  Zhuge Dali explained the life of his idol in high spirits.

  "Mr. Planck is a great physicist, his life can be summed up in two words, that is legend, he..."

  Zhuge Dali chattered endlessly, Su Xin listened in a daze, he felt that he understood every word, but he couldn't understand it together.

  It was not until the two of them bought tickets that Zhuge Dali stopped explaining and quickly bought two tickets.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Su Xin asked suspiciously when he saw that the movie was an hour later.

  "What are we going to do now? How about picking another movie first?"

  Zhuge Dali was stunned for a moment, then looked embarrassed.

  "I'm so excited, I forgot to ask you, do you want to watch this movie?"

  Su Xin reluctantly gave Zhuge Dali a head-to-head kill.

  "Since you've already bought your tickets! It doesn't matter if you take a look!"

  Zhuge Dali knew that Su Xin didn't like these boring movies, so he asked.

  "I heard that there is a new suspense movie recently, why don't we watch it first?"

  Su Xin said with little interest: "Forget it! I watched it yesterday, and that movie just refreshed the three views."

  Zhuge Dali glanced around and pointed to the waiting place.

........ 0

  "Let's go sit there first and chat!"

  Seeing that it was still a long time, Su Xin didn't object. He walked towards the resting place and stopped just after taking a step.

  Su Xin looked at the foot he was stepping on, and at the person standing beside him, who looked like a street boy.

  "Excuse me!"

  Su Xin raised his foot and apologized, a glimmer of pride flashed on Jie Liuzi's face. He just put his foot in front of him on purpose just to find fault.

  Jie Liuzi looked at Su Xin with a gloomy expression.

  "My pair of leather shoes are custom-made from abroad, and they are hand-made by a famous manufacturer. There is only such a pair in the whole country. How can you pay for it!"

  A trace of surprise flashed across Su Xin's face, and he mocked with a slight smile.

  "Brother, you are too unprofessional to touch porcelain! This is too smeared for our porcelain touch industry!"

  Jie Liuzi's face darkened, and he immediately started shouting.

  "Everyone, take a look, this person actually said that I touched porcelain, do you think I think?"

  Jie Liuzi pulled out three gold chains, opened his bag by the way, and put a few stacks of soft sister coins in it.

  "Everyone commented, how would a rich person like me touch you? This gold chain of mine is enough for your annual salary!"

  The people around started to talk a lot, pointing at the three of them.

  "At first glance, this young man is not someone who is short of money, how could he touch porcelain!"

  "That's right! How can anyone touch porcelain with so much cash!"

  "I think it should be the couple who deliberately stepped on this guy, wanting to take the opportunity to make a fortune!"

Chapter 342

  When Jie Liuzi heard the words of the people around him, he became even more proud. He looked at Su Xin and Zhuge Dali confidently, and was secretly proud of himself.

  Su Xin and Zhuge Dali both looked at Jie Liuzi with normal expressions. Zhuge Dali was just about to come forward to speak, but Su Xin directly pulled Zhuge Dali.

  Su Xin looked at Jie Liuzi and said with a smile.

  "Brother! Your method of touching porcelain is too backward. I stopped using it three years ago!"

  Jie Liuzi's face sank, and he said immediately.

  "Less sets are almost! You don't want to be rich, just pay me for the wear and tear of my shoes!"

  Su Xin saw the appearance of this street boy, and couldn't help but think of the time when he followed Lu Ziqiao around the world. At that time, he and Lu Ziqiao had no money to eat, so he also used this trick.

  "It's really difficult youth! How much money do you want?"

  When Jie Liuzi saw Su Xin asking how much money, he subconsciously thought that Su Xin was convinced, and even more proud, he stretched out five fingers and shook it.

  "Five thousand! Not even a single point!"

  Su Xin's face sank when he heard Jie Liuzi's words.

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